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No More Twilo For Me . . .

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This has been an on-going process for me and it took a long time for me to finally say this. However, this past Friday at Twilo is what broke the camel’s back . . . FOR ME. For the last 6 months or so, I’ve seen many occurrence at Twilo where when it starts to get crowded the bouncers would just grab a bunch of Asian kids at random and throw them out. I’ve had bunch of my friends get thrown out time and time again, however this past Friday two of my very best friends who are also promoters for Twilo get thrown out and these are kids that doesn’t even do drugs PERIOD! Never mind that but how does a club throw out their own promoters to make room?? cwm25.gif

What gets to me is that at least some clubs like EXIT just plainly tells you at the door that they’re not letting any more Asians in! Twilo just takes our money at the door and then wait for us to settle down for an hour and then throws us out for no apparent reasons! At least with clubs like Exit and Limelight the bouncers are actually courteous . . . Twilo bouncers will step all over you . . . more so if you’re Asian.

That’s it . . . I’m finished with Twilo. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how many fabulous DJs they bring into their clubs . . . the staff and the management there makes it IMPOSSIBLE for you to have a good time. From the rude bouncers to the over crowded “no room to breath” nights. I would MUCH rather pay $25 dollars and go see Gatecrasher at Limelight then pay another $30 at Twilo for PVD or S&D or who ever comes there. I will love these DJs NO MATTER WHAT but I can’t contribute another penny to that place. I’ll see these DJs some other way . . . even if I have to go to Ibiza every year! wink.gif

So, to all the Asian members on this board . . . next time you’re at Twilo think about who you’re giving your money to and how you’re treated there. You’re the customers and they’re suppose to provide . . . not ROB you of your money cause that is what they’re doing. Right now you might say it won’t happen to you but as long as your Asian . . . the chances are it will. And from now on if anyone asks me for my opinion on what club is the best in New York . . . it sure as hell will not be Twilo. With all it’s wonderful sound system and it’s great DJs . . . it’s such a shame that it has to be ruined because of its nasty bouncers and horrible management.

I’ll sit low with that club and maybe do a silent prayer that it’ll get shut down and re-opened under a different management like Home or Cream from London!! cwm38.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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BlueAngel, I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your friends...

Could you please post what you posted at the Twilo forum and bring it to Twilobosse's attention.

She just may do something about this. I would post it there myself, but I don't know the details as you do.

Please post it. It is unfair what's happening and it should be brought to light on their forums as well...


You might just achieve what you're shooting for, if you just dream a little...


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Originally posted by blueangel:

And YES I will be posting this EXACT message on the Twilo board as well!! cwm38.gif


Oh, good. I was one click too late before you posted that.


You might just achieve what you're shooting for, if you just dream a little...


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What is the motive for the poeple getting thrown out? Is it because they think they're too fucked up or is it just them trying to get more people in.... i just don't understand the idea behind it.

Sorry u had a shit night...




AIM: mattarrundale1

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Originally posted by matta:

What is the motive for the poeple getting thrown out? Is it because they think they're too fucked up or is it just them trying to get more people in.... i just don't understand the idea behind it.

Sorry u had a shit night...


They're just trying to make more room to fit more people in that place. Which in its self is totally fucked up! But then to target one group is even MORE fucked up!! IF they were throwing kids out for getting caught with drugs then I would have nothing to say . . . but to throw out your own promoters who doesn't even do drugs is . . . is . . . I don't even know what the fuck that is!!!




“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Shit Casey i am sorry to here about that. Sound to me like what i thought was a cosmapolitan city is no more than a place strugling to understand it's self.

I post all over and i have to say that i have never know the shit like you get on this board.

I have no idea why NY seems not to have these issues fixed.

Something should be done about this though, what it needs is all the people who have experiance to get together and do something about it, sending detailed descriptions of there experiances to the authorities and if needed Lawyers. I would be willing to get involved, and i am sure plenty of people would.

This music has brought people together more than anything else i can think of other than wars. Only to have the stupid idiots and the club owners and promoters tear it apart.

Shit, lets hope the UK clubs do open up to get some fresh un-biased faces on the NY scene. It needs it.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by blueangel:

They're just trying to make more room to fit more people in that place. Which in its self is totally fucked up! But then to target one group is even MORE fucked up!! IF they were throwing kids out for getting caught with drugs then I would have nothing to say . . . but to throw out your own promoters who doesn't even do drugs is . . . is . . . I don't even know what the fuck that is!!!



this is true... it is fucked and completely unfair... as for throwing people out. I personally believe no one should get thrown out unless they causing trouble. Whether it is legal or not... drugs are a big part of the clubbing scene and without them, they certainly would not be getting the crowds or money they are at the moment.

