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Do You Get More Pissed Off/Upset at Imposters Who Say Shit Just To Cause Drama or at

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Originally posted by cazz926:

This has turned into 1 giant bandwagon:

Example: the whole Mikey crap. At first he "rocked" and was the darling of the baord, then everyone turned on him, especially the ones that were the first to defend him. I personally couldn't give afuck either way, it was just another example of hypocrosy.

Everyone is quick to jump at "freedom" , then when they see something they don't like, its a big whinefest to DaVe to delete the post and the person. What kind of shit is that? I am not justifying racism by any stretch of the imagination, but who cares what some faceless person says? Your're adults, ignore it!

Unfortunatley the same freedom we love that allows us to type these words, protects everyone!

It makes me sick to see the same people who cry "freedom" and give an attitude when they wanna write personal posts, personal opinions and crap are the same ones who bitch and moan when something doesn't suit them.

You know it's true

Whether or not you agree with what I have said or condone such things that I have expressed...I fully appreciate your above commentary...as it points out what I am getting at...however, people on this board will sooner listen to someone else (such as yourself) who they are not "threatened" by...so I am glad that you have said your piece...it is very condusive.

The difference between Mikey and myself is that people knew him when that whole thing took place and decided based upon a few comments that he made that he was all of a sudden a horrenedous person...after enjoying his REAL friendship, etc for some time. This type of behavior is what really brings out people's true colors and should make people contemplate whether the board members are indeed this "loving, accepting" community or just a bunch of hypocritical followers who are quick to peace a friend out based on a misunderstanding or even better A POORLY PHRASED SENTENCE.... I, on the other hand have only met 3-4 people on here for about 10 minutes... so it is more understandable that people would find my comments objectionable and think I was hiding behind a fucking screen name...that is far from the case. I personally could give two shits about what is said on this board...in terms of it effecting me personally...hence, like Crackorn pointed out, posts are made for entertainment purposes, senselesss drama, etc... if I am the only one that appreciates what I say...then that is good enough for me...I am not here to win friends.

Also...it is soooooooooo funny how the phrase "read it and move on" is applicable to certain people but not others...I want people to read what I write...thats why I write it...but it is utter bullshit to come with such nonsense when you have nothing else to say.

I'm sure there's gonna be more attention to this post...as the rest of the board was deleted...so I urge those of you who respond to seriously contemplate your own behavior/actions before riding in on your high horse...


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

"regular" board memebers who speak their mind and have opinions/beliefs that differ from yours?

In my opinion it is of the utmost hypocricacy to criticize others based upon their feelings and beliefs...however harsh or wrong they might seem to you...

Then he says:

and if you can sit there and think that I actually believe 1/2 of what I said...

If you're going to speak your mind, please do feign using it before you speak it. Or at least make it up...

"Hypocricacy" at its best here folks. On full display, right here for your viewing pleasure...


If I'm going to misspell, I should at least misspell it right...

[This message has been edited by ichi_gami (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by gravity:


And Trippintrance, I met you for 2 seconds and you seemed like a nice enough kid...but I think that you have taken this board way to seriously...and confused it greatly with reality. What went on yesterday between Dee and myself was obviously childish and stupid on BOTH of our parts...and if you can sit there and think that I actually believe 1/2 of what I said...you are way more naive than I could have ever imagined. This board serves a different purpose for each of us...some have used it to make friends, others have used it for information, others use it to cause drama...however I think we all use it for a common purpose of passing our time...one way or the other. I'm sure Dee is a great kid and I can pretty much guarantee that he wasnt hurt by what I said...just as I wasnt by what he said... the fact that you are always soooooooooooo offended by everything goes to show that you have a lot of to learn in life and really need to seperate fact and fiction...

