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Beauty = respect ???

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Originally posted by bungee:

A put down is a put down, or is it OK for some people to do it, but others get bashed, LOL, you fucking crack me up. Practice what you preach hypocrate. The more you say, the more you back yourself into a corner.

If you don't know about what's really happening then don't start sticking you're fat face into it. When I responded to that post it was a series of events that have occurred that brought everybody to this present conclusion. But you wouldn't know that would you?

Hypocite? Where in that post did you see me state that I judged him at first impression. I with held my own personl impression of him to myself. And anyone can tell you that I was in every single meeting with him very civil. Once I decided that he was someone that I really couldn't be friends with (cause we're just too different) I STILL remained very civil toward him.

So, don't point your finger when you don't even know what's going on. Above all else, don't even pretend that you know who I am until you've really came out and met me in person. It's so easy to remain a coward and point fingers then to come out and reveal yourself.



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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Hey Blue, don't let this guy get to you. He ain't worth it.. he fails to see apothesis insulted you as a FIRST...as a woman. You know and anybody with any common sence knows your not a hypocrite... he just wanted to stir up shit.

Bungee, Apothesis put himself down.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Back to the original post. This is what I think, just my opinion. You don't have to agree. Lexxxi said in one of her posts that when she goes out she gets all dressed up...makes herself look the best she can and that can be shallow(at least thats how I understood it). Thats not shallow at all. When your out to meet people, especially people of the other sex, your looking for the total package. Your appearance is part of that package, it is the part of that package that is most easily shown towards others. When your in a club with a couple thousand people, ideally you would be able to get to experience the entire person, ie their personality as well as what they look like, and then decide who you would like a more lasting relationship. You can't do that. Unfortunatley their are people who only look to the outside and don't bother taking the extra step to get to know someone. They take the easy way. It takes a lot more effort to get to know someone and some people are just too lazy to do so, these are the people who will judge you based on appearance alone. These people might make it hard on others but they surround themselves with people that probably aren't right for them, therefore its their loss. So my final point is everyone wants whats best for themselves, appearance, personality, etc, people who only look at one aspect are missing out.

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Originally posted by bungee:

Heh, heh, is that Blueangel? Alpha, I was having curry chicken the other day and I though of you. Flattered?

Bungee, I reveled in corn-dogs all weekend at the state fair watching your mother in her Motocross t-shirt and jelly-flab tits slow-motion jiggle while tossing ping pong balls in goldfish bowls. Flattered?

you fucking inbred


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Hey Blue, don't let this guy get to you. He ain't worth it.. he fails to see apothesis insulted you as a FIRST...as a woman. You know and anybody with any common sence knows your not a hypocrite... he just wanted to stir up shit.

Bungee, Apothesis put himself down.

Thanks sweetie!

Hey any news on Cream's closing date? *keeping fingers cross*



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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LOL, 20 'brave' people against, what, 2, people? Now, now, who are the cowards. Oh, oh, I better get on mine knees to apologize before 20 people come afters me. LOL. Better quit while you still have some dignity left. Or shall I take the rest aways?

Oh, Shannah, I wish this was about the 'original' topic, but we all know by now it was NOT about the original topic. Sad. Ever heard of a Lynch mob where they gang up, then hang yas? You condone that type of activity Shannah? You seem like a nice girl so I'll leave it at that. But don't make me.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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True to an extent-

Guys usually have hot girls on Their arm because their hot, but they also gain respect from other guys because of the hot chick on their arm. However the same goes the reverse way for women. If they are seen with some guy most wouldnt be caught dead with they lose alot of respect from the women arround that see the 2 together... thats my view.

