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Originally posted by gambitx73:

..like, suicidal love,..and then got hurt...have u ever been madly in love and thought that this one person is for u and no one else..that no one else will do....then got hurt...hmmm...


I hear you G...thanks for asking for clarification first. Sometimes it's difficult to clearly say everything through these posts without writing a full dissertation.

I can't say that I've ever experienced "suicidal love" IMO: NO ONE on this planet is worth taking your own life for. Madly in love...yes. Been hurt..of course. Thought that no else would do..definitely, many times!

What I was trying to get at was that you can have these feelings for a number of individuals in any given lifetime. I just don't believe that there is only "One" single Human Being for each given person. Rather, if you meet someone today you can develop those feelings, but you could just as easily have met someone different tommorow or next year and develop the same feelings. So, used in that context, was the first one the "Right one" or the second?

All I'm saying is that the "Right One" is more of a decision we make as opposed to a "mystical" or "cosmic" selection by some unseen force.

Hope that clears it up.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Second, "Ugly" is what YOU think is ugly . .. just like beauty. So, the determination of "Beauty" and "Ugly" is a personal thing . . . there are no general identification unless you follow the description of fashion magazines.

Well according to the Discovery Channel and their special about the science of beauty. Beuaty is a universal thing. It can be measured. It is a sign of proper health, and good genes. Symmetry is a main Charecteristic involved here with it. SInce the natrual drive to pass on genes is innate so is our sense of beauty as we look for wsomeone who is fertile strong and healty to mate with, to inusre that our genes will be passed on.

Also in psychological tests if an infant is shown pictures the infants eyes stay upon the face of a beautiful face longer than the face of someone who is unaatractive. Proof again that the idea of beauty is innate.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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i don't agree w/ u > gambitx73 i think imagination is something one can create w/ their mind which differs from person to person and memory is what u remember ....


"your traveling to another dimension a dimension not only in sight and sound but of mind a journey into a wondrous land whos boundaries are that of imagination your next stop the twilight zone." athenalust@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

Well according to the Discovery Channel and their special about the science of beauty. Beuaty is a universal thing. It can be measured. It is a sign of proper health, and good genes. Symmetry is a main Charecteristic involved here with it. SInce the natrual drive to pass on genes is innate so is our sense of beauty as we look for wsomeone who is fertile strong and healty to mate with, to inusre that our genes will be passed on.

Also in psychological tests if an infant is shown pictures the infants eyes stay upon the face of a beautiful face longer than the face of someone who is unaatractive. Proof again that the idea of beauty is innate.

Hmmmm . . .I must of missed that one.

I think as we grow older and we become wiser . . . we start to create a definition of what beauty is. I know soooo many women who are just absolutely attracted to guys who are extrememly smart. They "believe" it's the most beautiful thing. These guys are your average physical guys . . . no Tom Cruise there. But those girls go absolutely wild for them. It's a personal thing.



"The only abnormality is the incapacity to love." - Anais Nin


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Originally posted by blueangel:

And second, that's called greed not laziness. And greed is bad.

"greed is good"- Michael Doulgals in Wall Street

why is there this drive for success and easy living that is so often called greed? there are two schools of thought on greed. the first is that a person is not content within themselves and within their palce in the univers, so they try to compensate through acquisition. The "he who dies with the most toys wins" mentality.

ANother train of thought is that greed is subjective. What one person may call greed is another person's way of trying to do a good job for their loved ones. Yes little Johnny could live without a PS2 and a 48 screen tv for his playroom, but perhaps you feel that by providing this you are being a good provider, so your loved ones have all their dreams. This of course is not good in the long run, but many people do not worry about it since they do not want their loved one to know pain. This type of "greed" can be in the person in question's mind altruistic. Not necessarily the right thing to do, but seems like the good thing to do.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I think as we grow older and we become wiser . . . we start to create a definition of what beauty is. I know soooo many women who are just absolutely attracted to guys who are extrememly smart. They "believe" it's the most beautiful thing. These guys are your average physical guys . . . no Tom Cruise there. But those girls go absolutely wild for them. It's a personal thing.

well i do agree with you there. When it comes to personaly choices, there is more to a beautiful person than physical beauty. i was just saying that physical beauty is a measureable thing.

i have met many MANY manymanymanymany physically beautiful people who are not beauitufl, in fact many were downright ugly. A beautiful person to me, is someone who has good energy, who has a sense of humor, who is a nice open and caring person, someone who is intelligent, and therefore intriguing.

Yes physical attractiveness does help, as in real life unless you are introduced to a person, most times you will not approach someone unless you find them attractive. But one should never think that a person who has a great deal of physical beauty is synonomous with a beautiful person.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Originally posted by orchid21:

reptiles are not asexual, only one cell organisms (procaryotes) like bacteria are asexual. so i think mike has a good point.

You're right, I'm wrong. I thought it was reptiles, but it isn't. However, there are other asexual species besides the bacteria. Examples: sea animals such as the starfish, salp, sponges, sea cucumbers; coccidia (parasite), and flatworms. Besides those . . . animals in the past (dinosaur ages) were known to be able to reproduce asexually as well, but due to evolution . . . mammals have switched over to sexual reproduction.

So, even thougth Mikey's point might be interesting . . . it's still debatable.



