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ClubPlanet Getaway Party?

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Good god...... this thread exploded like Delta Burke's waistline after a Vegas buffet! cwm4.gif

Just got back to the comforting glow of the monitor.... good to see some of the usual suspects voicing their approval for an idea like this. I'd so love to have some DJs with us -- it would literally be transporting our own party out of the city and into the hinterlands.

I'm pretty sure this place is secluded as all hell -- if you haven't checked the front page ( http://www.kingsbarn.com/ ), the barn is situated on 84 acres of land. The only peeps around are going to be the people who own the place.... I'll find out if they're year-round residents or not, but I suspect they are. Still, I can't imagine their abode would directly ajoin the Barn, what with all the noise that could be caused.....

I will find out details, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon. I personally am a big proponent of going around June, as well..... gives everybody time to plan, party on and let summer get its groove-thang on. And I really wanna sit outside in a hot tub and drink a Corona and stare at a sunset...... haven't done that since I left CO. smile.gif

Aight, between this potential party, the impending arrival of Tiesto @ Gatecrasher, and my group-trip to Amsterdam looming on the horizon, I have entirely too much fun to look forward to. As Jim Carrey once said: "somebody STOP me!". cwm4.gif



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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I'm so there. Vejita...you're my new best friend. Keep the info coming! I'll be happy to help plan as well.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by ooana:

I'm so there. Vejita...you're my new best friend. Keep the info coming! I'll be happy to help plan as well.

Ooana: Heheh... glad to hear you're as psyched as I am. smile.gif

Neumonic, NoLimit: I was hoping somebody was gonna say that. No idea, but I'm hoping that some of the peeps who come could use their resources and spinning m4dskillz to provide us with quality bouncing tunes. Heheh.... "ClubNYC in the Poconos"? I think it has a nice ring to it.....

Crommy: Hehehe..... this idea has been festering in my mind for far too long. Thank God other people want to it..... smile.gif

I'm gonna start work on this today..... I'll have a more official thread to see who wants in on this shindig later, but for now, here's a rough list of who's interested:


Vejita (June 22-24)


ooana (no preference)


LikMyLipz (June 22-24)

Glowball (June 22-24)





Uknjx2 (no preference, not April 13-15)



SafitaMace319 (May 25-28, June 22-24)


Cathyo + Mike (June 22-24)

Matta (no preference, not May 8-15)

Crommy (no preference)


Translucent + Olga (May 25-28, June 22-24)

VampieNYC10 (June 22-24)

Mysteriousss (no preference)

Blueangel + Mitchell (June 22-24)

Back2Basics- (no preference, not May 25-28)


Jammy (May 18-20, June 22-24)



SgBrooklyn (May 25-28, June 22-24)

Yuhwoo + RicFutures (May 25-28, June 15-17)


Noiseboy (April 13-15, May 4-6)

Shannah (June 22-24)


That's 36 people so far.... and I have anywhere from 0 to 10 other friends who might wanna come along, too. We should have room for whomever comes, although if the party gets too big, we may have to split it up between two buildings. We'll decide who goes where later -- this is just to gauge general interest. Call now, operators are standing by! cwm4.gif



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

[This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-31-2001).]

[This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-31-2001).]

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let me know in advance when this is happening. My friend has a van that I can bring all my equipment. Its gonna be a good one. 13-years of experience--Djing that is. I'm playing at club Tunnel in 2-weeks--so, you can hear what type of music I play. i guarantee im worth listening to. I hope you all enjoy. Keep me posted.

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I am in if it if the dates don't conflict with prior arrangements... stick my name down.. just me.. as I am a sad lonely person wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I am in if it if the dates don't conflict with prior arrangements... stick my name down.. just me.. as I am a sad lonely person wink.gif

B2B, you're NEVER alone. Think of all the club goddess that'll be with you! wink.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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how about the 22, 23, 24th of june? i think the fist weekend is to close to memorial day, and the next is booked, and then is fathers day the weekend after..

hehehehe now all i gotta do is get me a ride, i'm totally down!






[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by vejita:

but I'm hoping that some of the peeps who come could use their resources and spinning m4dskillz to provide us with quality bouncing tunes. Heheh.... "ClubNYC in the Poconos"? I think it has a nice ring to it.....

Hey Jesse, I actually have a full soundsystem too, mad sweet. only thing tho:

a) dont wanna take away from anybody else that wants to spin, and B) by bringing the sub, it takes up room for like 6 peeps in the van.


aim: djmikedr


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Originally posted by jammy:

hey Jesse, how can you forget your boss? cwm5.gif

Well d-uh yer going! Thongs don't have pockets -- and Lord knows you'd never let me keep so much cash on my person after a successful night of ass-p1mping! cwm4.gif

Apotheosis: I'm not sure we should start planning who brings what just yet. Once we get a better sense of the resources available to us -- cars, drivers, DJs, dj equipment, etc -- we'll know what help we need in making everything work. Cool? smile.gif


NOTE: This is all just to gauge interest -- I don't think it would be fair to say "first-come, first-serve" just yet (until people get their $$ in, anyway). Once we have an accurate number of people who want to go on a date we decide upon, we'll find some way of determining who sleeps where, if Barn space is limited.

Worst case scenario: we use both the Barn and the Annex -- people might have to drive a quick 2-3 minutes to the Annex to get to their beds, if they're sleeping there. But I'm pretty sure everybody who wants to come will be able to come.....



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

[This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Hey Veggie, I am in dude, put me down for 3, me plus 2 fat chicks. We're gonna need your biggest room, in fact, we'll need the stables where the cows live. It better be soundproof, my fat chicks fart and snore like the devil himself, plus, you know, the lovemaking and all. And if any of you sons of bitches even think of messing with my fat chicks, you better know Kung Fu.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Okay, I'd like to suggest...no BEG that it be before June for three very selfish reasons.

1) I want to get the hell out of NY.

2) June is just too damn far away.

3) Nothing like soaking in a hot tub when the air outside is still cool.

Also, once June hits lots of people start heading out of town (Fire Island, Hamptons etc.).

If this trip works out we could also work on planning a second one later in the spring.

Just my two cents :-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Jesse, I think April is out. The 13th is Good Friday and most of us should have that day off, but I don't know how people feel about traveling back for Easter Sunday? And Spring Party Weekend is either the 20th or the 27th ... I'm not exactly sure which yet. As far as May goes, the 13th is Mother's Day. And June 17th is Father's Day.


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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