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Club Egypt in Philly???

Guest dabiatchka

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Guest dabiatchka

Has anybody ever heard of it or gone there? I've never ben clubbing near Philly and kno nothing about these clubs. A friend of mine wanted to go there over President's day weekend. Any advice????

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dabiatchka, where youf rom girl?? i live in philly and if you wanna go to the touristy/cheesy jersey ppl (no offense to jersey, just seems all the S. jersey cheesies go there) spot, then go to Egypt!! it's on del. ave, believe me, you'd be better off going to have a night of fun at better places like 8th st. lounge, Evolution, Aqua lounge, Fluid or envy. not to mention Transit. i dunno , just my experienced opinion of the place, besides half the time they're still spinning sonique's song, feels so good. lol.


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And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran

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Guest dabiatchka

Yeah yeah I'm from south Jersey, that's probably y my friends mentioned it ...but I don't like the whole cheesy thing... ust looking for some great music and not too many guys with thier shirts off

What club has 18+ entrance.. I'm still a youngin

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aww damn just threw a monkey wrench into it!! philly is kinda lackin in cool 18 + clubs, but try Motion, i think one night a weekend they have an underage night or like 18 and over night, i dunno. Motion is on front and spring garden. umm, shampoo may have an underage night, dunno about that place tho, i've heard mostly complaints. sorry! i know Baja has 17 and over nights, but i've found it mostly to be hip hop and cheesy, but i remember them playin some good house music indoors, so you may wanna check it out, it's near the end of Del. Ave.


"Some Of Us Are Like Ink, And Some Like Paper.

And If It Were Not For The Blackness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Dumb.

And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran

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Hey you two...

I'm from outside of Trenton (tho I live in Hoboken now) so I've heard the names of all these places.

You finish high school, go to college, and then land somewhere...

And there are 2 kins of peeps...those who wanna get out (me) and those who are local boyz (some of my buds).

A couple of them do the Philly club thing. They dragged me to that cheezy club in Trenton...KatManDu. OMG saw half my old high school there it was pathetic. They all like to go to Egypt, Riverdeck, etc.

So, you 2, next time I'm in the area, you should take us out (Ima bring my local boyz, show where the SHOULD be going...)



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dabiatchka, drop me an email, Im in philly and dj at a few spots in philly and can help you out with what youre looking for. I can hook you up with lists at most places too. Philly is, well, philly... It has its perks, but its not new york. If you like commercial progressive stuff, philly has it, but if you like more of the underground with dj's like Danny Tenaglia, Sasha and Digweed, PVD, etc..you need to make the journey up to the city. I do it almost weekly, its only an hour 10.... drop me an email smile.gif




House This! http://www.djadamf.com adam@djadamf.com

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Okay Egypt is corny, stay away (unless you like the corn balls!) I don't like it, it's gay, weird crowd, you got 80's people, freaks, guido's, nasty people, it's just not my style. Go to Evolution or Transit. But being underage, President's day weekend they usually accomodate younging's those types of weekends. Shampoo will def have an 18+ on Sunday night, i don't know about Transit or Evo tho.

If i were you I'd def stay away from Egypt and Baja, Baja only go there if you wanna get into fights and get shot.

Have fun!

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Originally posted by buccafm:

weird crowd, you got 80's people, freaks, guido's, nasty people...

egypt cwm8.gif i had the misfortune of having to go there several times b/c of friends in philly. buccafm hit it on right on the nose... nasty, rude people!!! the last time i was there (trust me THE LAST), i was walking outside to go to my car with nobody around me and this high haired guidette (i swear if i lit a match her head would have exploded) just jumps out like 10 feet from where she is standing, pushes me and says, "get the hell out of my way!" apparently, i had invaded her personal space of 20 feet. WTF??? most of the crowd is like that... very rude, nasty and pretentious. just my experience though...

why don't you and you friends hit up twilo feb. 18th and listen to 2 of the top djs in the world - carl cox and danny teneglia. you'll see what a real vibe and music is. crowd is SUPER friendly cwm4.gifcwm4.gifcwm4.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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