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Beauty = respect ???

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I kinda used to be like that. I would never put down people or anything like that it was just me judging them before I really met them. Then I met someone who now is one of my best friends. I saw he wasn't like that and I became like that just from hangin out with him so much. I'm a lot happier now, I've met tons of cool, interesting, diverse people that I don't think I would have otherwise. I just know by not judging others soley from the outside, I am happier. When I see other people judging I don't judge them for it, I just realize they would probably be happier if they didn't, therefore they are losing out. So I'd rather be happier with myself than have all the riches, girls, cars, etc. Also, when you give respect you get it in return.

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Ignorance leads to prejudice... prejudice leads to the dark force. Capiche?

I'm not sayin it doesn't bother me that people can be so ignorant, but as I see it if someone is stupid enough to think that money and beauty are all that matter, then I'm not so scared about the strength of their "dark force" b/c it's not fueled by anything with real power...it's just a hollow shell that crumbles very easily.......and not for nuthin, but there are a whole lot more ugly people in the world then beautiful ones...so if they ever need to, they can just unite to over-throw the evil empire disguised as Victoria's Secret and Baywatch.... "Power to the ugly people!!"


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

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Back2basics- We ALL judge people by appearance. It’s the first thing we notice about a person. With the possible exception of online chats.

People ARE deeper than their appearance as well, but honestly how many times do we really make that extra effort to get to know a person. Were all guilty of that.

I brought up the “car” analogy because lately that seems to be happening to me a lot.

As for being respected without the “glitter” yes it can and does happen, but lets face it, it takes getting to know someone first. I.e.: we all meet at a dinner meet up, If we notice “person A” dressed in sweats and a ripped shirt vs. “person B” in a three piece suit.

Honestly, based upon appearance (the first thing we notice), who would you say is likely “better off”?

Ezdreamer: What you wrote leads me to believe you are unhappy where you are in life now at whatever age you are. Just because I can accept something that I feel I cannot change does NOT mean I am for it.

“B girl”. It’s a choice of words that I found simple and moved a point. Can you just debate the issue? And not just the language used as well?

Dolemimi: “PREDUJICE exists for the ugly, poor, uncool and the unglamorous”

I completely understand what this means. I don’t approve of it, but I accept it.

Its how we all look at things.

Perception is each ones truth.


aim: djmikedr


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

What you wrote leads me to believe you are unhappy where you are in life now at whatever age you are. Just because I can accept something that I feel I cannot change does NOT mean I am for it.

So based on the little I have written on this thread you believe I am now unhappy. Cause I'm not swallowing your bullshit? Do you even understand what you wrote? Please don't embarrass yourself further.

“B girlâ€. It’s a choice of words that I found simple and moved a point. Can you just debate the issue? And not just the language used as well?

Funny, I was under the impression that you needed the language skills in order to debate any point. You want me to draw a map for you next time? Communication skills, especially on a board such as this, requires reading and writing abilities... how can I debate someone that wants to debate the issue without the language?

Want me to go mooga, mooga, duh, doodle doo? Want me to argue this in another language maybe?

Forget it, you win... cwm25.gif


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

SpoonyD: Listen little boy, you want to analyze shit, start learning to read and think.

We live in a materialistic society that judges you by the materialistic possessions you have.

Grade A/B: I tend to notice that model-looking girls don’t seem to have much of a personality, why? Because males might be more attracted more by looks, therefore an incredibly hot girl doesn’t need much personality to get all the attention whereas a “grade B” girl learns how to have a very outgoing personality to get the attention she desires.

We all do this. We compensate in other ways to get what we want.

Just because I accept this doesn’t mean I believe in it or do it.

You seem to have a problem of assigning blame to others for everything, Grow up, you’re a little child. You have a problem with me and it makes me really laugh.

And who the fuck was bragging about their car? Not me. That’s your insecurity coming out. Again, grow up.

Dolcemimi: you seem to be following him, I don’t know you, but seriously re read what he’s saying. Back2basics as well.

I have NEVER in my life viewed anyone or anything as a trophy. All I said was people treat me and others that way. This seems to be how the world works.

