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it's friday, i'm finally awake for the first time this week (miraculous recovery just in time for digweed...) and i feel the need to share a little dating horror story! i met this guy from alabama who had transferred up to jersey for work. really nice guy, talked on the phone a lot and went on a couple of dates with him....then he asks me out to dinner so i say ok. he asks me if there's anything i don't like to eat so i tell him seafood because 1) i just don't like it and 2) i've had a couple of allergic reactions when i've tried it......it was a pretty long conversation and he keeps on telling me i don't know what i'm missing (b/c he's from the south and loves cajun and creole cooking....) but i keep stressing there's stuff i'm allergic to! the night of the date he calls me to say there's been a change in plan and he's cooked me a dinner (which i thought was a little odd but i went with it anyway)....when i got to his house it smelled really good so i ask him what we're having.....the answer?? chicken stuffed with crawfish and crab, shrimp something or other and cornbread.....needless to say i sat there and watched him eat. he said i was an ungrateful girl for not even trying his cooking!! (he later said he thought he'd be able to change my mind would be one thing if i hadn't told him i'm allergic to the stuff!!)

then there was the guy who wanted to cut my hair with his flowbee and i'm not even kidding...........


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Ooooh, that is bad...and the flowbee? Just the mention of that makes me giggle.

Anyway, here is one from me:

My dear friend who I have known for many years decided she wanted to set me up on a date with her Chiropractor. So, she gives him my # and we talk on the phone a couple of times. He asks me out to dinner and tells me to get dressed up. So the night of the dinner, my mother is watching my daughter, i had gone out and bought a new dress, shoes, etc. He is supposed to be at my house by like 7:30, well he shows at 9:00. by which time, I am starving. Also, he shows up (please don't get offended if you are into this type of clothing) in khaki's, a blue blazer, sweater vest, white button down and SADDLE SHOES!!! ok mind you, its like 90 degrees out...he then has no idea where to take me, he suggested a local bar, i was like, hey i am starving...so we have dinner at Charlie Browns...he managed to tell our waitress and everyone he encountered that he was a Doctor!!! I was horrified so I just continued to drink, heavily...after dinner he takes me to his house, which he told me cost him $800,000...blah, blah, blah...then we go to a local, dive bar...i was like, uh, please take me home...which he did, and then tried very hard to grope me, and not before he told me how to raise my kid!!! Anyway, I never saw him again!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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WOW that sure does sound painful. I am so lucky I don't have to worry about dating anymore.

I do remember the stalker though.

This is just one of the events...

I came home one night from another date-it was late like 3am. And I see a shadow in the driveway (I got ready to run)- then I realize it was him standing there next to my apartment. Who knows how long he was lurking in the dark. He had flowers for me and a pair of shoes that I saw in a window on one of our dates.

He thought he was being romantic-I was freaked out. I had told him that I would be out that night and he asked if he could come by and I said NO. What part of NO didn't he get. I asked him to leave and he just couldn't understand why I wasn't blown off my feet.

My roomate told me later that she heard him out there for quite a few hours, she didn't even ask him to come in because she was freaked.

Good luck out there single women!



The music makes the people come together...


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swear to god about the flowbee...i had really long hair back then and he kept swearing it worked really good, then he broke the thing out and was trying to demonstrate how it worked but he was freaking me out.....this is why i don't date anymore......beware all men who want to show you their flowbees!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Went out with this one girl last summer. It was only the 2nd time we met, we decided to grab a couple of drinks. To make a long story short, she had a little too much drink, and needed me to take her home b/c she was unable to walk without me holding her up. So we hop in a cab, 5 mins into the cabride she gets sick and instead of puking out the window, throws up all over my leg. The cab now smells like 99 bananas and Absolut. The cab driver is shouting obscenties at us and tells us to get out. I apoligize to him and give him an extra $10. We get out of the cab at Union Square, its a balmy summer Sat nite, people are strolling around the city. This girl decides to lie flat on her back on the sidewalk, people are pointing and laughing. I thought about jetting but felt bad. We grabbed another cab, when we finally get to her place she pukes again this time out of the cab. Goes upstairs and hops in the shower. She comes out with only a towel on. I go in the bathroom and pour the remnants of vomit out of my sneaker, rinse it out, put it on and squeak out of the bathroom. Then she's standing there in her towel and says "You're not going to stay", all stank-assed puke breath and all. I was like "No..its been a REALLY long nite!" Its 3am and I'm walking towards Columbia and the only sound I hear is the squeaking from my wet, puke-smelling sneaker. The next day I was like how often do you get in that condition with guys you don't even know? Needless to say I never called her back after that fiasco!

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Oooooooohhhh, I feel for all of you guys. Okay, here's one from me.

