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Acts of kindness that fellow clubnyc goers did for ya THANK YOU thread!!!!!!!!!!!

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The very first time i met the cnyc'ers, Tyco was so cool, happy and accepting. He greeted me like he already knew me and procedded to take me around and introduce me to everyone there. He made the initial meeting very relaxed, and that made me want to meet-up again.

Very few people i know would be that cool to a stranger.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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yea guys i gota few thank yous, one to Andy, one to Jammy , and a few other people i know i'm forgetting. oh well, their are def. some people on this board that can remind you of what being human is.


"Some Of Us Are Like Ink, And Some Like Paper.

And If It Were Not For The Blackness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Dumb.

And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran

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I would also have to thank

Yvette (Jammy) for Driving me to and from clubs from time to time.. even in the blistering Snow Storm we had 3 weeks back!

and... Stephen (artful) for holding on to my money every single time we go out...

and... Suneil (Filthy_slag) for inviting me to your awesome parties.. I got to meet some very interesting people because of you...

the creaters of CLUBPLANET.. for creating such a cool site...

(God I sound like I just one best leading Actress in a movie... )

I know I have more and I want to def. voice them...

Be back in a few!



I love everyone today!

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I must thank Jammy also.. I can't wait to meet her! give her a big ass hug and thankyou for allowing me to goto JOSH WINK THIS PAST WEEKEND!

I must also thank all of the people i met for being so kind and friendly!






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OHHHHH!!! and extra thanks to Funkysoulbro, crossy, ooanas friend, for helping me ROLLERSKATE!!!!!!!!!!! And mike for talkin me into going.. OH AND I CANT FORGET HUGH!!!!!!! YOU ARE ALL SUCH SWEETHEARTS.. ANYONE GOT PICS FROM THAT NIGHT????







[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Gotta thank Sinem for bringing me into the ClubPlanet world.

Gotta thank Hugh for being concerned...my first night at Twilo and I just mentioned that I was getting hot. Hugh ran and got me water figuring I was overheating on my roll--thanks. (of course it was that same water that helped me spread strep throat to everyone I was hanging with that night--sorry!)

To Jammy...for being so f'in cool ALL OF THE TIME! I love you!

And to the straight guys that are secure enough to hang with a few of us gay guys without the hangups: Crackorn, Edge420, MarionNY, j303j, Ezdreamer, etc... (the rest of you know who you are.)

To Ezdreamer for teaching me how EZ it is to Dream while I'm awake


To Vic for being my big, dumb animal for the last 3.5 years--love ya Chewbacca!

Ok, this was too gay even for me! Gotta vomit now.

Love ya all!



Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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i'd like to thank cazz for slapping my ass and lettin everyone think it was ok to slap my ass at will. and i'd like to thank all the smameless girls who followed up on cazz's bold action. thanx a lot. cwm25.gif


chronic is the answer...

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Originally posted by suedenyc:

Gotta thank Sinem for bringing me into the ClubPlanet world.

Gotta thank Hugh for being concerned...my first night at Twilo and I just mentioned that I was getting hot. Hugh ran and got me water figuring I was overheating on my roll--thanks. (of course it was that same water that helped me spread strep throat to everyone I was hanging with that night--sorry!)

To Jammy...for being so f'in cool ALL OF THE TIME! I love you!

And to the straight guys that are secure enough to hang with a few of us gay guys without the hangups: Crackorn, Edge420, MarionNY, j303j, Ezdreamer, etc... (the rest of you know who you are.)

To Ezdreamer for teaching me how EZ it is to Dream while I'm awake


To Vic for being my big, dumb animal for the last 3.5 years--love ya Chewbacca!

Ok, this was too gay even for me! Gotta vomit now.

Love ya all!


okay I am such a moron.nstead of quoting Sir Suede I PM'd him... sorry richard if that freaked you out!!!!!!!!!


for you my friend RICHARD (RICARDO) SUEDENYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU are going to be my maid of honour I don't care how GAY that is... I have never met any one like you before... So Selfless.. always there to put a smile on my frown (even if I don't frown alot.. although you are probably the only person I can frown too!) I just want everyone to know how lucky a person I am to have you as a friend you accepted me at my most "Snoppy" stages in life... I have grown with you and always remembered to stay true to myself because of you... (I feel like the Karate Kid right now) but I don't care I would like everone to know what an Incredable human being you are.. and Richard I will never forget you ever... (even when I move to Siam.. I will always keep a memory of you in my heart)

You are the most WORLDY man I have ever known!



I love everyone today!

[This message has been edited by sgbrooklyn (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Thanks to Charlie for demonstrating his "magic fingers" on me and noiseboy for not knocking me out when I asked his name for the 4985739587 time smile.gif

Also, everyone else who got to see me all banged up at my one and only meeting! Especially kittie and Casey...you're such dolls!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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helloooooooo RICARDO my little Fairy! hahahah

I will have you styling at my wedding... Maybe your sidekick lover (aka also I very close friend of mine) Fuego former clubplanet memeber... will be one of my brides maids.. but how would that look?? I don't know...

