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What is the stupidest thing you ever did or said while smoked up?

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Originally posted by roly99:

Well, it all began when a couple of friends and I decided to smoke a couple blunts near the weehawken peers (overlooking NYC skyline).

We were at a small table that belongs to the park rolling the blunts and I had a bottle of water that I left at the table. Then we decide to go near the railing, protecting the river, to smoke.

After smoking a my friend and I are walking in front of a couple other friends, he turns to me and says " I'll race you for the water...", which was still on the table a good 30 feet away.

I say "okay".

He says "ready? GO!" he takes two steps and notices that I haven't moved yet, so he stops.

He begins to say, "you're not gonna run", but before he can finnish the sentance I run like crazy grab the water bottle, couldn't stop, jumped on top of the seat near the table, did a 360 and landed right in the middle of a bush.

Well, needless to say I won. I got up only to see that all my friends were on the floor dieing of laughter...

I think that would have to be my most interesting experiance high ever, but I beat him!

MY NAME IS ROLY! BOY OF BUSH!!...LOL....had to ber one of the funniest things i've ever seen....HAHAHAHA!...mine isnt that big of a deal...my job was overlooking the same piers, so you could pretty much walk to the building i worked at from the very same spot that roly speaks of, in a matter of 2 mins.

So me, and 2 close friends where there, and we smoked a couple J's. my two friends are rambling on about whatever....(i was in my own world.)...and i am all quiet. When in the middle of my friends sentence, i blurt out "MY THINK MY BACK OF MY HEAD IS NUMB" still have not lived it down. biggrin.gif


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





AIM: fantom0680

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Smoked at a party, walked to the park 2 blocks away, and smoked some more. After five minutes, I started hearing voices, I just KNEW that we were being "stalked" by the FBI or something. We ended up running through the park at 3am, knocking over trash cans and picking up rocks and sticks as weapons (I'm no one was walking through the park at the time, or we might have been in cuffs that night).

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After smoking a J and having a couple of beers me and my friends decide to pull over in this abandoned lot near the FDR around 14th st to urinate. We get back in his dad's car and everyone starts sniffing, someone goes " Did somoone step in shit!?"..."Check your shoes". So I grab my right shoe and lift it up in order to smell it. Didn't smell anything, lift my left shoe up, still didn't smell anything. We then head into an NYU dorm to use the bathroom again and I notice in the mirror that I have

horseshit on the inside of both my pant legs(from my shoes whisking up against when I lifted to check for shit), on my hands(again from lifting my shoes), and in my hair(running shit-covered hands thru hair. I stepped in a pile of horseshit in the lot while pissing. I get ribbed about till this day.

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Got another one....this one is scary:

In the summer, i went to a friends house (planning on staying over)...where a few friends where. Everyone smoked quite a bit, and passed out. 4am rolls around, and i got up (still messed up) and decided to walk home (7 blocks) i got a block away from my friends house, and became VERY paranoid. So i turned my head back to see if anyone was following, and i saw...get this.....a little skeleton girl. she was about 2 ft tall, she had the head of Jack from the Nightmare before christmas, and she had 4 or 5 thick black strings for hair. She was also wearing a Tall black Top hat.

Long story short....she followed me all the way to my bed....and dissapeared when i closed my eyes. cwm36.gifcwm35.gif


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





AIM: fantom0680

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So she says: "Honey I want your Dick"

And in complete desperation I tried to lie:

"I Don’t have one" cwm2.gif

See the funny part is that I was sincere and really thought that - that was a good lie to get her off my back ;p cwm32.gif silly arnt I

That is funny as hell. . . and it sounds like some shit my man would say. Great story!


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I was hanging out with a bunch of friends and we were all talking and laughing.

One of my friends had said something that I thought was really funny and I was about to say something in return but I couldnt seem to get the words out of my mouth.

