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Tell us your bad roommate stories...........

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I'm sure that's some doozies out there.....mine include

* the Norwegian exchange student who came home putridly drunk and found his quilt and pillows missing, thought I was the culprit, literally broke down the door to my room right of it's hinges(where I was explaining to my GF not to worry)

* the idiot who for 3 months straight would wake up an hour or two before me (like @ 7am) and play 'Cat's in the Cradle' by ugly kid joe loudly cwm8.gif

* the girl who worked in a massage parlour (rub and tug baby), boy did she have some dodgy friends.....then she brought her cats in and gave the house fleas

* the (gay) guy who worked part time and we therefore entrusted to pay the rent every month.....only to find out that he hadn't been paying the rent at all for 3 months, he subsequently left town, leaving a love letter to one of the other guys in the house, and in the process referring to me as "that thing that lives up the stairs"

Until I leave the country I've got the awkward thing happening......living with my ex, especially so given that when we were involved for 3 years we never made it to that stage



hapfac01.gif ...............the latest ETA 4 NYC? Tell me and we'll both know!(I love the INS!)-----------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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hmm..take your pick..

freshman year roommate would either play garth brooks..or the beauty and the beast soundtrack...now which is worse!!!!

got mono bad my senior year...doc gave me strong painkillers to take..but I couldn't cause they made me too nauseous..roommate told her BF he could go through my room to steal them...

or..roomate vanished into thin air 2 months after we moved in..left all of his stuff and abour 2000 worth of bills..nice eh?


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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what's the matter Andrew, getting yourself all worked up for a roomie from hell when you get here? hehehehe got plenty of roomie from hell stories, both mine and others' - but nothing i'm about to share here.



"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Hrmmm lets see.

Lived with my ex for a few months that is now forever known as demon spawn. <laughs>

Had one roomate who locked my cat in the bathroom for 4 days when she was cat sitting because...and I quote "she annoyed me." Needless to say I nearly killed the bitch.

Had another who had a borderline eating disorder but she would also constantly remind me that I'm getting a little "round around the edges." She'd also throw away anything that was in the fridge that did not have the words "fat free" on it. This included...fruit. And I am not kidding. Needless to say I nearly killed the bitch.

And had another that had obsessive compulsive disorder. She would yank out her hair and then leave it on my pillow if I pissed her off for any reason... oh such as leaving a single ciggerette butt in the ashtray. Needless to say, I nearly killed the bitch.

And now, I live happily alone with my kitty!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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My fucking roommate from freshman year left me with a phone bill of more than 500 dollars to pay on my own,and my working a part-time job at the time with no one to turn to for financial help completely sucked.She would also turn up Mary J. fucking Blige way up every morning and play the same goddam song every day...goddam.She also locked me out of the room every time she had a booty call,which was nearly every night and resulted in her being referred to as the campus slut.Hmmm..what else...used my shit,which I don't really care about but she COULD have put them back where she found them....

The roommate I have now is a nagging bitch,spoilt rotten and constantly complaining and gets really jealous everytime I go hang out with other people from school or people she doesn't like.Apparently she thinks that just because we're roommates we should be joined at the hip.Well,FUCK THAT.

God,I just want to live alone...no one but me...I would be so happy.But unfortunately,I'm too broke to do so,and unless I win the lottery,I'll be stuck with roommates for at least the next 5 years...yippee.

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LOL...damn, i thought i had horrible roommates

Originally posted by ooana:

Hrmmm lets see.

Lived with my ex for a few months that is now forever known as demon spawn. <laughs>

Had one roomate who locked my cat in the bathroom for 4 days when she was cat sitting because...and I quote "she annoyed me." Needless to say I nearly killed the bitch.

Had another who had a borderline eating disorder but she would also constantly remind me that I'm getting a little "round around the edges." She'd also throw away anything that was in the fridge that did not have the words "fat free" on it. This included...fruit. And I am not kidding. Needless to say I nearly killed the bitch.

And had another that had obsessive compulsive disorder. She would yank out her hair and then leave it on my pillow if I pissed her off for any reason... oh such as leaving a single ciggerette butt in the ashtray. Needless to say, I nearly killed the bitch.

And now, I live happily alone with my kitty!


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Well, here are some of mine:

Down in New Orleans were all my horrendous goings-on.

I had these two southern beeatch roommates who were disgustingly messy. a) they always left everything electric on in the house so the bills were skyhigh every month.

B) they left disgusting food trash everywhere.

c) they were gross smokers and the place was nasty because of it.

d) they stole my clothes all the time without asking and I had to look for them in their dirty rooms.

then, I put a lock on my door to prevent the thefts and I came back from vacation one time and they had BROKEN the lock and broke into my room to steal shit.

damn that was awful.

