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All you fucking drug addicts will burn in hell..

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Originally posted by translucent:

Been there, done that. You know what HELL is? It's being in SoBe for NYE2k and realizing that all the E you brought with you is fake. Purgatory is right before you come to that realization...when you pop the first pill, wait an hour without feeling anything,...pop another, wait some more,...pop another and wait an hour more while delusionally hoping that the X will eventually kick in. That's Purgatory!

thats a good one .. hahahahahah



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All you drug pushers, users, whatever will burn in hell so it has been said. You think getting caught with a pill or two is all that will happen? You are all slated for damnation you hear? There are fucking laws against that shit, you should all be prisoned. Guliani will get every single last ass that is on this Board that abuses drugs. Personally I don't give a fuck if yous all Overdosed and lay Spasming on the ground to death, but the fact is drugs are the reason why society is so fucked up and children are influenced at a young age. You should all be fucking ashamed.

ummmm ok cwm13.gif

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All you drug pushers, users, whatever will burn in hell so it has been said. You think getting caught with a pill or two is all that will happen? You are all slated for damnation you hear? There are fucking laws against that shit, you should all be prisoned. Guliani will get every single last ass that is on this Board that abuses drugs. Personally I don't give a fuck if yous all Overdosed and lay Spasming on the ground to death, but the fact is drugs are the reason why society is so fucked up and children are influenced at a young age. You should all be fucking ashamed.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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LOL. You crack me up.

Nothing funnier than the "Christian" who feels it is within their power to condemn other people.. all the while presenting themselves as the epitome of all that is non-Christian.

Very funny, good one. I needed that today. cwm12.gif


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by bungee:

All you drug pushers, users, whatever will burn in hell so it has been said. You think getting caught with a pill or two is all that will happen? You are all slated for damnation you hear? There are fucking laws against that shit, you should all be prisoned. Guliani will get every single last ass that is on this Board that abuses drugs. Personally I don't give a fuck if yous all Overdosed and lay Spasming on the ground to death, but the fact is drugs are the reason why society is so fucked up and children are influenced at a young age. You should all be fucking ashamed.

I bet you voted for G.W. didn't you.


I bet your mom looks like this ----> cwm5.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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your mom must have been on alot of drugs when she had your stupid ass. i saw the bitch last night begging on the corner for some money to buy some crack.




pistol packin, monkey drinkin, no money bum, im from jersey cause that's where im from!!!!


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Originally posted by j303j:

your mom must have been on alot of drugs when she had your stupid ass. i saw the bitch last night begging on the corner for some money to buy some crack.

hehe... this guy is nothing but a fuckin looser who has nothing better to do then preach, so screw him~



we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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Some religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that everyone is damned by lack of adherence to one religion or another and so all people and all souls go to hell.

So Bungee, when I see you in hell, I'm gonna kick the living shit outta ya...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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bungee, you never cease to manage a smile, a shaking of the head, or a puzzled look from me. well, it's better to leave an impression than none. wink.gif

that said, drugs is a sinful pleasure. if we don't want to rot in hell, we shouldn't fall into temptation, correct? and drugs is a way to enjoy in the evil vices that exist in this world. BUT, temptation is also defined by the eye of the beholder, as everyone sets their own standards in this world.

i had a really pious/religious professor and her ONE fall into temptation that she wanted to kill herself over-- was DRINKING COFFEE. to her, that was as bad as doing drugs.

so, i think we are ALL guilty of falling into one form of temptation, who are we to judge WHICH temptation is worse than the other? whats worse, premarital sex, doing drugs, killing people, piercing, drinking coffee, smoking cigs, drinking..? they are ALL wrong, if we want to bring this to a theological level.

it's NO ONE's place in this world to judge who is better based on their OWN judgements and views of sin. a sin is a sin is a sin. or is it...



*turn it around baby*


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Burn in hell?

Well sorry but my god knows that I am a better person than you?


Because I am not judging you like you judge people who do drugs.

I actually feel pitty for one that has so much anger toward something/people he doesn't even understand


The music makes the people come together...


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