God I am going crazy with wedding plans but no GROOM....

Love ya Sinem



I love everyone today!

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Geeze I have a couple but one comes to mind.. it was my honey Myrlin... who came out I think it was one lonely Wednesday night to have sushi with me and to discuss my stupid problems..

THANK YOU MYRLIN... YOU A SWEET PEA! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif



I love everyone today!

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wow.....def a great thread....where to start?

lets see. Mikey (tyco) for being 100% real, yet being human, and totally kind at the same time.

to melichacha, for being the one female that i will love for the rest of my life, in a way that i can only love a sister. She has been there for everything since we met. i love you mel.

to sinem, for being one of the 2 sweetest CNYCer's ive met.

Jammy the other. not in that order. This girl is awesome. She didnt know me for more than a month...and she brought me a keychain from london that i asked for, just joking around. when she gave it to me....i really felt great. that....and she offered to take me to SF one broke ass sat night, to see someone that i wanted to see. i love you jams! smile.gif

Andy, you know i wasnt going to forget you bro....for being my partner in crime. Andy and i have known eachother for a few months...and i feel like he's a really close friend in my life. I can tell him ANY FUCKING THING....and he will give me his views in a respectful, straight up, brotherly manner.....and i know that he feels the same about me. Def someone that i can talk to about ANYTHING.

Dave (kingpharoah) Dave is truly the most straight up person. Thanks dave for being 100% honest, and for being the smoooooothest mo-fo out there.

D (mareluna) for being the best. we'll talk about it smile.gif

Ooana- Gotta love this one. She is a beautiful soul, and a great ear. God knows that ive talked it off smile.gif

the rest of you....you know i have nothing But love for you. smile.gif



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me


-----"Please hand me that box of Moose from the glove compartment" a Very stoned Veronica Strata



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Originally posted by cathyo:

. . .and noiseboy for not knocking me out when I asked his name for the 4985739587 time smile.gif

what did i tell ya? it was endearing. . . cwm20.gif

i'd like to thank all the kids that have helped me out over the past month go out as much as i do (the list is long, you know who you are!!). . . i really appreciate it!!

i'd also like to thank the lovely ladies of this board. . . thank you for making us schlubs look good. . . cwm35.gif


no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .

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I'll post something a bit more...interesting at a later date (when I'm not just saying ouch every 5 minutes or so)...

For now...ya'll know who you are.

Thank you. The last few months have definitely been a wonderful experience and I feel very lucky to have met you.

An additional word to the women I've met (so rare for me to find women I like I swear!) I'm amazed at how many of you are incredible.

Cara, Tanya, Stephanie, Connie, Kat (and I really hope I haven't forgotten anyone)THANK YOU!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Oh...an one special thank you just has to go Ichi's way.

You're simply faaaaabulous dahlink. You showed up JUST when I needed someone like you. Love you muchly. *MUAH*



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Mr. Suede, I'm glad you bumped this thread.

I'd like to send thanks to a long list of folks, but without getting all mushy and personal on the thread...

Nicki, for knowing how to make me laugh, and showing me how takcy old people have fun.

Ooana, I reached out and have had that repaid a hundredfold. For being a voice of reason when needed, and saving me from me. ;-) Btw: Sushiya soon?

Tina. Ooohhhh, what do I say. Love ya! Would you like to play a game?

And thanks also to everyone who helped make the bleachers a fun place to be on Saturday.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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well there are so many awesome people on this board so first i'd like to thank every one of you i've ever hung out with for being your wonderful selves!! there are way too many to mention but you're all da bomb!

i have to say a special thanks to my partner-in-crime, divalicious aka monique for being the best friend a girl could have!! i'm lucky to have met you!

i'd also like to thank bad andy for bustin' on me on Sat. am (mikey, roby and joe weren't mean)and making me feel even smaller than i am...............j/k andy! wink.gif


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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There are a great number of people i should thank.

Spoony d thank you for all you help with Hayley's party, and yes your decks will be back soon.

noiseboy-thank you also for helping with a certain new zelanander's party, and just for being chill.

Notforkids-thank you for being mad crazy cool, and for walking around with me as i participated in the sequel to Dude, WHere's My Car?

MissKittie-for listening to my crackheaded ramblings at work.

and for everyone else that i have not mentioned, thank you all for being so cool and fun. you all help to brighten my evenings.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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EVeryone who I have met have been so incredible!! Thank you all!

I do need to mention Ooana, Carabee, Myrlin, and Sariman for coming to visit me in the hospital and easing the pain for me. Thank you all so very much for being there for me and helping me get through the rough start to the new year.

You all have such wonderful souls and may they shine through in everything that you do!



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Gigantic thank you's to Orchid21 and Unbound for listening to my never ending drunken babble about being dumped by my gf.

Thanks also to sdmf76 for splittin a cab home that night so I didn't wind up passed out in a gutter some where.

and thanks to all the organizers of all the dinner meetups. Casey, Steve, Mikey!

and a general thanks to everyone I've met through clubnyc, you're all so nice and I love hangin out with you guys.




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