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Jilly & Keshiki--must be something about Tulane b/c I've had some pretty nasty experiences down here. Freshman year roommate was referred to as "Satan" (thanks Laura! wink.gif) for her evil & nasty ways...she always had gross men over & tripped acid while I was trying to sleep. Subsequent roommates have all stolen from me (including my car...fuckin' bitch). My current roommate & I have kicked 2 girls out of our house so far...no more bullshit!! tongue.gif



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My current roomate(i'm a freshman at penn state) is extremely religious, conservative, never ever goes out, and listens to christian music 24/7. It is the only thing she listens to. When i first met her she told me that she was not allowed to watch television, b/c her parents(and I quote) thought it was "The Devil". Also, she wanted the Backstreet Boy's cd for christmas(which actually would've been a welcome change to what she usually plays), and her mom told her she couldn't have it because it was "satan's music". The funniest has to be when i come back from a rave or sumthing at 10 am..she just gives me a strange look as i collapse in bed:-) oh well. can't wait till next year when i have a house with friends!

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Freshman yr at Syracuse I moved in and was all happy until my 400 pound creepy quiet tori amos obsessed (like, she had bedding with her pic on them and a TRILLION posters etc)roomate moved in with like 600 bags of food. I cried for two days then begged them to let me move rooms, finally moved out a month later and she goes "I hope it wasnt me" I felt SO bad i was like NO not at all...

2nd roomate: 6'3 OGRE - like just a HUGE frame, almost scary. She was nice but like sickeningly sweet and HATED ME and everything I Was about, going out late, drinking, guys whatever - I heard her EVERY NIGHT talking on the phone bad about me, saying "omg my clubby roomate is so wacked out , she goes out every night and wont stop talking and wears too much makeup" HAHAHA smile.gif I actually felt bad for her, but what do u expect, everyone gets like that freshman year ! I did both of us a favor and moved out lol

Room # 3 - A SINGLE lol thank god!


xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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or you can be like me an dmy roommies, the one i've lived with since freshman year, so of course no good deed goes unpunished, i'm in my senior year, and my other roommate who i've known since freshman year and i have not said one word to each other, other than your basic "phone's for you" or somethin about bills since the summer. nice eh, weird at first but now i don't give a fuck , lease is over in may, i'm gettin a place of my own for hte summer. that's the weirdest and all over some petty shit.



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I had a roomate who was a WITCH!

I swear to God, she was a witch.

I can't even get into it, but I promise you there was ghosts in our room that she conjured up!!!

We couldn't even have a mirror in our room after she was done with it, and I don't even believe in that crap.

She failed out about 2 months into Freshman year, so I had the room to myself the rest of the year (unless you consider the ghosts)

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

2nd roomate: 6'3 OGRE - like just a HUGE frame, almost scary. She was nice but like sickeningly sweet and HATED ME and everything I Was about, going out late, drinking, guys whatever - I heard her EVERY NIGHT talking on the phone bad about me, saying "omg my clubby roomate is so wacked out , she goes out every night and wont stop talking and wears too much makeup"

i heard something along those lines from my roommates (the two i like) last year. but they said it to my face, and it was more like, "omg my clubby roommate is so cracked out, if she's not out she's sleeping all day and she wears UFO's and candy"

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Let's see if I can get them all together: First couple of years weren't too bad cause I was never in.


1) The Italian girl who didn't know how to use a toilet flush (leave alone the brush) and who would leave her cigarette buts in every single mug there was in the house...mmhhh my coffee was always quite tasty.

2) The Scottish guy who was either on anti-depressiva or a multiple personality. Things would disappear from the house and open bottles would suddenly taste very strangely (a little bit of perfum please)...apart from that he could be quite nice too (if he took his medicine or the "good one" was on the roll)

3) The 18 year old...who didn't know that the bin had to be emptied out at some point (guess it was the maid that usually did it at her parent's house) or maybe she thought we would receive a check from her parent's looking and especially cleaning after her (well, I never received anything...maybe I should claim my money).

Apart from that there were 15 more but I can't remember each story...truth is though... I sometimes ask myself if I'm normal or I'm the one that is such a wack-job..... wink.gif



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Here goes mine:

I was living on my own since age 18.

Then quit my job and had difficulties paying rent so this girl that I knew talked me into moving into " a beutiful 3 bedroom basement "

Okay I pick up my things and move there, to find out that people are already living there and won't be moving out for another week, Plus dirty, and ugly apartment.

Okay, first guy leaves the next day and I take his room. 2nd room my friend takes after they move out after 2 weeks. I go for the weekend upstate and I come back to find that the rent isn't paid and the guy that's in the 3rd room that was in charge of the place moved out, taking almost everything without letting me know. Plus my so called friend broke into my room and took my expensive clothes and wore them, smelled them up, and unable to be worn again.

Then the bitch refuses to pay rent, eats all the food in an hour as soon as I finish shopping, Bitch brings her GRANDMOTHER to live with us for a month!!

Guy friend calls me up and tells me if he can move in. I say yes, cuz he has no where to go. We throw out Grandma and bitch.

Pretty soon my expensive bike, brand new cordless phone, CD's, and old tv dissapear. I ask guy roomate, WTF? He blames it on me. Pretty soon I find out that he's selling it for drugs and every other week the cops are after him. Lanlord locks us out and I stay by friend. Guy calls me up saying he's got a phat place, and promises everything is good. I give in and move into this phat place.

