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Boy I got my wife BIG TIME! I edited the Lotto Pic and used a program called ACDSee and brought that pic up of the results, so it would look like she was looking at the "webPage" of the results. I also put it on FULL screen so she wouldn't think anything was out of "place" so to speak.

I was here at the computer and quickly told my wife that I had to goto the "bathroom" and to go ahead and check the numbers! I was sitting in the bathroom and trying not to laugh, and then I hear "Dave, we just got four numbers", "OMG Dave, we got 5, um, all 6 numbers" "OMG" I am sitting there laughing and came out and she was in tears thinking we won and so excited. Crying and carrying on. "OMG our lives are going to be different!!!" Yes, I did feel "a little bad", but hey that is what April Fools Day is for to trick people. I told her April Fools! Tears became anger, boy how that can change so quickly! smile.gif

Pay backs are hell she says! But all in all she was in good spirits about it. Still fuming about it, because I had her so convinced we won, but she'll forgive me!

ROTFLMAO!!!! She still can't believe she fell for it!

For some starnge reason she won't talk to me much today! LOL! Oh well, I enjoy a nice Quiet Day! LOL!

This was a funny story that I wanted to share with you all..


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



[This message has been edited by ricfutures (edited 04-02-2001).]

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I would scotch-tape the ticket to a frying pan and beat you 'about the face, chest neck head and breast' area.

I hope that you are buying that poor woman something expensive!


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...

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Are you the world's biggest asshole or what??? That is so not funny. The point of April Fool's day is "to trick people" yes, but not to play a petty bullshit prank on the person you are supposed to love more than anyone in the world, just so you can feel superior and say "ha ha I got you!" That's just plain cruel. Some loving husband you are. cwm8.gif


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


[This message has been edited by tastyt (edited 04-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by cazz926:

I hope that you are buying that poor woman something expensive!

Poor woman?

Would you saying 'poor man' if his wife pulled that prank on him, or would you throwing her props for getting him good?

Ahh - the age old battle of the sexes...

Be sure to let us know what happens in Round 2 when she kicks your ass.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by tastyt:

Are you the world's biggest asshole or what??? That is so not funny. The point of April Fool's day is "to trick people" yes, but not to play a petty bullshit prank on the person you are supposed to love more than anyone in the world, just so you can feel superior and say "ha ha I got you!" That's just plain cruel. Some loving husband you are. cwm8.gif

Easy now!!!! I'm not married but do have a girlfriend... I got this from another site and thought that this was hysterical. It's April fools and anyone with a good sense of humor would appreciate this, especially if they were on the recieving end of it. At least this person was thoughtful enough to do something to his wife and not a buddy from work. And my girlfriend laughed when she read this so =P. lol



Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by peeps:

Poor woman?

Would you saying 'poor man' if his wife pulled that prank on him, or would you throwing her props for getting him good?

Ahh - the age old battle of the sexes...

Be sure to let us know what happens in Round 2 when she kicks your ass.

I would feel for anyone that thought they won and then they didn't.

My dad's sister-in-law pulled the same trick on him once: it was a phony scratch-off. It was hilarious, I admit, but I could see the awful pain. I was torn between laughing and shaming myself.


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...

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Sorry to have such a harsh reaction, and I'm glad it was not actually you who did this (although I sort of figured as much). I can only imagine, being in the financial situation I'm in, if my bf did that to me, how angry and most of all, horribly disappointed I would have been.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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Here is a good one for you:

My friend's parents were coming home from Florida on April 01 2001. They had been in Florida for 3 months. So, my friend put a Century 21 For Sale sign (a friend of her's is a Real Estate agent) on her parent's lawn. They completely freaked on her...it was great!!!




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