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Dizzy from E?

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One explanation is that your body is low on sugar/nutrients after spending the previous night jumping around like a flea on crack. Furthermore, if you intentionally "starve" yourself prior to rolling so as not to dilute your roll, your body is even lower on fuel by the following day. I suggest drinking OJ the next morning and getting a hearty meal ASAP. If you can't stomach much after rolling, go for sushi.



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um guys, E makes your blood pressure and temp go up, so guess what you're gonna keep getting headaches till you stop. also, like others suggested, food and water may help, but just keep it in mind the next time you roll and taking 5htp is good for the short term, but i would hate to think you guys are taking something that's just masking symptoms to something more serious going on.

just my .02 worth


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-Sushi after is a fantastic idea...it's one of my favourite things to do because it's an easy meal going down (if you like it)

-You def. need more water consumption before, during and after your roll. Dizziness is a hint that you may have dehydrated yourself to an extent.

-I have tried 5HTP but I did it 2 weeks after NYE, so I don't know how it helps immediately after a roll. But, it gave me a good nite's sleep and relaxed me a little.

-Make sure your diet between rolls is balanced. You have to keep your body nourished for all the jumping around.

-What you have to do now is force yourself to skip a couple of weekends and chill out. That's what I am doing now and I feel pretty good. After December I was dragging my ass in such a sorry manner. I haven't done anything since NYE and even when I go out again, I don't think I will. Your body needs time to relax and recoup. It isn't a machine afterall.

My ittsy bittsy 2 cents!!! Cheers and take care!!!


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On the subject of E, i don't get headaches, but my STOMACH KILLS me for a day or two. Anyone know what I can do to stop that from happening? It doesn't happen ALL the time, so there must be SOMETHING that I can do to prevent that from happening.

Can NE1 help?


The Wheels on the BUS go Round and Round...

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No lie, before dosing neutralizes the acidity. I have actually had mucho better rolls when pre-loading with a few tums. Water throughout the night would also benefit you.

Also take your vitamins. A good junkee is a healthy junkee wink.gif.


Pac Man Fever.....

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Thanx for the advice... Tum's huh? Doesn't sound like a bad idea... can't hurt... COULD IT?

I do drink plenty of water through-out the nite though...

Think I should take a supplement earlier in the day to make up for the lack of nutrition that I get from not eating all nite?

Thanx for the info!



The Wheels on the BUS go Round and Round...

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