Micky..... read what you wrote. I just looked at that shit. The stuff you're saying in your second post does not come across in the first at all.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

Like I said... I really do think it's that little bit of highschool geek left in me. The years of being an outcast in lower school. Being teased, made fun of, beat up. I've got a lot of resentment for people that had certain parts of their lives made particularly easy simply because of their social status, money, or good looks. I shouldn't resent them but I do.

I take some solace knowing that I've gotten where I am through hard work and I've already pretty much left behind all of the people I used to hate. But all those years has burned that class distinction into my brain and I can't escape the resentment.

I'll say one thing though, I am willing to give credit where it is due. There are beautiful people living gifted lives who really do deserve it. They're beautiful, smart, intelligent, kind, successful, and all the power to them. My problem really is the people who see this and think they can be that way too if they just surround themselves with shiny things... without ever realising that there's way more to it.

Apotheosis is strikingly naive to say something like "an incredibly hot girl doesn’t need much personality to get all the attention ". Like somehow all girls need to fulfill their lives is the attention of men. That's pathetic, and reflects the kind of attitude I despise.

Life is not about the acquisition of shiny things.

Vanity will never overpower love, trust, hope, and more then anything else, natural beauty.

cwm1.gif Also, I hear what ur sayin in ur post, but forgiveness can be very enlightening...I'm sayin, rather then "hate" people that were mean to you, realize that it's their own unhappiness that would cause them to be mean and shallow...in this way it's easier to forgive them, and realize that you are fortunate for being the wiser. cwm38.gif .....and if that doesn't work, then just dance your fargin ass off the next time you're at a club, and maybe that'll help ya feel a little better. cwm20.gif


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

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Apothesis, i don't judge people on site. The reason, how many time i have been wrong about somebody in the past.. dont tell me you haven't met somebody and they have turned out to be completely different to what you first thought? I would like to bet everybody on this board has.

So even if you miss judge one person it's worth not pre-judging others.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

Another thing ...You say you're respected if you have material possesions... NOT TRUE.

Ex) Once upon a time there was a crack dealer who drove a BMW and had new clothes and had thick pile of $$$ -does that mean he's respectable ?

NOT . He's still a low life street dealer.

There's different types of $$$.

just wanted to comment and clarify on this. there are various means that people in society can take in order to achieve the "american dream"-- these days, this equates to money, power, success, and fame. you can take the legitimate path (college, hard work, climb corporate ladder), or you can use illegitimate means to obtain the end goal of money (ie drug dealing).

i don't think that there is "different types of money"-- cash is cash. your description of m1, m2, m3 are various forms of money, but money is still money. money is anonymous.

so if a drug dealer is able to buy a BMW and flaunt his money, he still has money. at the end, in our society, he gains "respect" (in his eyes, since society doesn't have to know how he got the money).

i don't agree with this, just throwing it out there. our society values money too much, and along with that, comes the need to be powerful, successful, etc. we're capitalists, aren't we? cwm25.gif

some people think that treating a woman like a trophy is a part of that image. i've been in a relationship where i was a trophy, and i had never been so miserable. but a big lesson was learned; i speak my mind when i want to. fuck what other people think. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*


[This message has been edited by kitty19 (edited 01-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by kitty19:

whats up,

i saw your name on the board, are you korean? just curious, b/c i am korean too. well, welcome to the board! do you come clubbing in NyC alot?

talk to you soon!


I'm sorry, but I can't help but wonder what the fuck her being Korean has to do with anything? Why the curiosity? Would you treat her any differently based on what nationality she is? Say she is. Would you befriend her more readily than if she was not? Geez.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Don't assume that those drug dealers drivin around in iced out lexus'es & beemer's are rich. They probably live in an roach infested shit hole. Don't ever judge someone's wealth by what they drive. It's what's in the bank that counts.

Some of u said looks aren't important..thats the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. Looks aren't everything but let me tell u they definately help.

Our society & the Media is obsessed w/appearances & completely image driven. I don't think beauty necessarily = respect...from my own experiences I can conclude that being attractive has certain advantages. cwm38.gif

[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]

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No. I'm Italian.

you respect a drug dealer ?

What ghetto are you from ?

There's a reason why people who make $$$ illegitimate ways go to prison. It's your mentality - "Money is Money" - that stirs up violence and crime. So if some kid goes and robs someone - I guess his behavior is commendable and respectable ...right ? Because money is money

Selling drugs, organized crime = ILLEAGLE! NOT RESPECTABLE !