Sorry to get into this ruckus but if you are constantly saying you are "being real" and are harboring your "feelings" then why would you say things as if you "believed" in them...I mean you are advocating some sort of hatred against Indian ppl, then turn around and get on ppl that actually believed what you typed, even though it came from you....I don't get it...So basically, we cannot believe anything you say b/c its a toss up between fact and fiction. Next time you are just "kidding" around, put others on to it b/c if not you can and will be labeled as an arsehole and considering how cruel and unforgiving cwm34.gif this world is as you say, when its time for you to be "truthful" then no one is going to believe you. Damn I hope I wrote that right... frown.gif

-Jamms "dontbeawlofinsheepsclothing"


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BTW, I don't REALLY believe in what I said in my earlier post...it was just to make a point to this moron (doubt it'll get across but its worth a try). Point is, don't make slanderous remarks against other people or cultures...ESPECIALLY if you are just kidding around.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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This is EXACTLY what I knew and WANTED to happen...the followers are all huddled together picking apart every thing that is said...that is about as mature as me saying that all hindus smell. I have no intention of backing out of what I said...because my posts yesterday WERE meant to piss that kid off and apparently they pissed a lot of you FOLLOWERS off as well. My statements caused a rise in someone...and I will never regret what I said...however saying shit to piss someone off (as I did)is a far cry from what you FOLLOWERS are attempting to perpetuate. NYCEdee and I have had bullshit drama for some time...so the posts were clearly made to piss him off... Is the fact that you FOLLOWERS can't see past that, the result of the fact that your leader (whomever that might be) has yet to smack you upside your heads in effort to make you open your fucking eyes?


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

[This message has been edited by gravity (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

(Note: hypocricacy is spelt "hypocricy")

actually it is hypocrisy, but that's ok dude, smile.gif.

Yo, I read that whole thread where Grav was calling nycedee a "dirty hindu" the other day and that shit ain't right, so don't try to play it off like you were just playing. Even if you were, it's still not right. I love my Indian friends and you stereotyping them and denigrating them all over the place to an audience you don't know is some combination of immaturity and/or ignorance.

I fail to see how your appeals for us to see it in the context of all your posts to him is valid either. Surely you can talk some smack if you wish without dropping yourself down in that gutter.

I just hope you guys can figure out a way to get along, cause we need to squash this shit right here.




In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of

only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

[This message has been edited by mjr203 (edited 02-08-2001).]

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How old are you? 10 years??

If you make slanderous remarks against a whole culture, you think we're all going to sit back and think "Oh my, I shouldn't be a FOLLOWER...I should just sit back on my little chair and twiddle my thumbs and do nothing"!

It does not matter if this started off between you and Dee - YOU chose to drag all of us into it. Now deal with it.

Originally posted by gravity:

This is EXACTLY what I knew and WANTED to happen...the followers are all huddled together picking apart every thing that is said...that is about as mature as me saying that all hindus smell. I have no intention of backing out of what I said...because my posts yesterday WERE meant to piss that kid off and apparently they pissed a lot of you FOLLOWERS off as well. My statements caused a rise in someone...and I will never regret what I said...however saying shit to piss someone off (as I did)is a far cry from what you FOLLOWERS are attempting to perpetuate. The way this issue is being treated is as if NYCEdee and I have had bullshit drama for some time...so the posts were clearly made to piss him off... Is the fact that you FOLLOWERS can't see past that, the result of the fact that your leader (whomever that might be) has yet to smack you upside your heads in effort to make you open your fucking eyes?


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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You all are a bunch of fucking idiots. I happen to have a wonderful life outside this Board, in fact it's been too life consuming with Grad school and all, but you all need to get laid or some shit like that. I admit I have several imposters on here, 'oh let's shoot, delete, lynch' that imposter ovah there, please, give me a fucking break. Let me tell you, I am not an imposter, bungee is my first screen name. You know what? I found that some of you fuckers laughed and enjoyed some of my imposters, ie. "Marioscamera" from after the America meetup. But that name was deleted after like 5 "this is funny" reposnses. That thread had so much potential but because of some of you whiners, was never realized. I am not on here to make friends, meet people, hook up, etc, some of us are here to pass time, have a little fun, so fuck you all. Now please, don't start accusing me everytime a new imposter shows up.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Ooohhhh come on Jammy, you can say it! Aaasssshhhooolllee cwm16.gif


Ooohhhh come on Jammy, you can say it!

Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiink. Now I must hate Asian people as well... fucking morons. Is calling someone an asshole really any different than calling them a smelly hindu or chink...NO...as both phrases/statements are meant to piss off/hurt the other person...get a fucking clue. Blue Angel...step back in line with the rest of the followers.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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gravity, my point being is...[riding in on high horse cwm27.gif ]...is if you are going to diss the guy or get on him...diss something else other than his religion or something else like his sneakers are fucked up looking, not his religion (heck he could have been Protestant). But point being diss the person directly, don't bring a whole religion thing into it...But either do the fuck what you want...It really doesn't have anything to do with me and I won't be the one looking like a retard, saying one thing and meaning something else. Oh yeah by the way, ah NO I am not trying to be anyones friend here...As anyone out there that may/may not know me...I don't kiss anyones ass to be their friend. Its either accept me for what I am, or fuck you. And trust me I do the same.

-Jamms "saywhatyoumean"



AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

[This message has been edited by jammy (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Dude, you really are dumb. When you call someone an "asshole" its directed at that person and that person only...when you call someone a "dirty Hindhu", or "chink" that directed at a whole race, ie, stereotyping (esp. with no basis).

Originally posted by gravity:

Ooohhhh come on Jammy, you can say it!

Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiink. Now I must hate Asian people as well... fucking morons. Is calling someone an asshole really any different than calling them a smelly hindu or chink...NO...as both phrases/statements are meant to piss off/hurt the other person...get a fucking clue. Blue Angel...step back in line with the rest of the followers.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Yo, could it be that part of the fun is rooting out the imposters? Anyway, I've read dozens of funny shit posts by so-called imposters and everyone ain't taking it that seriously. Anyway, you seem to be a little emotional about this imposter thing. I recommend at least... 5.... maybe 6 bong hits immediately. smile.gif much love


Originally posted by bungee:

You all are a bunch of fucking idiots. I happen to have a wonderful life outside this Board, in fact it's been too life consuming with Grad school and all, but you all need to get laid or some shit like that. I admit I have several imposters on here, 'oh let's shoot, delete, lynch' that imposter ovah there, please, give me a fucking break. Let me tell you, I am not an imposter, bungee is my first screen name. You know what? I found that some of you fuckers laughed and enjoyed some of my imposters, ie. "Marioscamera" from after the America meetup. But that name was deleted after like 5 "this is funny" reposnses. That thread had so much potential but because of some of you whiners, was never realized. I am not on here to make friends, meet people, hook up, etc, some of us are here to pass time, have a little fun, so fuck you all. Now please, don't start accusing me everytime a new imposter shows up.


In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of

only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

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Originally posted by gravity:

Ooohhhh come on Jammy, you can say it!

Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiink. Now I must hate Asian people as well... fucking morons. Is calling someone an asshole really any different than calling them a smelly hindu or chink...NO...as both phrases/statements are meant to piss off/hurt the other person...get a fucking clue. Blue Angel...step back in line with the rest of the followers.



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





AIM: fantom0680

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Originally posted by gravity:

This is EXACTLY what I knew and WANTED to happen...the followers are all huddled together picking apart every thing that is said...that is about as mature as me saying that all hindus smell. I have no intention of backing out of what I said...because my posts yesterday WERE meant to piss that kid off and apparently they pissed a lot of you FOLLOWERS off as well. My statements caused a rise in someone...and I will never regret what I said...however saying shit to piss someone off (as I did)is a far cry from what you FOLLOWERS are attempting to perpetuate. NYCEdee and I have had bullshit drama for some time...so the posts were clearly made to piss him off... Is the fact that you FOLLOWERS can't see past that, the result of the fact that your leader (whomever that might be) has yet to smack you upside your heads in effort to make you open your fucking eyes?

you never got a rise out of me at all. you did more damage to yourself and i was entertained by your foolishness. your racist babblings yesterday just showed your true colors. I asked you this before, what if I was jewish, or african american, what would you have said then.

nobody is picking apart anything, you said it blatanty for all to see. people do not like racists, its that simple.

what do you want people to see? you made an ass out of yourself, and now you're trying to tell people that they are stupid for listening to your racial comments about Indians?

you're a fool


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by jammy:

gravity, my point being is...[riding in on high horse cwm27.gif ]...is if you are going to diss the guy are get on him...diss something else that his religion or something else like his sneakers are fucked up looking, not his religion (heck he could have been Protestant). But point being diss the person directly, don't bring a whole religion thing into it...But either do the fuck what you want...It really doesn't have anything to do with me and I won't be the one looking like a retard, saying one thing and meaning something else. Oh yeah by the way, ah NO I am not trying to be anyones friend here...As anyone out there that may/may not know me...I don't kiss anyones ass to be their friend. Its either accept me for what I am, or fuck you. And trust me I do the same.