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wow kids. . . this has been the most entertaining twenty minute read in a long time. . . i've never enjoyed a bowl of oatmeal so much before. . .

and if you think i'd let this opportunity pass before i chimed in. . . well, then you don't know my buttin'-in ways. . .

i think it all comes down to how we each carry ourselves in general. . . how do we each deal with situations? yes, some people use beauty and material possessions to further themselves. . . some people use talent, some personality. . . and some people don't give a fuck and just drop out or do their own thing. . .

the problem comes when other people either pass judgments or make impressions based on their beliefs. . . which goes back to how they carry themselves. (one example: someone in a club wearing some sort of fabulous head-turning outfit may be seen as money by some, and materialistic and shallow to others based on their own coda)

all we truly have is what we believe and what we ourselves can live up to. . . .i've always operated on the basis of happiness. . . (am i happy? yes? great. no? what can i do to make me happy. . . whether it's getting dressed up and "feeling" beautiful physically, reading Pablo Naruda and "feeling" beautiful emotionally, or chiming into some overall debate and "feeling" beautiful intellectually. . . )

but "feeling" is subjective from person to person, which is also why this topic can and does get out of hand. . . which is why debating topics of world views can get so hairy. . . they involve what i "feel" as opposed to what others "feel". . . and let me tell you, you deny what i "feel" and i'm gonna come back tooth and nail. . .

wow, was this off-topic or what?? cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by alpha:

Bungee, I reveled in corn-dogs all weekend at the state fair watching your mother in her Motocross t-shirt and jelly-flab tits slow-motion jiggle while tossing ping pong balls in goldfish bowls. Flattered?

you fucking inbred





<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

I can tell you right now from having met her... Mitch, her fiance is a lucky guy... He got himself a Grade A girl with three Bs behind her... brains, beauty, and brawn...

Awwwww . . . thanks sweetie!! You the sweetest!! cwm38.gif



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I have pulled up in my Toyota Camery filled with four ravers and NEVER gotten shit from Sharon, who does the door

So this idealized world of mine is VERY REAL.

a. thats because you know someone. you just said it.

b. your delusional

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

well, if your main complaint is my bashing apotheosis for statements he made that weren't necessarily associated with his response to the topic, then I'm guilty. But I don't care.

He could have made his point without demeaning other people in the process

I don't think his point was lost, he just made a complete ass of himself trying to defend it.

You dont care? I see.

looking back at the beginning of this thread, YOU SPOONY were the first one to attack him.

I emailed apotheosis, all he said was he didnt even know you, tried to say hello to you once at Twilo and you brushed him off"

what do you have to say about that?

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

well, if your main complaint is my bashing apotheosis for statements he made that weren't necessarily associated with his response to the topic, then I'm guilty. But I don't care.

He could have made his point without demeaning other people in the process

I don't think his point was lost, he just made a complete ass of himself trying to defend it.

You dont care? I see.

looking back at the beginning of this thread, YOU SPOONY were the first one to attack him.

I emailed apotheosis, all he said was he didnt even know you, tried to say hello to you once at Twilo and you brushed him off"

what do you have to say about that?

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Originally posted by iggster:

a. thats because you know someone. you just said it.

b. your delusional

A. Cause you know someone's name doesn't mean you know them... I know your online name is iggster... do I know you? No... do I give a shit? No.

B. You're an ass...


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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Originally posted by jasonct5:

Back to the original post. This is what I think, just my opinion. You don't have to agree. Lexxxi said in one of her posts that when she goes out she gets all dressed up...makes herself look the best she can and that can be shallow(at least thats how I understood it). Thats not shallow at all. When your out to meet people, especially people of the other sex, your looking for the total package. Your appearance is part of that package, it is the part of that package that is most easily shown towards others. When your in a club with a couple thousand people, ideally you would be able to get to experience the entire person, ie their personality as well as what they look like, and then decide who you would like a more lasting relationship. You can't do that. Unfortunatley their are people who only look to the outside and don't bother taking the extra step to get to know someone. They take the easy way. It takes a lot more effort to get to know someone and some people are just too lazy to do so, these are the people who will judge you based on appearance alone. These people might make it hard on others but they surround themselves with people that probably aren't right for them, therefore its their loss. So my final point is everyone wants whats best for themselves, appearance, personality, etc, people who only look at one aspect are missing out.

