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Please don't bump me to the SEX board...But I have a sexuality question???

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

some interesting things to ponder:

Society accepts gay women over men.

In the animal kingdom there IS some homosexuality.

and as for beautious' family: perhaps the behaviour of your sisters has led to the initial acceptance of their choices and then having that acceptance it led you to be curious without reprecusions, thus ultimatley experimenting.

Sure, society accepts gay women more so then men if the gay woman is a Scandinavian goddess and men can sit back and fantasize about the joys of lesbian sex. I'm sorry, Mike, but You're wrong here.

I grew up as a child in a gay community and I'll tell you that its just as hard if not harder for Lesbians to find acceptance or at the very least, respect and kindness at their lifestyle.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

i don't know about heredity, or environment, or what. i know that if i had a choice, i wouldn't choose this. so no, it's not a choice, but i don't know what it IS per se.

Yeah! Damn, if he *could* make a choice we'd be gettin' married! <whines> NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by exodust:

People just want to be cool and hip and different, well to those people who think they are bi and want to try some shit, hear me this: How would you feel if you thought you didn't belong in your skin? or that the thought of the opposite sex intimately would make you puke? If these are questions you haven't pondered at one time or another than yes you too are an imposter....a subject of society.

Sorry to make this so personal, but for certain reasons it is!!!

Well, how about this: do you know who Kim Smith is? If there was any straight blood in my body, it should all go rushing to my penis at her image, right? Nothing. Any other women? Nothing. Have I been with women? yes. Was there any pleasure for me? No. The equipment functioned when an absolute need arose, but I am never going back to that. The thought of ever subjecting myself to it again does, indeed, repulse me. Call me closed-minded if you want, but don't call me an impostor. I went through too many years being an impostor str8 boy, uncomfortable in my own skin...no longer.



"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

The equipment functioned when an absolute need arose, but I am never going back to that. The thought of ever subjecting myself to it again does, indeed, repulse me.

My question is HOW? HOW? HOW?

You see, being a straight man myself and figure that if the need arose for the same sex (gun to my head)... I couldn't do it... the thang just would go into hiding and never come out, ever...

So what kinda torture dija go through? My God, you're ten times the man I am...


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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I'm interested in hearing your educated opinions on homosexuality, bisexuality, hetero...etc...

Are we born one way or another??? Is Homosexuality genetic?

I pose this exapmle for you guys:

My oldest sister is a lesbian. I've always fantasized about other women, and I have finally experienced sex with another woman. I recently found out that my other older sister is bi too. So all three of us have a fondness for the same sex....

Genetic??? Enviromental??? Pure Coincedence???

things that make you go hmmmmm... cwm13.gif



Round and Round we go...Where we stop Nobody Knows....

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Well someone might munch carpet once to be trendy but after that I'm pretty sure she wouldn't do it again if she didn't like it.

I just want to reiterate that thereis a distinction between people willing to sleep with the same sex and those willing to form lasting romantic relationships with them. I think that not keepinghis distinction in mind is whatis causing a lot of people to argue right past each other.

I can see how a dedicated Lesbian who has to deal with the bullshit that she does would feel annoyed when some 21 year old candy raver who munched on some pussy a couple of times because it was fun proclaims that she is Bi. Not saying the Lesbian is right or wrong - just sayiing how I can see how she would want to throttle the chick.

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Mr. Dick said it best.. i can go on and on about this..... .why so many of you homosexuals on here are so unhappy is beyond me.. i'm not fucking big gay al waving the rainbow flag at all but maybe you're issues go deeper than your sexuality?. Example...why would u work in an environment where you're not accepted..should your sexuality even be an issue.... i don't see str8 people going around discussing their sex lives w/ all their coworkers..it's not an issue unless u make it one.

And to address that RIDICULOUS post about people turning bi because it's the TREND or the IN thing to do.... Let me tell you something... you can think about robbing a bank..but unless you rob that bank you're not a bank robber... being curious is to ponder it..but if you're a guy and u suck dick or if you're a girl and you're messing w/ girls..i hate to break it to you..but YOU'RE INTO IT.. you don't allow yourself to be intimate with someone unless you either feel it...or you're a prostitute.... carpeting your living room with this years colors is one thing to be trendy.....but munching a girl's carpet to be trendy just DOESN'T HAPPEN.... maybe whoever posted that ridiculous comment just surrounds themselves with a class of stupid people i have yet to and do not want to encounter.

And for the str8 boys with the "yo i'd havta hava gun ta mah head ta do dat shit" attitude.... i've said it once and i've lived it.. if you're so secure in your heterosexuality there'd be no reason to come off w /that statement.


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i think it's environmental and lil' bit of everything. i'm an only child and i'm bi my mother is hetero but has no problem w/ my sexuality. one of my girlfriends is also bi and her mother was raised to view same sex relationships as bad and dirty so it's kinda hard for the both of them to cope 2gether. so btw how was your 1st experience??


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