-Jamms "saywhatyoumean"


Do me a favor...write a list of guidelines of what is allowed to be said when dissing someone...so that we all may know what is acceptable.

I do agree with you however that "its either accept me for what I am, or fuck you." and I'm sure this is how you go about your business as do I...however, for the most part, I believe that many people on here would rather say what is "acceptable" than lend support to a "controversial" issue even if they fully agree with it...and for the record...is it not true that most Hindus smell?


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

Ooohhhh come on Jammy, you can say it!

Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiink. Now I must hate Asian people as well... fucking morons. Is calling someone an asshole really any different than calling them a smelly hindu or chink...NO...as both phrases/statements are meant to piss off/hurt the other person...get a fucking clue. Blue Angel...step back in line with the rest of the followers.

You see this is how silly and immature YOU are. When I said that to Jammy, I wasn't calling YOU an asshole. I was poking at Jammy for her choice of words cause I've NEVER heard her curse before. So my respond to her had NOTHING to do with you. But it's okay, like I said don't expect others to treat you in a mature fashion when you're the one constantly being immature. One last thing, calling me a chink doesn't phase me . . . I've heard a lot worse from a lot more important people than yourself.



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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I from the asshole family...Yes I admit it...I go by many names yet they all are the same...I am one of the most sarcatic individuals you would ever meet, but I don't care, and many a friend of mine have been pissed of as hell because of it. But its all in good fun for me...If you are truly indeed in this family too then all you need to do was mention that like maybe once or something...You already know how this board is and yes some are more sensitive than others, but not taking that into consideration, why don't you tell every fat chick you see on the street that they are the most hideous being on the face of the planet, neglect to tell them you are kidding then see what results you get. I doubt they would want to give you a high 5 cwm6.gif ...

-Jamms "imhungry"



AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Dude, you really are dumb. When you call someone an "asshole" its directed at that person and that person only...when you call someone a "dirty Hindhu", or "chink" that directed at a whole race, ie, stereotyping (esp. with no basis).

You and everyone else are fully missing the point...yesterdays events were OBVIOUSLY directed at one particular person...if they offended an "entire nation" well than I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sowwwwwwwwwwwwy. You all need to have a big group cry and move the fuck on.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

Ooohhhh come on Jammy, you can say it!

Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiink. Now I must hate Asian people as well... fucking morons. Is calling someone an asshole really any different than calling them a smelly hindu or chink...NO...as both phrases/statements are meant to piss off/hurt the other person...get a fucking clue. Blue Angel...step back in line with the rest of the followers.

you are truly an idiot. if you're as intelligent as you think you are, then you would recognize the difference between calling someone an asshole and a racist slur. most people can brush off the asshole comment... as far as the racial stuff, it hits most people a lot deeper b/c many terrible things have happened to people just based on race... you just don't get it do you.

i know you're trying to backpedal with this "freedom of speech stance" and "true colors of people coming out" bullshit, but you just keep on digging yourself into a bigger hole. first the hindus, now the chinks... who's next??? looks like YOUR true colors have come out.

why don't you sincerely apologize or STFU!!!




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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Originally posted by blueangel:

You see this is how silly and immature YOU are. When I said that to Jammy, I wasn't calling YOU an asshole. I was poking at Jammy for her choice of words cause I've NEVER heard her curse before. So my respond to her had NOTHING to do with you. But it's okay, like I said don't expect others to treat you in a mature fashion when you're the one constantly being immature. One last thing, calling me a chink doesn't phase me . . . I've heard a lot worse from a lot more important people than yourself.


Once again...a statement has been taken and twisted to fit THE ALMIGHTY POINT. I'm sure you fully realize the jest in the statement you responded to.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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