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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I have read enough to know it's all bull shit.

Bottom line aliens or whatever you want to call them exist. But they aren't visiting us.

Firstly the distances involved are too great. The only way to visit us would be to 'bend' time and space.. that may or may not be possible.. we don't know. But what we do know is we would detect that. Even at or close to the speed of light it would take millions of years to reach the nearest inhabitable planet, and the Univerce is expanding.

There are NO proved UFO sittings, but there are millions of fakes. So people are faking it, just the kind of people who read and make those web sites. It's the people who want to believe, also want everybody else to believe. SO they go out in their back gardens with there camera equipment and spend YEARS of their life's concocting ways to fool the experts.

It's VERY sad if you ask me. But there are certain

I would be the first one to be excited if we found an intelligent being on another planet. But we won't be doing that for a long time, if ever.

Must be nice to think you have all the answers ...huh chief!

Any one is entitled to feel comfort believing ANYTHING they want...

you silly earthling you!



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Key questions:

1.Why are there no pictures of a sun or earth in the background of any moon walk?

--The placement of the moon makes it so. It gets extremely hot when the sun is shining on you on the moon. Not like on earth.

2.Why was the USA the only country to land on the moon?

--Because when USA landed on the moon it was for one reason only. That reason being to compete with Russians, it was a space race. And it showed Russians that USA wasn't far behind.

3.If the US was tragically behind the USSR in the "Space Race", how did we go from not able to get off the ground to walking on the moon in 3 years??????!!!!!

--First where did you read that the USA was "tragically behind the USSR"? USA was actually pretty close. And since USSR was first in space, US had to accomplish something first as well, hence the landing on the moon.

4.Why haven't we gone back since 1972!!??

--There is no reason to. It was all for show. It was a race between two superpowers during a cold war.

5.If it's because it's not "worth" it....then why build a space station that costs so many billions of dollars and not try to build it on solid ground?

--This ones easy. The moons suface is hit with meteors very often (too tired to look up the stats). Hence making it very risky for a billion dollar international space station.

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Mugz is floating on his ship very sleepy..

He wonders how the earthlings on club planet will respond to the concept that all life on earth was created by Aliens..

He wonders how club land will welcome their return....

he....starts...to...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz



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Originally posted by tonyv:

Plain old common sense tell's me that if the U.S. had not landed on the moon first thereby wining the space race. The USSR would have found out the truce. The U.S. has never been very good at keeping secrets ie.nuclear bomb and many more. The sun and earth in the picture question is easy it was probaly at the wrong time when they were doing there walk. On Earth to get the sun it has to be either sunset or sunrise and to get the moon you can only do it on certain days of the month. Question 2,3,and 4 the answer is money we had more they needed there to keep up with us militarily. Question 5 the space station is for conducting experiments in zero gravity that will help us get to Mars and it is not just a U.S. venture there are other country involved.


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I actually am working at NASA right now, and I am very impressed with the levels of knowledge being displayed here!

For the record, there are tons of pics, and shit that NASA has that have not been released to the public. They do have a lot of cool pics at the site though-nasa.gov

And they are way more advanced then anyone realizes. It is sick.-eric

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what bassboy said is the only reason i wouldn't believe in a conspiracy. the government/nasa/what have you/ are 10 years ahead of the general public, if not more, with technology. that means things we can't even imagine, they have accomplished.

but you all are making it sound as if the space race was just some kind of Veni, Vidi, Veci show. why would you need to prove your super power status with something you couldn't use? if not for the physical space, then for research or sattelite hubs. Dima said that there are crazy amounts of meteoroids that hit it's surface- then why would they want to visit it, colonize it, etc.?

what i don't get (and this goes directly to b2b), is how you can say you believe that it happened, because the media/gov. gave proof of it, but at the same time only read the Independant (a "propaganda free" media source, if that's possible) because the media is full of shit. you are choosing one side over the other, while the only fact remains, that no matter what, unless you are an eye witness to all events, or a perpetrator in them, everything you read/see is something that's being fed to you. even if you do the research- bullshit, that's still from a secondary source. there's no distinction between television and print- except TV is a quick fix- i bet you that will all change once we have more control over what we watch at what time (vcr's not included). how could you compare watching the 10 o'clock news on Fox to the BBC news which is broadcasted worldwide, to a printed news paper like the NY Times, or the internet with it's millions of links to debate all sides of the topic. i'm with Tenupa on doubting the real truth makes it to the front page, or anywhere for that matter. after all, it is all perspective.

the most recent example being the lateset US presidential election. there are so many things we were told, but how much of it was being held back? how many dollar bills fixed that race that put a puppet in the white house? or as b2b mentioned- the different opinions on outcome from people that watched the debates versus those who read the transcripts. people train/dress the candidates to make an impact on us . . . (going in circles, no?).

and regarding the aliens . . . if our technology is increasing exponentially (doubling every year or six months), and we've advanced so much in just a hundred years (electricity, cars, planes, nukes, computers, a.i. . . . ), then if there is another race outside, we are to them what monkeys are to us. we can already travel at the speed of sound, who's to say they can't in the speed of light, or faster?

i'll stop rambling smile.gif just be glad that we are richer than at least 10% of the rest of the people on this planet, with our PCs food, clubbing habits . . . if they landed on the moon or not? either way, it was accepted and that itself is a sign of greatness. if the USSR would have found out that it was fake, then they were bribed, and that is what it means to be a super power.

this may sound selfish- but if the higher powers are lying to us, let them go ahead and lie to us. until they destroy life, there's no reason they shouldn't balance the masses psychological needs.

