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Twilo's Rules In Effect

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1. you shall not shake anyone's hands or you shall be deemed to be passing

2. you shall not tie your shoelaces or you shall be deemed to be carrying

3. you shall not reach into your pockets or you shall be deemed to be searching

4. you shall not go to the bathroom more than once in a span of half an hour, if you need more time you will have to get a hall pass from the ultra friendly security staff or you will be deemed a runner

5. you shall not hand money to anyone to buy your lazy ass a drink as you will get the person you are giving the money an impression he or she is a dealer

6. you shall not bring anything that remotely resembles a pill, if you have a headache tought shit, no excedrin, ephedrin, anacin, or any legal susbtances whatsoever

7. you shall have the right to know at least one bouncer so that you can get off easily

8. you shall not hug more than one person

9. you shall have the right to raise your arms at all times so that they can see you have nothing in your hands, in fact it shall soon be mandatory

10. you shall not have the right to explain under any circumstances any situation cause the ultra friendly security staff know the truth no matter what and they are always right

11. you shall not sit in one spot too long

12. you shall not dance for too long

13. if you get 86d, your friends shall be 86d sooner or later

14. if nothing has ever happened to you as of yet you shall wait to make a shitload of new friends before you are deemed a danger to our community

15. if you have no friends and you are alone then you are a danger to our community

16. rules shall not apply uniformely to everyone

17. you shall not get close to anyone's ear or you shall be deemed as in the process of making a deal

if you care to add anything else to our rules all suggestions are not always welcomed because we know best. we can improve our ultra friendly security staff to make sure that all is safe in our community. your opinion will only be valid if you kiss a certain boss at a certain site.

remember folks, that our security is not there to stop brawls, stabbings, gunshots. we are there to stop your roll at all costs. we love the mayor as we know that we in turn have to kiss his ass until he gets 86d next year. maybe then we will go after the real hoodlums. until then we have no choice other than to consider you a menace to society.

you're not afraid yet? we shall soon fix that to accomodate you.

be afraid, be very afraid.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever see your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

[This message has been edited by vagrant (edited 04-20-2001).]

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i don't know what happened to you, but i've never had anything but puppies and rainbows at twilo. the bouncers are the nicest friendliest people i have ever met in my entire life (one of them likes to crochet).

You must have been up to something to have something so bad happen to you to make you post this. I'm sure that if you were an angel like i am, you would never have been tossed from the 'heaven that i call twilo'.

p.s. twiloboss, bend over, i cant smell your delicious ass enough, and i loooooove you!!!!



get down on your knees...

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TWILO's secur. has been harassing many clubbers for quite sometime. I'm glad to see so many people stepping up and getting the facts out. I understand many of you go to Twilo everyweekend and may not have had this issue. But for the % of us that have it not a positive clubbing experience. I've been going to the club since 97'...and just last year they started pulling this shit...I am sick of people assuming that the people in these incidents are up to no good. And then I keep hearing that these issues should have been brought to Managments attention after these things have happened. I am sorry but Twilo is not like a store with a Customer Service booth, and If you approach a security guard asking for the Manager, Do you really think they will page that person.???I dont think so, you will more that likely get thrown out, ie- an incident that happened this past wed. This is a violation of basic civil rights, and shouldnt be tolerated.


"In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes!!!

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"Nothing happened to either party that they weren't wholly deserving of"

: tongue.gifuckers up his lips really big and looks around for a bouncer to lather up::


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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early at PVD i noticed bouncers grabbing random groups of people, bringing them up the stairs and into the back. this happened to a couple of friends and they told me the bouncers told them to empty their pockets. if they didn't have anything they could go back down the stairs. the bouncers told them that there were cameras in the club and any time they see 'suspicious' activity they'll search you.

vagrant's right that what constitutes 'suspicious' seems to be anything nowadays, because my friends were just standing by the steps talking to other people. no exchange of money, no substances, just talking.

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18. you shall NOT talk to anyone once inside the joint.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Yup I've had nothn' but great times at Twilo!

The man you should worry about is the man behind the curtain...

the "EYES" that watch everyone from the camaras..

and all the under cover cops that blend in on the dance floors..

They are Guliani's minions and if they don't like the way you sneeze they will radio it in and set a domino effect in motion..

First management gets the call..

next the scope the area with cameras and ask security for location of the cop and suspect..

next they instruct security to throw X person and so and so out and search them..