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Originally posted by kitty19:


i thought that i might know her! jeez!

Then I'm hurt you never asked me if I was Korean, that you might know me. Guess I don't have that 'Korean' aura.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Oh god no Charlie, this is from the moment I met you.

Oh really...so you already know a person when you first meet them?

I think we all would like to know what you think all of us...god knows what we all think about of you...



got to let it ride, baby...



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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Oh really...so you already know a person when you first meet them?

I think we all would like to know what you think all of us...god knows what we all think about of you...

No, but if you're perceptive you can get a sense if they are really happy deep down inside, or just puttin on a front. I don't know either of them- IMO just think you mistook what he meant.


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

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i knew you were korean! sillie. you get mad props from me, crazy! wink.gif

and dolcemimi,

reread my post. i said i don't agree with the way society regards money as power and success. i don't respect people that do shady shit in order to achieve the american dream. that was the point of my post, just to point out what society regards as being powerful. ok?

besides, to be devil's advocate, what does it matter if i respect drug dealers or not? fuck, if it wasn't for them, my ass would not have drugs right? hehe.

dolce, chill out-- i agree with your original post. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*


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Originally posted by jewel44317:

No, but if you're perceptive you can get a sense if they are really happy deep down inside, or just puttin on a front. I don't know either of them- IMO just think you mistook what he meant.

No...i didn't mistake what he meant...he doesn't know jack shit...do not defend a person who you don't know...you'll only make an ass of yourself...



got to let it ride, baby...



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I can't believe you all. This whole board always pretends to be so open and understanding....and then it get's in this mad mud-fight for more than a day now. Christ just chill everyone!!!! None of us can really say that he/she doesn't judge people from what they appear. I mean, sure I usually TRY to give everyone a chance and TRY to be open for anything and everyone...can I honestly say, I always succeed??!! No, unfortunately not, although I really try but please don't tell me you'r all soooooo good...So can we stop this whole thing now...it's getting to the stage where it reminds me pretty much of 'Kindergarten'.

Just remember.....PLURR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Originally posted by flying_high:

I can't believe you all. This whole board always pretends to be so open and understanding....and then it get's in this mad mud-fight for more than a day now. Christ just chill everyone!!!! None of us can really say that he/she doesn't judge people from what they appear. I mean, sure I usually TRY to give everyone a chance and TRY to be open for anything and everyone...can I honestly say, I always succeed??!! No, unfortunately not, although I really try but please don't tell me you'r all soooooo good...So can we stop this whole thing now...it's getting to the stage where it reminds me pretty much of 'Kindergarten'.

Just remember.....PLURR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT?!?! Explain your point in less than 25 words please.

BTW, Kitty, I'm not Korean. Just strange, your question to Dolcemeni regarding her race.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Right, and the first time I met you I didn't really wanna prejudge you... I said to myself nah, this guy can't be this fucking fake... let me give him a chance.

You turned out to be one of the fakest peeps I know on this board.

From the start you were full of shit... thinking you knew everything about anything... even simple shit... you said... you had rolling down to a science when we first met? You didn't even know how to use the fucking Vicks... I had to show that to you.

So I'm unhappy huh? Yes, around peeps I don't much care for I give a "I don't give a fuck look and get the fuck outta my face attitude!" Apparently I have been justified by what you have said thus far on this post and others.

DO NOT continue to reply or go down this road with me... I'll burn your ass with more examples than Ill House You ever gave on this board showing your true character. And I'm not talking out of my ass on this... facts and witnesses to back up what I say are there.

And before anyone thinks I attacked you first... I argued your post... nothing else... not your character... YOU made the first move on my character. You want unhappy from me? I can show you how unhappy I can be with someone...

You do not know me cause I never gave you the chance... but I have a pretty good fucking idea what kinda guy you are based on what I have seen thus far and based on other peeps accounts.

Still wanna dance? I'm game...

OUCH!!!!! Dude, you guys really laid it on him hard LOL. Did you guys get permission from I'llHouseYou before doing so?



This weeks gigs:

Friday - Julie Steven's baby shower

Saturday - Sound Factory 5th Floor

PM for guestlist

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