When everyone was quiet and watching tv I said did I just say that or was I thinking it?

everyone started laughing and looked at me and said you havent said anything in like 45 min. I felt so supid cwm13.gif

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I was at a party and had just finished smoking a blunt. I sat down at this couch and laid back to enjoy the ride so i light up a cigarette(even tho i dont smoke cigs), take a drag, and zone out. Next thing i remember is that the side of my head was itching so i start scratching it. I stopped scratching and about a second later i felt the itch again but this time it was more intense almost like a bee biting me. I stood up and looked in a mirror and i see i lit cigarette in my ear....i guess what happened was that after i took that drag i didnt want to smoke anymore and forgot that i already lit the cigarette and put it behind my ear...i still have a little scar..ouch!


"Wherever you go, there you are."

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

i'll make sure to stay away from your beach when i'm in the hamptons this summer

oh but only on rain days wink.gif


i'll make sure to stay close to your beach when i'm in the hamptons this summer

oh but only on rain days wink.gif

- Arthur


Keep On Rollin' cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND



AIM: ZUinc2000

[This message has been edited by Unbound (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by rld2g:

this is bad...i was in france and me, my french brother and a couple of friends of his were defonce(extremely blown)..then he goes to the kitchen and gets a box of macaroni and says this is how we do in france..so he opens the box and hands it to me...so i take a few out and start chewing raw mac...my teeth were hurting like shit, but i'm like, when in france do as the french do you know...so everybody in the room is dying laughing and i'm like whats going on...it took me like 10 minutes to figure out that they were going to cook the mac and that i was the only one eating it raw... and that they were laughing at me...i was pretty tore...thats what happens with morroccan(and no tobacco)

Pissing In My Pants - this is so Funny cwm27.gifcwm2.giftongue.gif

thank god - you were not in korea - you'd be eating a live dog - he he cwm32.gif


Keep On Rollin' cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND



AIM: ZUinc2000

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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

i dont think anyone can top me lol


Lets see, I was high while writing a thread and used a poor choice of words ( I was in my head writing as if I was talking to someone in front of me casually ).

Not worth the drama that followed.

Honest god truth.

Dont smoke anymore cause of that.

[This message has been edited by apotheosis (edited 02-08-2001).]

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i havent lit up in years, but i remember this 1 time when i was a freshman in high school, me & a bunch of friends ended up smoking somewhere in harlem by a weed spot. & usually, after puffing, i get the munchies.. so a bunch of us went to to a corner bodega to steal whatever we could since we spent all of our money on the trees. 5 minutes later as im walking out, one of the mexicans there grabs me & starts pulling all these hostess cupcakes out of my pockets. "whats this?" he says to me. i was so fucked up, all i could say was "cuppy-cakes, ya want one?" with a smile on my face. but luckily, all the workers started cracking up & they let me go.

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This is pretty bad. My friend and I smoked wayyyy to many bowls on the way up to the mall one day. So, we get out of the car and are walking towards the glass doors. I'm so incredibly stupid, that I thought the door was open so I walk through the doorway.

WELL, the door WAS NOT open and my face slammed right into the glass!! There was this mom and her two young kids walking through the other way and I got laughed at by them. I really thought I broke my nose....I was hysterically laughing though the whole time. You had to be there.


bluesbro.gif Please meet Jammin' Jimmy, the Dancin' Machine!! (thanks Daniela)!

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Originally posted by perfecto25:

Hahaha! great topic orchid! ok ill tellya, about 3 years ago, my first time smokin up, my frends came over and we were gona chill at the ol' Tunnel, back in tha day, so we are goin to the city from jersey in a conversion van, and we are all smokin up like cheech n chong, being my first time, i giggled of course. so after pullin a few times, i start to smell this sweet, candy like odor. so im like " hey guys are u eating candy?" and they say no, no. so we keep goin, after like 2 minutes i start to smell something burning, im so high off my ass, i cant even understand what is burning exactly, so i look down at my crotch, HOLY SHIT, my dicks on fire!!! my whole crotch was on smoke and burning. Apparetnly, being a first time half baker, i didnt flick the ash off the tip, so it fell on my crotch, so i dropped and rolled on the floor, hit my head on somethin, meanwhile everyone is hysterical, laughin at my sorry ass. so to get to the point, we had to return home, so i could change my pants, (i still have those burnt thru kakhis, i kept em as a souvenir),and then we went to Tunnel, thankfully, none of my family jewels or other vital equipment was hurt, but its still funny to this day! Duh!