This gives the guliani monkeys the fealing that there is tough security in the joint..

thus they eventualy filter out of the club and the party goes on..

THAT and no other reason is why shit is the way it is in Twilo.

That place is on the Mayor's TOP LIST of places to shut down.

The more the security acts like jack asses the more the "quality of life" jerks think it's a tight ship and they scamper away looking for plan B.

If you only knew just how fucked up that place is and what lengths they will go to cover shit up..

ODs..Rapes..even DEATHS!! are sometimes sweapt under the carpet to secure it's existence..

Look beyond the music..

It is a multi million dollar investement and there is a MAFIA like attitude to make sure it keeps your $$s coming in..


and here you guys are all worried about the DJ and the Love..

It won't be around if the city shuts it down.



[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-20-2001).]

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Uhh....when did all this happen? I go to Twilo pretty regularly and have never had any problems. I am going to knock on wood though just in case... <knock> <knock>



I'm a slut...I make love to music every night

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My disco buddy was searched in early fall. He was carrying Altoids. He was pissed, because he missed a little bit of Junior. Otherwise, he said they were quite civil, and very professional.

I guess they (bouncers) see alot during the night? Maybe we should be a bit more responsible as well and not make Twilo (or its staff) have to work so hard? A couple of stupid partiers can bring the whole show to an end.

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hey, mugwump numbnutz, explain what happened on wednesday then. then stick that procedure right up your ass where it belongs.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Originally posted by mugwump:

and all the under cover cops that blend in on the dance floors..

haha, blend in on the dance floor my ass! if you can't smell/pick out these undercovers, then you got your head up your ass.



*turn it around baby*

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Originally posted by vagrant:

hey, mugwump numbnutz, explain what happened on wednesday then. then stick that procedure right up your ass where it belongs.

I wasn't there on Wednesday dude..

But it sounds like some honest clubbers got caught in the middle of some bullshit...

which is around beacuse of all the paranoia in that club by the management..

The Paranoia is there by a cause and effect situation...

Even if your peeps weren't doin' anything it's the damn Quality of life policies that have turned our clubs into a security zone hell..

But Like I also have said..I'm not FOR ANYONE being treated badly...

I am on your sides guys!

I too go party and as often as I go sober I also pop pills and let loose..

But reality is that we live in a city where the few actions of others not so responsible individuals have ruined it for many of us..

I sympathize with D11 and J303 man..

It sucks you guys got mistreated but when I say "there is a reason these guys are like that"..

It's not because YOU where the reason..

you should be pissed at all the FUCK UPS that have mixed HGB with E and whatever else and ODed or died and put the club on channel 5 news..

THAT is why shit lies where it does my fellow clubbers..

(check out residen't post with the article)



[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by wizard:

im guessing there are plenty with their heads up their asses, because people always think im a cop. must be my cleancut appearance, or my boyish good looks. el oh el

that's funny STEPHEN ... blah



there is an after-life

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

God forbid security hinders your illegal activities.

you are correct Dean-O, and while i feel it blows that some innocents were wrongfully ejected from twilo wednesday night, here is my question: How many times have any of you people, gone into a club, used illicit, illegal substances, and not been ejected for it?

do any or all those occasions even it out, for the time that you did nothing wrong and got ejected?

im just playing devils advocate here, not siding with y'all getting thrown out, that wasn't cool.

some heads and i were actually asked to leave a place, that had no cabaret liscense, after being warned there was no dancing allowed, for bobbing our heads. in the end it was more comical than anything... but understandable at the same time.

be cool


don't act too cool because you might get shot...

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Originally posted by xxlea:

Were you wearing gray running pants on wed? I saw when the bouncer came over to you (if it was you). It was my bf first time at Twilo and he asked me why is he bothering her. I told him, "cuz they can!"

yeah, grayish, silvery running pants

Originally posted by wizard:

you are correct Dean-O, and while i feel it blows that some innocents were wrongfully ejected from twilo wednesday night, here is my question: How many times have any of you people, gone into a club, used illicit, illegal substances, and not been ejected for it?

do any or all those occasions even it out, for the time that you did nothing wrong and got ejected?

no, they don't even out. i've been at Twilo sober much more than i've ever gone fucked up. but even if i were fucked up most of the time, technically they're still in the wrong



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