Originally posted by bassboy:


I actually am working at NASA right now, and I am very impressed with the levels of knowledge being displayed here!

For the record, there are tons of pics, and shit that NASA has that have not been released to the public. They do have a lot of cool pics at the site though-nasa.gov

And they are way more advanced then anyone realizes. It is sick.-eric


"I was on a roll until you got here. If you weren't reading this, I'd have some free time. If I weren't writing this, you'd have some free time. Tag, you lose!" --josh mintz

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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yeah i saw that show on tv a few weeks back and it convinced me the whole thing was a scam ... supposidly it was all believe to be filmed in arizona ... the evidence they showed on the show was totaly convincing you should see it if u think they actually landed, i bet you change your mind ...

not that i care really ... moon-smoon, its just another example of the government lying to us, it happens all day every day ..


hehe , i'm sooo political ...=)


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i too saw the fox special and though it didnt convince me 100%, it did raise a lot of good questions. knowing how deceitful the government can be i now am leaning towards beleiving we didnt land on the moon.

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The moon! that's just the tip of the iceburg, ever ask yourself how it ven makes sense that the earth is a globe, I don't get it I mean I know the tell you that sutff about the horizon dissapearing around the curve, but maybe that's just a distance thing. I dunno as far as I've seen the earth is flat!!

FLAT as a board yeah you heard me! It may or may not connect at both ends I don't know, but round give me a break. Ever notice all the pictures of the earth from space never quite look like the ones on the planet. Don't belive the propaganda people!!


Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just

common sense, dancing.

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I saw that show too. I would never have believed the whole theorie except for these 3 points

1) no earth or sun is shown in the background

2)(the best one) the US Flag they planted is blowing in the wind. We all know there is no wind on the moon.

3)Area51 is such a secret place and there is a crater there that they could have done the filming and no one would have known about it.

But i bet we'll never know the truth.


wwwa.gif "Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the Marijuana smokes."

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Ok here is why the flag was 'blowing in the wind'.....

Since the moon does not have an atmosphere, the flag is definitely not blowing in the wind.

In actuality the flag that was placed on the moon has a horizontal crossbar along the top of the flag to make the flag stand out and appear to be blowing in the wind. If you look closely at some photographs of the flag on the moon you can sort of tell that the top border of the flag has been braced.

The thing is that some idiot puts all this uncorobarated evidance on a TV show on Discovery and then Nasa actually waste there time explaining it to people. Look on the Nasa web site for information on why the program was wrong. But i guess Nasa are just covering it up cwm1.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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There is no Dark side of the moon...

It's all dark!

No but really..What's the big deal!?

We can go further now than ever before..

and in any case if it helped boost moral of a nation in the middle of a time of low spirits what wrong could it have..

I believe that there are faaaar more interesting things happening on earth right now with medecine and genetics that will have a MUCH bigger impact than landing on any planet..

Don't get me wrong..I am AAALL about space dreams..(read my past posts about UFO cults and me being in outer space)

But to generalize our planet's progress as an evolved technological civilization on wheather or not a landing on the moon was real or not is overlooking all the modern miracles that are occuring as I type this..

I never have trusted the media but in a time of internet "free" information, E-mail, Cell phones etc..the information you will rescieve becomes more and more credible..

Look beyond the conspiracies..

Look at the wonders that surround our very own lifes..today!




[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by flippin_e:

I'm just doing some "mind stretching" if you will. I have a question for you all. How are we certain that the USA landed on the moon?

Key questions:

1.Why are there no pictures of a sun or earth in the background of any moon walk?

2.Why was the USA the only country to land on the moon?

3.If the US was tragically behind the USSR in the "Space Race", how did we go from not able to get off the ground to walking on the moon in 3 years??????!!!!!

4.Why haven't we gone back since 1972!!??

5.If it's because it's not "worth" it....then why build a space station that costs so many billions of dollars and not try to build it on solid ground?

I hope no one thinks I'm a nut now....it's just some of those things you really can't prove. Just because the government says it happened? It happened? Isn't it possible that we were lied to, to seem like the greater nation?

If no one cares to take this view objectively then forget I started this topic. I just thought it would interesting to see everyones reaction. cwm1.gif

We are not certain. We only have the evidence supplied to us by the Government (IE: in textbooks, old "film footage", etc.). This is one the biggest Conspiracy Theories out there....one day we will find out the truth!!!




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