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have you ever been dicked over by someone you thought was your friend????

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i can't say that i have been stabbed in the back (or at least i don't know of it)

but definitely have felt that many thoughts and actions and efforts to make friendships work have gone unrequited...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Same situation as LikmyLipz...Went to meet a friend @ a club waited till around 1 AM only to find out she was too tired.

Once during the summer when my friend was goign crazy over some guy she met @ the shore and wanted to hang out with him (@ his place) instead of me (as planned) @ the Shore. We did end up going to the Shore but it was a miserable time hearing stuff like, I wish he was here...So my comeback was go eat a nut cwm5.gif



AIM: ynicholas

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I had a "friend" tell a guy I was dating a whole bunch of lies about me so she could sleep with him. She never liked him, she just wanted what I had. Then (she was my roommate at the time) she stole my bank card, used it and stole a bunch of my clothes and perfume etc. Great friend! cwm23.gifcwm23.gif

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One of my friends (or ex friends) that I have known for 7 years tried to break me and my boyfriend up by telling him all this sh** that I have done or whatever. She kept telling him that we won't last a week and that he should just hook up with her sister. What a bi*ch.


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I had a protege at work that I became friends with....gave him the chance to learn a unique skill which would enable him to earn a Ton of money in his future. Helped him out financially, with side gigs, made sure he was compensated properly at work, blah, blah, blah...we used to party together, etc... I basically give him an opportunity to learn a seriously marketable skill when he had no experience.

Long story short: I needed him to stay on the job as my "back" while I took care of the Degree thing. Then the first opportunity he got, he took a position elsewhere and quit on me without even giving me two weeks notice, or the chance to match the offer.

I was more upset by the fact that he did'nt warn me as a friend...not by the fact that he felt he had a better job opportunity.

Anyway, I haven't spoken to him sense and he knows he dicked me (we have mutual friends) it's been about 3 years now.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

well, let's put it this way ...if it hasn't happened to you at least once then you don't know dick about life ...and you're very lucky

brilliantly put. shit about friends not showing at clubs and what not is petty shit. through life you're bound to run into assholes and get jerked. its those who learn from these experiences and better themselves rather than wallow in self pity who come out on top...


chronic is the answer...

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yep, i've had it happen, waaaay too many times . . . just actually spent an hour last nite fighting w/ a supposed best friend because he lied to me . . . frown.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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I haven't gotten screwed by this one particular friend I had but, I know she's the type. She called one ex friend's boss and let him know the girl didn't grduate high school. I also know that she called the IRS on the families of one of our mutual friends and an ex boyfriend! They got audited and FUCKED! She's evil but I got dirt a plenty on her so I KNOW she'd never do it to me. We haven't talked in about year...I don't like those kind of people.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

well, let's put it this way ...if it hasn't happened to you at least once then you don't know dick about life ...and you're very lucky

This is true , a wise man said this once in a movie...



E-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---



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It used to happen to me back when I thought all people were as honest and straightfoward as me.

Now I have learned-and I usually can see through a person.

I choose my friends carefully. cwm4.gif


The music makes the people come together...

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I Too have a scumbag friends......... My friend Anthony from the navy tryed to take my girlfriend away from me becuase he thought i was treating her bad !!! WTF what bullshit that turned out to be .. What happen was that he talk to some girl on line from tenn and told her a little about me and some of my friends, well one night i got on line to talk to my friends and i get this im from this person called (lisajay) on line, now im like hi , shes like hi , so she started to say all the bullshit that a girl would do to get some one , and im like yeah yeah in my head so what i did was ask my friend anthony about this chick and hes like i dont know ... so talking to her then she goes so you have a girl friend right i go yeah and i love her very much , so she's like aww , Also said i cant do this to you anymore, and told me the truth about everything , my friend wanted her to say a few words and see if ill fall in his trap with some words to mess around so he can copy and past them and send it to my girlfriend ........... What asshole is that ........ i broke his arm 4 fingers and cracked his rib left side....

But its funny i still talk to him now , because the military brings us back together ..GO NAVY SPECAIL WARE FAR whoooooo hayyyyyyyyyyyyyy



E-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---



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Horror story? Here's one...

I was dating a man for over 5 years (would have been 6 this month.) During most of this time, I also had a female best friend. She lived in San Fran and had never met my boyfriend. The whys of this are kinda complicated.

To make a long story short, my BF and I broke up, quite ammicably at the time actually. A week earlier, my best friend had met my boyfriend for the first time.

My ex and I even went on a rock climbing trip together that we had planned a month earlier. While on this trip he revealed to me that he had feelings for my best friend. I quite bluntly said to him, "Don't do this to me, I need her right now to help me get through this." His response, "Just know, we might be ready before you are."

I return from the trip then fly out to San Fran for some "girl time" And to get away as she had suggested. There I tell her about my ex's feeling for her. She said of course, "Oh god, Ooana..I'd never do that to you!."

Well, to make a long story short, one week later he's out there with her and sleeps with her. He starts immediately becoming very cruel and mean due to his guilty conscious. He moved out there to live with her last month.

Talk about a whammy that was, lost the two most important people in my life in a few week period.

Her response to me when I asked her how she could do this? Not even wait for the body to be cold? (Takes a long time to move past a relationship that was that long.) "Well...I think you're being very selfish Ooana, you should be happy for me."

So yes...I do know what its like to have someone you think is a good friend stab you in the back ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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