OMG- this shit made me laugh..ive said/done soo much stupid shit just like this...lol


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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me and my ex girl would just sit in my room and make faces at eachother, the funny thing is we took pictures of eachother while doing it to. we would laugh forever,

you had to be tthere.


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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we have a friend that is kinda lazy & doesnt like to go anywhere when we ask him (since his the JR in the group - we send him into the grocery to get munchies) also for the same reason of him being Jr, we never give him credit when he's righ

He wines a lot - His excuse is always -but i dont wanna go - god knows i might get fucked up! cwm25.gif (beat up/jumped) - same excuse every time

what a lame excuse so we always kick his ass out and send him to the store anyhow

well one day its taking him forever to come back - so my other friends is like (with the most serious expressive face he could make):

You know what? - this time - well i think he was right!

PS nothing happened to him - and we were dissapointed smile.gif - so we desided to make up for the lack of bruces on his body tongue.gif

PPS a very embalished story that was SO DAMN funny at the time - i had to color it up for you guys to get it


Keep On Rollin' cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND



AIM: ZUinc2000

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TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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being high is the best feeling to me anyway but to answer the ques. stupidest thing hm try to pluck my eyebrows, shave oh and smoked w/ a now ex-friend of mine that is/was bi - she came on to me cwm24.gif something i've said hm i actually have a hard time talkin' when i'm high so i write instead... i laugh too much cwm32.gifcwm38.gif


* starcapone * modus operandi * athenalust@hotmail.com

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wow this is a great fucking topic, hehe, i have soo many so where do i begin i think i can only list a few because if i listed all of themand the context we would be here all day,

ok so were are driving around and we hit a parking lot where some of our other friends are chillin we smoking in one car, and one fo the guys we rolled up with is in this other car talking to this chick, so we smoke and hes taking forever to get back into the car... so my friend asks what hes doing in there and im like " that nigga is beat meatin" shortly after i ask my friend for her lighter and she searches her coat and she swears she "puckin fut" it in her pocket that was a good night, oh and my other friend was fucking toasted she was like ill show you how to hop like a bunny, so youhave to put your feet like this and knees like this and then you spread you cheeks and hop, i was like what? shes like "spread your cheeks" and hop that was some funny ass shit, maybe you had to be there

oh well thats all for now

this is a great post



Our civilization is still in a middle stage, no longer wholly guided by instinct, not yet wholly guided by reason...

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ahh that reminds me of a coupla stories:

this one time in high school my best friend and i were at a state park so we could smoke and walk around in the woods and go to the waterfront... we were at the parking lot for some reason, we had to get something in my car's trunk. well i stupidly closed the trunk with my keys in it, and i'm like, oh my god i locked my keys in the trunk! what am i going to do, call my dad for the duplicate key and when he asks why, say i was too stoned and locked my keys in the trunk? it took a few minutes and then i realized that the passenger doors were still unlocked, and i could unlatch the trunk from inside... DUH!

and another time, with the same friend, we thought we would go drive to seattle (this was when i still lived in the 'burbs - bleh) and catch a flick. there was 4 of us in my car, and i said i didn't want to drive baked so i let him (Jakub) drive my car. well we had this dumb idea that we should smoke enroute, on the freeway. we were passing the bowl around and when it was Jakub's turn to toke, i had to reach over and take the wheel while he did the gas/brake. we were in the HOV lane and going like 35 in a 60 mph zone... how shady is that? i think the car behind us was suspicious. and to top it off, a few minutes later i was like "why is it so smokey in my car?" and there was a fucking piece of burning bowl burning a hole in my seat! how do i explain that to the 'rents, as "i don't smoke?!" my car was brand new!

needless to say, bowls and cars don't mix with me. i haven't lived with my parents for almost 4 years now and now i live in downtown seattle. problems solved.




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