Anyway, this is fucked and pisses me off.




AIM: mattarrundale1

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casey, best thing to do initially. Get together and write a letter we can send it round to all the big dance mags, i should be able to make sure it gets published in Mixmag.

Shame the f?cker in to changing. If somebody writes it we can get the other people who have had similar experiances put their name to it.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

casey, best thing to do initially. Get together and write a letter we can send it round to all the big dance mags, i should be able to make sure it gets published in Mixmag.

Shame the f?cker in to changing. If somebody writes it we can get the other people who have had similar experiances put their name to it.

David, I'll send you an email.



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

casey, best thing to do initially. Get together and write a letter we can send it round to all the big dance mags, i should be able to make sure it gets published in Mixmag.

Shame the f?cker in to changing. If somebody writes it we can get the other people who have had similar experiances put their name to it.

b2b, has got the right idea. This is really bad and makes me feel nervous about going to a club that has these type of principles. It's just wrong. I have never come across anything like it. Don't really want to do a London / New York comparison but this just wouldn't happen in London.

It also annoys me cause i actually had a great time on Friday and thought it was one of the best nights i've had in ages....




AIM: mattarrundale1

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hard to know what to say. i'm sorry your friends got thrown out - even more ridiculous that they were not drug-taking promoters for the club.

i hope you can make people at the club aware of this as this is about the only chance that there'll be any change. alternatively, you could start going there on friday nights with a pickboard asking twilo to stop discriminating against asians.

good luck.


* i love sex always&forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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BlueANgel I am really sorry to hear that TWILO did that to you and your friends!!.....its a shame that we live in a world that still judges people by there color and not there opinions and and characteristics....once again im sorry to hear what they did to you and your friends.



Why I love TWILO:

Best music

Best crowd

Best afterhours..

...nuff said

SEE YA UNDER THE BALL!!! peacesymbol.gif

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Im with everyone else blueangel...sorry about your night,...its shit like this we as people cant control...these stupid assholes they call bouncers dont have a clue what the fuck its all about....PLUR!!!@! By teh way....clubhead...remember the time when Kristen got thrown out....remember the black bouncer with the glasses always up on us!!!!!

to all my fellow people....keep your head and spirits up!!!! PeaceLoveUnityRespect....dont say it...live it!!



"Ravers dont stumble and fall....

...we TRIP and ROLL"


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Not to bring back any drama, but I could see how if I was Asian I wouldnt be having a good time at Twilo while my friends or other Asians are getting thrown out for no reason.

Dont just send a letter to Mixmag, send it to the Times, Daily News, etc.

Also alert this organization: http://www.caasf.org/

They may be able to help bring some political light into this. Fuck that, bring the heat on Twilo. This is fucking outrageous, what's and who's next?




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i anticipated this kinda bullshit long before at twilo and exit because there were way too many asians. say you are korean, you goto a korean karaoke bar and find a bunch of arabs singing muslem songs, would you go there again?

as an asian im upset about all these however i can understand the hostility against asians at exit and twilo.. we asians need to find new clubs and learn to blend into the main crowd. and don't worry there are plenty of other better places to go.

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Originally posted by kyoung:

i anticipated this kinda bullshit long before at twilo and exit because there were way too many asians. say you are korean, you goto a korean karaoke bar and find a bunch of arabs singing muslem songs, would you go there again?

Hmmm . . . I guess that argument would work somewhat if Twilo was a white club . . . but it's not. You see every single type of group in there. There is no justification for what Twilo is doing. It's just highway robbery . . . in a different shade of color.



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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That really sucks. Sorry to hear that this shit goes on.


A little bit of the same kind of thing is happening in Toronto at The Guvernment and the Warehouse but it's because there have been several ssian gang related hits (drive by shootings and stuff). It sucks that everyone has to suffer because of a few idiots.




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wow thats ridiculous blue. i knew they were throwing people out for nothing, which is ridiculous initself for the amount of cash they rake, but to target a specific group of people is fuckin ridiculous. you should definately go public with this. club of that stature cant be doing shit like that, not that any club can. i would certainly support any effort to shed light on this issue in the media.


chronic is the answer...

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