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Water : health

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We all know that water is important but I've never seen it written down like this before.

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half worlds population)

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a U-Washington study.

Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly

ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus

it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?


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I must down 2-3 liters a day. Funny thing is, it all started when I started rolling!

Who would think e would bring about a healthy habit!?



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by anthonyp:

And you think doing E is healthy way of living?

no what i think she is saying is doing e brought on a healthy habbit... lol

i would agree, i really didn't start drinking water untill i started rollin...


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




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Originally posted by anthonyp:

And you think doing E is healthy way of living?

Noooo, that's not what I said. I was commenting on the irony that it brought on a good habit...drnking lots of water.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Just thought you might like to know that half of that is bullshit.

I think two lines are accurate.

Anyway...... by the time you get a sense of being thirsty........ you're already on your way to being dehydrated.. it's real subtle... when it's not major--- you gotta pay attention...

The bulk of the rest of the info depends on your habitual water intake....

ie: If I drink 8 glasses of water a day........ an extra couple % of water isn't going to increase my effectiveness in terms of cognitive abilities.. etc... nor is a decrease in the %.

The fatigue one is accurate.. whatever it says about water fatigue.. that line's on point... Kinda like being tired... and it's super apparent in a hot climate... you start dosing off and getting tired... you hydrate back up and you're good to go...




<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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To continue Artful's thought...too much water is also unhealthy. You can thin down your blood and basically drown - not enough red blood cells by blood volume to keep the body properly oxgenated.

So you may feel a little weak, nauseous, and fuzzy-headed if you're hypohydrated, and should drink something. and you may feel a little weak, nauseous, and fuzzy-headed if you are hyperhydrated. Can YOU tell the difference?

I wonder just how many "e-related deaths" are actually related to individuals drinking too much water, as opposed to not enough...IMG]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm6.gif


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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

I wonder just how many "e-related deaths" are actually related to individuals drinking too much water, as opposed to not enough...IMG]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm6.gif

I have actually heard that one of the biggest causes of death for "rollers" is that they drink too much water (bladder explosion from drinking without peeing..). (kinda gross, but def. something to be aware of....)

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

To continue Artful's thought...too much water is also unhealthy. You can thin down your blood and basically drown - not enough red blood cells by blood volume to keep the body properly oxgenated.

You are incorrect, sir. It is nearly impossible to drive hematocrit (a measure of hemoglobin available to carry oxygen) that far down by simply drinking water. Women tolerate decreases in hematocrit better than men, but even males can sustain the drops achievable by drinking water without significant difficulties. Did you know that "blood" transfusions in trauma cases are actually quite often saline transfusions, simply to maintain total blood volume and avoid hypovolemic shock?

It's another story that you can dilute your electrolytes and get into problems that way, but that's another story.

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Originally posted by nycetouch:

*gulp* aqua es bueno

I cant stand the taste of Evian for some reason, hmmm, anyway....

Because it's one of the dirtiest waters out there....(no offense) One of the cleanest waters out there is Poland Spring.. Sorry I only drink water....and certain brands made me sick so I requested a fact sheet on them ...Evian was up there along with several others.. Poland Spring, Deer Park, Great Bear were a few of the cleanest...


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Originally posted by resident:

You are incorrect, sir. It is nearly impossible to drive hematocrit (a measure of hemoglobin available to carry oxygen) that far down by simply drinking water. Women tolerate decreases in hematocrit better than men, but even males can sustain the drops achievable by drinking water without significant difficulties. Did you know that "blood" transfusions in trauma cases are actually quite often saline transfusions, simply to maintain total blood volume and avoid hypovolemic shock?

It's another story that you can dilute your electrolytes and get into problems that way, but that's another story.

That may well be true...I am far from a medical expert, so the information I gave is almost direct quotation from the New York Times. As such, it is at the least second- or third-hand information, and may not be 100% correct.

Thanks, Resident. cwm9.gif


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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Because it's one of the dirtiest waters out there....(no offense) One of the cleanest waters out there is Poland Spring.. Sorry I only drink water....and certain brands made me sick so I requested a fact sheet on them ...Evian was up there along with several others.. Poland Spring, Deer Park, Great Bear were a few of the cleanest...

I knew there was a reason why I like Poland Spring so much!!



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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i have been recently suffering from horrible leg cramps on club nights cwm14.gif but i recently read that muscle cramps is a sure sign of dehydration. so i have recently cahnged my tune on drinking water. Reb bull doesn't count, as my good old buddy caffiene does nothing but serve to further dehydrate you. so after the red bull i figured i should use two bottles of water as a chaser. This is speaking for a club night. So remember kids say you prayers take your vitamins drink your water and you can be a Mik-a-maniac!


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

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