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dreams, does everyone have them???

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i'm not talking goals and aspirations.....i dream every night and i look forward to them. they are like mini movies! i can remember dreams i've had from 10 years ago! sometimes i'll be having a really good one and i'll wake up and want to go back to sleep to get back to my dream but it never works that way. sometimes i'll have one that will just continue and continue with each cycle of sleep. i know some people who say they don't have them but i find that hard to understand. what makes us dream???? i really think our dreams mean something. does here study this stuff?


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

sometimes i'll be having a really good one and i'll wake up and want to go back to sleep to get back to my dream but it never works that way. sometimes i'll have one that will just continue and continue with each cycle of sleep

Usually if the dream is off the hook and you wake up. You'll never have the same exact dream again.

it's the bad ones that tend to comeback.

I dream about looking for someone/thing or someone/thing is after me and i wake up breathing deeply and thinking whatta fuck was that all about.

in the morning i totally zone out and don't remember shit. weird

hey. try this site http://library.thinkquest.org/11130/data/interpret/symbolism.html

[This message has been edited by idisyda (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Everyone has dreams . . . many many many dreams a night - I 'm one of those people forunate enough to wake up and remember what I dreamt about the night before . . . i have so many books on dream analysis etc . . .





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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I can re-enter dreams, when i was a kids i learn't that if i didn't get up prperly and didn't try to come round and think too much... i would go back in to the same one.. shit i wouldn't have missed part 2 to some of my dreams.

I read a book on dreams, it said they reflect issue you have in real life. Your brain re-organises it's self on a night (thats why if you don't sleep it effects your memory as your brains hasn't has time to 'defrag').

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There are tons of books and dictionaries that are written about dreams and their significance. If you are interested in finding out what your dreams mean, you should keep a pad of paper by your bedside and as soon as you wake up, wirte down everything you remember. If you don't record your dream right after you wake up, chances are you won't rememeber the whole thing in about 15 min. When you have time, you can look up interpretations of what this or that means...everything has some sort of meaning, color even. Your dreams definately tell you a lot about yourself and what's going on in your life at the time. I used to have a lot of reoccuring dreams and when I interpreted them and understood what my subconscious was trying to tell me, they finally went away. It's pretty intriguing stuff. You should look into it.

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what are some of the reoccuring dreams u have? i kept having this one where im runnin away from something and im looking at the ground the whole time then all of a sudden the ground disappears because i just ran straight off a cliff and now im fallin into a city far away.



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When I was a kid, I had a repeated dream that a werewolf was chasing me around a cruiseship. He would alternately find me or miss me. Scary shit.




In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of

only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

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While I don't recall dreaming every night, I have the ability to control my dreams when I do have them. Although I can't choose the topic or theme, I'm sorta like a movie director choosing exactly how everything will go once the dream starts. I'm even able to pause, rewind and modify a dream if I'm dissatisfied with how it's going.



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Originally posted by visions:

I had this incredible dream that I met these two hottie girls

named uknjx2 and divalicious and they were dancin all around

lookin all cute and stuff cwm16.gif and they were both sweethearts cwm38.gif

Aaaww, that is such a nice dream! And Nicki, I think I had the same dream you had... Or did that actually happen on Sunday? Anyhoo, get the body oil ready!!!


Is it Friday yet?

Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by divalicious:

Aaaww, that is such a nice dream! And Nicki, I think I had the same dream you had... Or did that actually happen on Sunday? Anyhoo, get the body oil ready!!!

No doubt girlfriend, I doubt this will be the last of this dream cwm30.gif

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Controlling your dreams aka Lucid Dreaming..

Learn how to Lucid dream.. search the web, there's all sorts of info.

I can usually maintain it for a few minutes.. where I know I'm dreaming and can control the outcome.. then I drift off into the events that are happenning..

Being able to lucid dream is a powerful gift.. You can basically reorient your unconscious mind.. build motivation and program yourself for suck-sex.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

I can re-enter dreams, when i was a kids i learn't that if i didn't get up prperly and didn't try to come round and think too much... i would go back in to the same one.. shit i wouldn't have missed part 2 to some of my dreams.

I read a book on dreams, it said they reflect issue you have in real life. Your brain re-organises it's self on a night (thats why if you don't sleep it effects your memory as your brains hasn't has time to 'defrag').

Yes I can re-enter dreams too, since I was a kid.


The music makes the people come together...


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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Controlling your dreams aka Lucid Dreaming..

where I know I'm dreaming and can control the outcome.. then I drift off into the events that are happenning..

I think I've had that type of dream, is it when you tell yourself to wake up if it's a nightmare? I don't remember actually taking full control of the dream though. But I've had dreamnt in which I stop running and fought whoever was chasing me.

As soon as I close my eyes I start to dream. Very WEIRD dreams too, I can taste food, feel and even smell.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Controlling your dreams aka Lucid Dreaming..

Learn how to Lucid dream.. search the web, there's all sorts of info.

I can usually maintain it for a few minutes.. where I know I'm dreaming and can control the outcome.. then I drift off into the events that are happenning..

Being able to lucid dream is a powerful gift.. You can basically reorient your unconscious mind.. build motivation and program yourself for suck-sex.

wow, that's interesting...i'm def. gonna look that up. last night as i kept drifting off i kept having these dreams that bugs were flying at me and i could feel myself swatting them off but i forced myself to think of something/one (wink wink) else and it worked. the last thing i wanted was creepy crawly nightmares!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse, out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look, but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now.

The child is grown, the dream is gone, and I... after some very bad childhood nightmares, I don't remember my dreams anymore.



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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Controlling your dreams aka Lucid Dreaming..

Learn how to Lucid dream.. search the web, there's all sorts of info.

I can usually maintain it for a few minutes.. where I know I'm dreaming and can control the outcome.. then I drift off into the events that are happenning..

Being able to lucid dream is a powerful gift.. You can basically reorient your unconscious mind.. build motivation and program yourself for suck-sex.

Lucid dreaming (knowing you're dreaming when you're dreaming) is the shiznit!!! I used to do it all the time when I was younger... It happens less often now. In my most recent lucid dream, I explored bisexuality... In another, I performed an experiment to see if I dreamt in color, and to see if I could actually feel in my dreams. All ov a sudden I was on a beach, and felt the sand run through my fingers... And the city skyline was full of bright vivid colors. It was very interesting indeed!


Is it Friday yet?

Peace Love Happiness y'all


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I used to have flyinh dreams almost every other night... and every time i woud lbe convinced that it wasn't a dream *this* time. So frustrating to wake up. Lucid dreaming for me happens about once a week that i remember... I love it, it's like controlling your own reality in a very hands-on way.

It reminds me of "The Lathe of Heaven"


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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Most of the dreams that I have come true, not in the exact way that I dreamt it, but similar.

Of course never the ones w/ $$ or steamy sex w/ Antonio Sabato Jr.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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i dream sometimes, and what's weird is, just like my mother, they often come true! kinda scary, esp. if it's a bad one! i've also learned how to interpret what certain things in a dream mean, also passed down a la mi madre. so hop in line, maybe i can figure yours out! wink.gif keep dreamin, it's good for ya.


"Some Of Us Are Like Ink, And Some Like Paper.

And If It Were Not For The Blackness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Dumb.

And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran




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Originally posted by visions:

I had this incredible dream that I met these two hottie girls

named uknjx2 and divalicious and they were dancin all around

lookin all cute and stuff cwm16.gif and they were both sweethearts cwm38.gif

i had a dream that divilicious and i made a visions sandwich!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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