We split and get a 60" TV, antique couches, king size beds... the works.

Starts bringing in his friends, staying till 8am in the morining I wake up and find them all sleeping in the living room with the porno channel on and most of the guys hands in their pants. Smelling like shit and they ate all the food.

I come home one day, EVERYTHING is GONE! Except my bed and clothes! Motherfucker dissapears, and I couldn't pay $1200 alone!

I finally have my own place now thank god!



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my housemates thought it would be cute if we got a puppy. When they picked it up, it was house trained.

2 weeks later, it wasn't.

a week after that, it would only shit in the house. we'd walk it for 20 minutes, then she'd come in and drop one 2 minutes after she was back in.

3 weeks after that, they stopped cleaning up after it and would just drop newspaper on top of the terds.

the best thing is the landlord was trying to sell the house (our lease was about up) and when they'd show it, the place smelled like a toilet and was full of newspaper. Even with all that, the house sold for $600,000. it was a fat pad, 'cept for the dog shit.



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Ooana - you killed a lot of bitches in your lifetime huh? LOL..

Roommates are a fucking nightmare.. Every single person that I know who roomed with their friends ended up hating each other by the end of the year.

Freshman year at Syracuse - had a roommate who was very cool but she would constantly smoke in the room. I asked a 10000 times not to smoke, but she'd always smoke and then open the windows (when it's 5F outside!!!!!!!).. Switched rooms with another girl on the floor and that roommate was very cool so I had a good time.

Sophomore year - fucking nightmare. Was supposed to room with one of my closest friends, but her parents decided not to pay for her education anymore so she ended up transfering out at the last moment. I got some stupid bitch who'd constantly have ppl call in the middle of the night. I went off on her one day and she stopped..

Junior and senior year - LIVED ALONE in a 1bedroom apartment. It was actually the smartest move ever. A bunch of us decided that instead of renting a house all together, we'll rent apartments in the same building. We hung out all together all the time but we didn't have to deal with any of the roommate bullshit. SWEEEEET..

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

myst - you went to cuse too? me & twilogoddess went there, for 1 year only though smile.gif

lived in flint, lol what a mess smile.gif

Hehe.. Yeah, I went there all 4 years.. I hated the city but the school is good. Def nothing to do but BARS!!! I fucking hated that smile.gif It's def a mess though, especially freshman year coz everyone just goes nuts!

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Hmmm... Let's see...

Freshman year I gave my roomie the nickname "lump"... She was ALWAYS in bed -- whether asleep, playing N64, or pretending to sleep and just being lazy. She was obsessed with Spanish soap operas (like, the ones my grandma watches), she has a creepy obsessed boyfriend with an accent AND a speech impediment.. his name was "Ruben" (or as he said it, "Rurrur"). She happened to go to my same high school. so of course, she would always have friends over unannounced assuming it was OK because I already knew them... this is despite the fact that I really didn't want to deal with HS people... Also, she was ALWAYS trying to recruit me for the Latina sororities, always trying to get me to latin frat parties (there's nothing wrong with them, but they just weren't my scene...) She made me feel like I was dissing my culture or something! ugh...

Sophomore year I had a drunken roomie come home and *brace yourself* pee in a garbage can!!! Yes, you heard right, folks... she was too damn drunk to make it to the potty... yuck!! Another roomie was ALWAYS on the phone or on MY computer... One time I was realllly sick (like, going to the emergency room sick), and I needed to call mom to let her know I was going to the hospital. (This is back before I got my cell phone...) This girl could not bother to get off the computer or even offer me her celly for 2 minutes -- AND HER CELL # IS THE SAME AREA CODE AS HOME!!!! Un-be- freaking-leavable. That SAME roomie was ALWAYS trying to borrow my vinyl pants (which were waaaaaay too small for her)... well, she borrowed them one weekend that I was away, and wore through them so much that the next time I wore them, the knee tore open! Ugh! The clincher is that I saw her a few days ago and she ASKED IF SHE COULD BORROW THEM AGAIN!!!! So, so wrong.

My roomie this year is pretty darn normal... she's on my acapella group, and she and I get along. She has mood swings, but she never takes them out on me (thank god!).

Hopefully next year I'll have a single (might be an RA... lol -- me, and RA... )...

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

"I've been consumed by the quicksand of randomness..." -- Me


... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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i totally forgot about this but someone mentioned his name and now i don't know how i could ever forget......my old roomie (who moved into an apt. one floor above us) has been having an ongoing love affair since she was 17 with a certain HUGE, crack addicted, ex-GIANTS football player (who i shall not name but you guys can figure it out who it is).....so back when he was in rehab, somewhere near morristown, he used to sneak out and come over to our apt. this may not seem like such a big deal but let me just tell you it's kinda scary when you're little me and you're half asleep wandering across the hall to the b.room and you bump SMACK into the stomach of this monster. guys love the stories i have about this character and my roomie,,,they always want me to get his autograph.........i'm afraid of him!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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