Long LONG time ago, one of my girlfriends decides that I need a man and set me up. I spoke to him couple of time before the date and we decided to meet at this local bar. I get there and this guy is HUGE . . . I MEAN HUUUUGGGEEEE! He’s like 6’6, and built like Arnold Swartznegger!! Don’t get me wrong ladies, I like a well-built man just as much as the next woman but . . . he looked like he was getting ready to enter into the Mr. Universe contest. He had veins bulging out all over his neck and arms. ONE of his arms was bigger than two of my legs put together. It was kinda disgusting.

Then to make matters worse he spent the whole night telling me what type of routine work out I could do to improve my body! WHAT?? When we went to dinner, he kept on telling me what I should eat and would make this annoying noise when I would look at certain dishes. Well needless to say I cut the date really short . . . literally shoved the food down my throat and said good night while I paid for my share of the meal cause he didn’t offer to pay.

Then I went home, picked up the phone, and gave my girlfriend a piece of my mind!!



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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LOL, what the hell is a flowbee?

One time girl picked me up and was taking me to a restaurant she knew in the country. It's a little foggy and she is flying round these rounds and chatting. Next minute she hit's something on the road at about 60 miles an hour... we end up in a fields after rolling the car a few times. She was taken to hospital with concussion and kept in over night so they could keep an eye on her. So we spent the date with a bottle of champers in the hospital garden. cwm1.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

LOL, what the hell is a flowbee?

One time girl picked me up and was taking me to a restaurant she knew in the country. It's a little foggy and she is flying round these rounds and chatting. Next minute she hit's something on the road at about 60 miles an hour... we end up in a fields after rolling the car a few times. She was taken to hospital with concussion and kept in over night so they could keep an eye on her. So we spent the date with a bottle of champers in the hospital garden. cwm1.gif

now that's impressive... how did the second date go?

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Oooooooohhhh, I feel for all of you guys. Okay, here's one from me.

Long LONG time ago, one of my girlfriends decides that I need a man and set me up. I spoke to him couple of time before the date and we decided to meet at this local bar. I get there and this guy is HUGE . . . I MEAN HUUUUGGGEEEE! He’s like 6’6, and built like Arnold Swartznegger!! Don’t get me wrong ladies, I like a well-built man just as much as the next woman but . . . he looked like he was getting ready to enter into the Mr. Universe contest. He had veins bulging out all over his neck and arms. ONE of his arms was bigger than two of my legs put together. It was kinda disgusting.

Then to make matters worse he spent the whole night telling me what type of routine work out I could do to improve my body! WHAT?? When we went to dinner, he kept on telling me what I should eat and would make this annoying noise when I would look at certain dishes. Well needless to say I cut the date really short . . . literally shoved the food down my throat and said good night while I paid for my share of the meal cause he didn’t offer to pay.

Then I went home, picked up the phone, and gave my girlfriend a piece of my mind!!


OK, OK, that's not what happened yous all, here's mine side of it. Blue thouroughly absolutely enjoyed our romantic get together, in fact, kept pushing me back to her place. Well, let me tell you Imma a gentleman my momma taught me to not go home with girls on first date, so, I abstained. Got home, saw 5, not 1, but 5 phone messages telling me she could not get me out of her mind. Immediately called my momma for advice, told me not to date her. I tell you my momma is so wise, I know not what I would do without that lady. That is the truth, so help me.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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this was the worst date ever:

I had seen this guy a few times and thought that he was great, he was smart and gorgeous except he had this habit of talking about all these other girls he had hooked up with. On my birthday, he took me to a really fancy restaurant and proceeded to tell me about this girl that he got with at a bar. He told me she was from my neighborhood and that her name was Isabelle and she was 23. I couldn't think of any Isabelle from my neighborhood except my SISTER. To be sure, I pulled out my sister's license that i use to go out and he dropped his drink. My sister had never met him so I didnt blame her, but needless to say i never saw him again. ON MY BIRTHDAY. Asshole

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Originally posted by matta:

now that's impressive... how did the second date go?

We went out for about a year.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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I could write a book on all the pychos I met via the internet. (I lucked out with the last guy).

The scariest though was some bouncer I met at CPI's a couple years ago. The dude was 6'9" so of course my girlfriend encourages me to give him the digits. It turned out he had a friend who lived in my town. (The bouncer was from NYC) The following night after we had met, he called me at 11pm from around the corner so we could hang out. As he put it, "Get some ice cream." Needless to say, I declined. He kept calling me and emailing me but never got the hint that I was blowing him off. I finally got rid of him...well at least I thought I did.

2 years have gone by since that incident. Well this past December I got tapped on the shoulder by the bouncer while at a different club. He then proceeds to apologize and says, "I must have freaked you out. I can understand." He then begins to recite everything about me. (Not realizing how pyscho he sounds.) He remembered everything I wore to different clubs, my hair color/styles, etc.! I never even knew he was there! Who can't spot a 6'9" dude!?! Only me!!! wink.gif


"Love your enemies...cause your friends may turn out to be a bunch of bastards."