You are right.....I meant it is shallow...or at least that it can be perceived as shallow. I should have taken this thought one step further. If I didn't really care what other's thought of how I look, then I would put in less efforts every morning to look the best I can. It would be easier if I was able to roll out of bed, have my shower, put whatever on and go...thus not pre-occupying myself on hair, makeup and clothes. It's easier!!! BUTBUTBUT --- my vanity takes over and I want to look as good as I can because it makes me feel good, I like it when others glance in my direction and if people don't like what they see....really not my problem because I like what I see!!!

To be arrogant for a moment, people who look and don't like what they see on my outside (thus not giving me a real chance) are missing out. It does take effort to get to know someone for who they really are.....but that's the exciting part.

Another 0.02 cents from Lexxxi!!!


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Couldn't it just be 20 people who feel strongly about something, airing their views... and only 2 people being misguided (IMO) enough to come down with the opposite view... anybody could join in Bungee... if they thought our views were wrong.... as it happens YOU were the only one to... doesn't that tell you something? Are you a f5reind of Apothesis's?


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Originally posted by starbrite:

You dont care? I see.

looking back at the beginning of this thread, YOU SPOONY were the first one to attack him.

I emailed apotheosis, all he said was he didnt even know you, tried to say hello to you once at Twilo and you brushed him off"

what do you have to say about that?

Let me type this veeery slowly for you, as it seems you are considerably less bright than your name. If you very carefully read what you quoted me on, you will see the answer to your question.

Yes I attacked him for what he said, and I gave my reasons. I stand by these reasons. That is why I don't care about being guilty of doing it... because I felt justified in making those comments.

What do I say about what? Brushing him off? I don't recall. I remember meeting him. I remember meeting several hundred people at Twilo in the last 9 months. How many of them feel I brushed them off? Couldn't tell you. Next time you meet a complete stranger in a loud nightclub filled with 2000 mostly drugged up partiers do yourself a favour and make them your best friend for fear that otherwise they might feel you brushed them off.

give me a fucking break already.

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Originally posted by starbrite:

You dont care? I see.

looking back at the beginning of this thread, YOU SPOONY were the first one to attack him.

I emailed apotheosis, all he said was he didnt even know you, tried to say hello to you once at Twilo and you brushed him off"

what do you have to say about that?

you know, i'm getting sick of reading all of this he said/she said crap. . . any issue between anyone and apotheosis or anyone and spoonyd should be dealt between them. . . i know most, if not all the peeps involved, except for these newbies who seem to wanna get a piece of the in-fighting. . . if that's how you want your first few posts on this board to be, watch who you meet at Twilo, or any club. . . pre-conceived notions are a dangerous thing. . .


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

What you are seeing is one person being so ignorant (not just in this thread but consistantly over time), that he eventually pissed off enough people on an individual basis to make it seem like we're ganging up on him.

Just not the case. I think we've all had it and it's finally coming out.

*blueskygirl steps out from behind her drama-shield*





Just saying no to drama.


aolim blueskygirl2001

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Originally posted by bungee:

LOL, 20 'brave' people against, what, 2, people? Now, now, who are the cowards. Oh, oh, I better get on mine knees to apologize before 20 people come afters me. LOL. Better quit while you still have some dignity left. Or shall I take the rest aways?

Oh, Shannah, I wish this was about the 'original' topic, but we all know by now it was NOT about the original topic. Sad. Ever heard of a Lynch mob where they gang up, then hang yas? You condone that type of activity Shannah? You seem like a nice girl so I'll leave it at that. But don't make me.

You take my dignity away?? cwm27.gif Now THAT'S funny!!! LOL.

Come on tell the truth. I bet it really makes you feel powerful picking on a girl behind a computer, right? Just admit it.



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 01-11-2001).]

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