"The only abnormality is the incapacity to love." - Anais Nin


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Hey gambitX73...about your post.

It's interesting that you should ask that question cause I'm taking a class on History and Memory right now. You could agree or disagree, but...I figure History is what happens to you, memory is how it happened and how you remember it. Imagination is what happens in your head...but doesn't physically materialize. You asked a pretty loaded question. Your memory changes as time goes on which is where the lines blur between memory, imagination and dreams. It kind of scares me sometimes trying to remember a certain person, place or experience I had because you never remember it the same way it happened. And who's to say that it happened? The only evidence or truth is dictated by you. cwm1.gif

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Originally posted by starcapone:

i don't agree w/ u > gambitx73 i think imagination is something one can create w/ their mind which differs from person to person and memory is what u remember ....

yeah but isn't what you remember part of your imagination because it is HOW you remember it? I fell on my head when I was 4 years old (and 11 months, and 5 heheheh- no joke!) and i still remember it. but not all aspects, just certain ones, like the jumping on the bed part (again, no joke :P).

d'you ever have a memory of a dream- that after so many years you can't remember if it really happened or not?

theory #1: your imagination is just another part of your memory/concsiousness. you can break down the idea of "god" in this way. for example: you've heard of martians, and you can describe a martian, but you've never seen one. the way you might describe it would be, "it's green, it looks like a human, but smaller, with bigger eyes." but isn't that only because you have seen things that are human, things that are green, etc. etc.?


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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Originally posted by deanna11:

i agree. sometimes, i'll be talking about something that happened, then i stop and realize, "wait, maybe that didn't happen. it could be a false memory." well, i never actually figure out if these instances are "actual" or false memories, but whatever; they're as good as the same thing

i just had a conversation with my friend about this. through meditation he reached a state of higher consciousness- and was at a place that was familiar, yet he had never been there before. i felt the same thing tripping one time- you know where time is standing still, yet moving very fast, you've done all this already, but this is new.

anyways, we got into a discussion- which later moved on to another discussion with my father- if these are in fact just in your mind or if you are actually pausing time in your mind, and being in the past or in the future (because i think we can all agree time is just a label) in a different life or different being.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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Originally posted by nycetouch:

cwm13.gif My favorite theory:

Most of the violence, destruction, and otherwise horrific events of our time could have been avoided if girls would give it up more often to the right people.

Think about it: if Hitler was a major pimp in Germany circa 1935 or so, I mean if he had bitches calling him all night and day, do ya really think he would go through with all of the genocide nonsense. He would be too busy getting busy!! He'd be a happy man, and when his fellow nazis would call him and wanted to hang out and kill some people, he'd be like, " Nah, I got this chick I met in the Cabaret coming over tonite, sorry maybe next week."

Another case in point: I go to school in PennState and every football weekend the streets are full of people and eventually just angry no assgetting guyz are walking around insulting you as you walk with your girl, or throwing stuff from the balconies of apartments. Simply sexual frustration (because they are complete dorks) coming out as violence and aggression.

Just food for thought, just a theory. Go ahead ladiez tell how it is. (Dont shoot the messenger)

i think hitler had access to any woman he wanted (think clinton). also, did you know it turned him on when women pissed on his head? he had a whole psychological S&M problem. he being the victim. if anyone really cares about why hitler was the way he was, you should study some psychohistory, there are TONS of books on hitler. the first psychobiography was on him, as the movement started right before world war 2. the guy who did the study, actually predicted that hitler would eventually make bad strategies, and in the end commit suicide.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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whoops, sorry i didn't read what you write before i posted my half assed response with the same idea. any suggested readings opala?

Originally posted by opala:

Hey gambitX73...about your post.

It's interesting that you should ask that question cause I'm taking a class on History and Memory right now. You could agree or disagree, but...I figure History is what happens to you, memory is how it happened and how you remember it. Imagination is what happens in your head...but doesn't physically materialize. You asked a pretty loaded question. Your memory changes as time goes on which is where the lines blur between memory, imagination and dreams. It kind of scares me sometimes trying to remember a certain person, place or experience I had because you never remember it the same way it happened. And who's to say that it happened? The only evidence or truth is dictated by you. cwm1.gif


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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hey sharonregina,

Umm...as for suggested readings, I'm a fine arts major and the class I'm taking is a visual arts seminar so the readings we have been doing are all related to histories, memories and art making. You still interested?

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more so than before smile.gif

Originally posted by opala:

hey sharonregina,

Umm...as for suggested readings, I'm a fine arts major and the class I'm taking is a visual arts seminar so the readings we have been doing are all related to histories, memories and art making. You still interested?


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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For sharonregina and anyone else who is into histories and memories and art, check out these readings.

'Aesthetic Inheritances/history worked by hand' in Yearning:Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics' pg 115-122

-By Bell Hooks.

-this is the first time I've read anything by her, but I've been told that she's a great writer.

'Sculpture, materiality and Memory in an Age of Amnesia' in Displacements, exhibition catalogue. pg 31-40

-you can get lost in this one...read it a few times.

The Bell Hooks reading you should be able to find at the library, the Displacements catalogue might be harder to track down. These readings are art related so if you have a hard time making sense of the articles and how they relate, drop me a note.

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