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ok...I had this one guy calling my house and telling my mother how good of a girl I am and that he would love for me to live w/ him...he would wait by my house everyday for me to come home from work to ask me if my day was oK and if I wanted to go to eat...It was crazy!!!...I mean the guy looked totaly normal when I met him smile.gif ...and I never went on the date w/ him...I only talked to him over the phone like 4x...so finally one night he showed up at Roxy and tried to tell me that I have to go home cuz its late....I totaly flipped...I mean, what the hell this guy was thinking about when he was saying that to me...I've never been on the date w/ you buddy...I don't even take your calls...and when you show up by my house I just say hello to you and walk right into my building...so I had a bouncer kick him out...and told him that I would call the police if he ever called my house again...I think he got very embarresed and never called me again.... smile.gif

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Originally posted by risa06:

ok...I had this one guy calling my house and telling my mother how good of a girl I am and that he would love for me to live w/ him...he would wait by my house everyday for me to come home from work to ask me if my day was oK and if I wanted to go to eat...It was crazy!!!...I mean the guy looked totaly normal when I met him smile.gif ...and I never went on the date w/ him...I only talked to him over the phone like 4x...so finally one night he showed up at Roxy and tried to tell me that I have to go home cuz its late....I totaly flipped...I mean, what the hell this guy was thinking about when he was saying that to me...I've never been on the date w/ you buddy...I don't even take your calls...and when you show up by my house I just say hello to you and walk right into my building...so I had a bouncer kick him out...and told him that I would call the police if he ever called my house again...I think he got very embarresed and never called me again.... smile.gif

he's a nutter

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Originally posted by bungee:

OK, OK, that's not what happened yous all, here's mine side of it. Blue thouroughly absolutely enjoyed our romantic get together, in fact, kept pushing me back to her place. Well, let me tell you Imma a gentleman my momma taught me to not go home with girls on first date, so, I abstained. Got home, saw 5, not 1, but 5 phone messages telling me she could not get me out of her mind. Immediately called my momma for advice, told me not to date her. I tell you my momma is so wise, I know not what I would do without that lady. That is the truth, so help me.

So why aren't you dating your momma? cwm3.gifcwm5.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Another bouncer story:

I had met another 6'9" guy while he was working a club. He seemed like a really nice guy and one of my friends had tried to hook me up with him the year prior. I gave him my number and we spoke for a bit and finally arranged to meet to go out to the movies.

We met at a parking lot, I got in his car so we could head to the movies.

To my horror, he was in SWEAT PANTS! eek.gif

Who the f*ck wears sweat pants on the first date!?! I don't mind casual, but sweat pants are a bit much!!!

Obviously that was the first and last time we went out.


"Love your enemies...cause your friends may turn out to be a bunch of bastards."

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Originally posted by bungee:

OK, OK, that's not what happened yous all, here's mine side of it. Blue thouroughly absolutely enjoyed our romantic get together, in fact, kept pushing me back to her place. Well, let me tell you Imma a gentleman my momma taught me to not go home with girls on first date, so, I abstained. Got home, saw 5, not 1, but 5 phone messages telling me she could not get me out of her mind. Immediately called my momma for advice, told me not to date her. I tell you my momma is so wise, I know not what I would do without that lady. That is the truth, so help me.

. . . and then the alarm clock rang and he realized he was dreaming about me again. Gotta stop that, Bungee!! I told you I already have a man!! cwm38.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

LOL, what the hell is a flowbee?

i hope you did all the driving after that incident!! ok, what's a flowbee?? it's one of those items sold on tv....advertised with an informercial about 2hours long.....it's an attachment you use on your vacuum cleaner to cut your hair.......you know i'm all for these gadgets (remember my fondness of the autohammer) but i don't want some freaky-ass guy whipping out his flowbee to use on me!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Ok just to even stuff up for the guys and break up the fashion horror stories smile.gif

After saying 'It's funny I really feel comfortable with you, I feel like I can tell you ANYTHING', a girl proceeded to tell me how she had been raped over a long period of time by her uncle and her parents didn't believe her for years. The she tells me about finding her last boyfriend in bed with a girl on a few occasions and trying to get her involved. Then she went on to tell me how she had, had part of her womb removed and couldn't have kids (which turned out to be a lie). And then tells me about all the times she had tried to commit suicide.

What do you say?.... 'erm waiter can I have a bottle of whiskey please... no make that 2..oh and some sleeping pills'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Ok just to even stuff up for the guys and break up the fashion horror stories smile.gif

After saying 'It's funny I really feel comfortable with you, I feel like I can tell you ANYTHING', a girl proceeded to tell me how she had been raped over a long period of time by her uncle and her parents didn't believe her for years. The she tells me about finding her last boyfriend in bed with a girl on a few occasions and trying to get her involved. Then she went on to tell me how she had, had part of her womb removed and couldn't have kids (which turned out to be a lie). And then tells me about all the times she had tried to commit suicide.

What do you say?.... 'erm waiter can I have a bottle of whiskey please... no make that 2..oh and some sleeping pills'

Now THAT is some freaky shit, David!! cwm24.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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