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Am I the only one who's poor.....

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it seems like everyone on this board makes over 75000 a yr. ...where does everyone get the money to pay $25 at the door...im guessing at least another $75 -$100 on "party favors"..and miscellaneous other shit two nights a week..and ive even seen people go from club to club ...im just a lowly bartender..someone give me a loan..lol

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I was thinking the same thing. I'm a student as I thought a lot of club kids are, so I don't know where their money comes from. I didn't go to Danny Howells last night cause I'm saving for PVD and after reading the reviews I could cry. I'm trying to afford more than one big night a month, and everyone on the Twilo board is talking about wishing they could pay more for VIP treatment year round- "cause I'm there every weekend anyway". We need better jobs or richer parents, I guess.

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i'm broke too.. i'm not sure where my money comes from.. sometimes i just find it in odd places stashed in my room, funny thing is i dont ever remember hiding it!






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i'm poor too b/c i need to save for my down payment on my car.

i used to go out last year w/ $10 in my pocket. pregamed in my car on the way there and got in free b/c i was promoting the places we were going.

now i don't go out b/c i never have time. for people going out every week in *rare* form, i dont' know how they do it. that must get real expensive week in and week out spending 2 bills at a club alone



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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i hear that.. my friend and this girl hes seen spent 1500 dollars in sf about a month ago.. just between the 2 of them.. i dont know how the fuk someone does that.. i can't go to a club and spend more then 50 with out feeling gulity!






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Poor here, recient graduate so now I'm going to be really poor. It's alright though, I still have my big weekends every once and awhile.

Its funny that someone mentioned the Twilo board cause a couple of days ago someone did a post about staying in on most weekends - a decent amount of people replied, including myself. A lot of people out there only have a big night maybe once or twice a month, and some people mentioned it was because their budget wouldn't be able to handle a big night out every weekend, besides, how big can a night be if you do it every weekend, spacing your clubbing nights out make them so much sweeter on the weekends you do go clubbing. cwm11.gif

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

my friend and this girl hes seen spent 1500 dollars in sf about a month ago.. just between the 2 of them..

yo lipz, this isn't a contest or one-upsmanship.. we don't know your friend, and it's pretty immaterial.

meantime, i live by the theory that money may not buy happiness, but it can buy a good time trying. I got no problem w/ dropping 2 bills on a weekend of clubbing, since I spend that much just eating the rest of the week. it's a matter of priorities - if pissing away some cash is something you have a problem with, don't do it. Sit home.

If you like to go out and enjoy yourself - as well as watching others enjoy themselves - then do it. Get out tha house and play.

least that's how i see it.



"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Their money probably comes from Mommy and Daddy,since they're too spoilt to go and get their own damn money from working or whatever.I'm broke too... smile.gif Being a college student sucks,and I'll have to bear with it for another 5 years or so...damn.


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I make a comfortable living. However I space my weekends out; primarily because I want to buy a home next year; so I need to save $$$. To be quite honest; I do not like to go clubbing every week. Sometimes quiet time with that special person in your life; or spending time with friends is more important then going to a club. I usually go out every other weekend; unless some special event is taking place. I don’t believe you have to spend huge amounts of money, when you go out. Just budget yourself. I do not know about New York; but many clubs in Miami offer reduced admission if you arrive before a certain time..




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Well to me , it seems like i am always broke too. I go to clubs just paying the entrance, coat money and $5 bucks for the water bottle and thats all i spent in a club nite everytime i go out. I hardly have money left after paying part of the rent and all my bills, so theres lots of times i dont go out caues of no money, like this past friday to sf to hear jv. And on top of that going to school and paying for tuition.

cwm14.gif I am always broke damn it.


aim: amafrk1


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i think this entire thread is inconsequential and superficial. i don't think anyone should be interested in how much money others have or DON'T have. especially the club kids who're rolling whenever they go out should never be bitching and moaning about money. spend your money on more useful shit other than drugs.

and for anyone who'se thinking about a "you got money so you don't care" flame, stfu before you even start.. i can't do everything i want either..

it just feels like one of those misery-loves-company threads, for which i really don't give a rats ass.

then again, this is just my opinion, just like this thread is someone else's.

morph_ cwm13.gif


This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

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Easy there Sassa.

Your comment strikes me as a knee-jerk reaction. It's easy to think that if people spend money when you can't that they didn't earn it... but its not true, so take a deep breath... (no flames here)

To make an effort at a genuine response:

I think it's just a matter of perception. If you really look at who's posting from week to week you'll see that very few people *actually* go out both nights every weekend. Or, that people will go out in spurts.

For example, i just had a string of two clubs per night, 3 weekends in a row. Now I'm in hibernation to save up for a big-event that i want to hit. When i've saved up my cash, I'll probably spend it doing what I enjoy. Often that's going to clubs to dance and enjoy the music/ people.

so, given so many people going out and posting about it, it just looks like everyone goes out all the time.

Simple really.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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MORPHEUS..breathe! ....it wasnt a "miseryloves company" thread..i genuinely wanted to know how everyone partied so much and still payed the bills. It was more of an "educate me so i could go out and party all the time" thread

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Originally posted by renten:

MORPHEUS..breathe! ....it wasnt a "miseryloves company" thread..i genuinely wanted to know how everyone partied so much and still payed the bills. It was more of an "educate me so i could go out and party all the time" thread....

Yeah morpheus needs to chill out he's confused. but seriously...I'm sure there are ways to earn a few bucks during the week so that you can have some club/spending money...I used to play chess @ washington square park and when i had enough to go out that nite i'll stop and just go out...if you have a talent like painting or massaging maybe you can use that for some extra cash...or maybe wash some cars or shovel some drive way or offer to baby sit someone's kid or something..I'm sure there's a way to do it if you want it bad enough..shit i remembered when i was younger and wanted to go to this ice skating rink and i had no money..(i come from a very very humble family growing up) and i needed some so i can go to this skating rink and rent out the skate and have some extra few bucks so i could offer this girl i really liked some pizza/soda....I won't tell you what i did to get some money (though i didn't do anything ....but just thought it's irrelevant) but i'll tell you that when you want something bad enough you can create opportunities when oppurtunities don't present itself to you...then when i was coughing i took a cough medicine and walked my dog b4 i went to sleep and dreamt of upside down halo on my shoulder instead of my head...then when i went to hold it and fix it over my head it turn to sand and as it hit the ground the ground turned into quick sand in which i was consumed by the relentless chaatic nonsense of this aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware joyously, drunkely, srenely, divinely aware...and if your still reading this then you must be on fuckin' drugs cos i am making no sense for cents, or just a fuckin zombie insomnia hyper active fool like me..hehehehe

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