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supreme court ruling: pigs can arrest you for anything!

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absolutely ridiculous ruling. gives cops way too much power. its like you won't even be able to say 2 words to the cops for fear of being locked up. there's gonna be mad unwaranted arrests by cops with chips on their shoulders or grudges against people. 'i saw him with no seatbelt on, so i arrested him' what kinda shit is this? i guess the real world is catchin up to twilo in a wierd twisted way...


I'm a hustler baby, I just want u to know,

It ain't where I've been, its where I'm bout to go...

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We are taking a frightening turn.

Look, I do respect the cops that genuinely do their job for the love of protecting people. And there are cops out there like that.

But too often they suffer from a severe power trip, which they exercise daily. Even I have been pulled over by cops just to fuck with me. No one needs a stupid mark on their record for not saying the right thing for chrissakes.


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...


Fondling p00h's ass @ Twilo

Be Yourself grabbing p00h at Vinyl

I love p00h's ass *alwaysandforever*

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p00hminatti- ass and voice of our generation


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...


Fondling p00h's ass @ Twilo

Be Yourself grabbing p00h at Vinyl

I love p00h's ass *alwaysandforever*

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Please take note, that this ruling came from our supposedly "liberal" Supreme Court. If one or two resigns/retires, we are in a lot of trouble. They will get some "conservative" types on there and than all of our basic freedoms will be gone. Wear your seat belts everyone or you are in trouble...... **Talk between two inmates** What you in here for? Murder... What you in here for? cough, gasp, wheeze... not wearing my seatbelt.... cwm4.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by p00h:

dish out the fuckin $0.50 for a newspaper u fuckin cheapskates!

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/04/24/scotus.arrest.03/index.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/04/24/scotus.arrest.03/index.html</A>

i'll get you that .50 cents next time around...


don't act too cool because you might get shot...

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A few summers ago, I was cruising down a one-lane highway (with no breakdown lane) when I passed a Porsche that just broke down in the opposite lane. Since this was a high speed road and the car was stuck right in the middle of it, this was an accident waiting to happen. As I passed, I noticed that there was a cop sitting in a lot adjacent to the next exit on my side. He was unaware of the dangerous situation because the Porsche was out of his line of sight.

Being the good samaritan that I rarely am (I felt sorry for the Porsche, not the driver), I took the exit and pulled up to the cop. I informed him of the impending accident up the road. He thanked me for being a concerned citizen and gave me a $75 ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. I learned my lesson that day...no good deed goes unpunished.



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Originally posted by wizard:

i'll get you that .50 cents next time around...

Don't listen to her!!! It's just starcapone masterminding a scheme!! DON't DO IT


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...


Fondling p00h's ass @ Twilo

Be Yourself grabbing p00h at Vinyl

I love p00h's ass *alwaysandforever*

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ohhh boy, here we go smile.gif

Amendment IV: the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be serached, and the persons or things to be seized.

"Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen G. Breyer disagreed, saying that the Fourth Amendment demands that a warrantless search be reasonable.

Justifying a full arrest by the same quantum of evidence that justifies a traffic stop -- even though the offender cannot ultimately be imprisoned for her conduct -- defies any sense of proportionality and is in serious tension with the Fourth Amendment's proscription of unreasonable seizures," O'Connor wrote for the minority.

The dissent said that arresting an individual gives police the authority to search body and possessions. If the person is in a car, police can search the vehicle and its contents along with any passengers."

I agree with the dissenting opinion in that the dissenters state that once a person is arrested, the officer now has the right to search the rest of the car, etc.

I also agree with the dissentors feelings that this new ruling that allows citizens to be arrested for even minor offenses is unheard of. "O'Connor argued that police should not have "constitutional carte blanche" to make a warrantless arrest for a minor, fine-only charge and should be "able to point to specific and articulable facts" to justify such arrests.

She wrote that this discretion "carries with it grave potential for abuse," even though there has not been a rash of unnecessary arrests."

I'll have more to say once I can get the full text of the ruling to load, but it won't open for me right now . . . besides, I have my own Law paper to be writing right now, that happens to involve the rights of privacy, etc . . so it will be interesting to see what everyone else has to say. smile.gif






AIM: loves2cox

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I just got goosebumps reading that article. Is this a final ruling?? Isn't there anything we could do about this??



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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What the fuck is going on in this country?

Now you can get arrested for j-walking!! A gun itself has more rights than an individual!! It is really a sad day in for our country - A person can get put in jail for not wearing a seatbelt!! People, this is why voting is so important!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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in kentuky you can shoot a person if they flee from you if you put them under citizens arrest.........now thats some shit


Our civilization is still in a middle stage, no longer wholly guided by instinct, not yet wholly guided by reason...

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Originally posted by translucent:

A few summers ago, I was cruising down a one-lane highway (with no breakdown lane) when I passed a Porsche that just broke down in the opposite lane. Since this was a high speed road and the car was stuck right in the middle of it, this was an accident waiting to happen. As I passed, I noticed that there was a cop sitting in a lot adjacent to the next exit on my side. He was unaware of the dangerous situation because the Porsche was out of his line of sight.

Being the good samaritan that I rarely am (I felt sorry for the Porsche, not the driver), I took the exit and pulled up to the cop. I informed him of the impending accident up the road. He thanked me for being a concerned citizen and gave me a $75 ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. I learned my lesson that day...no good deed goes unpunished.

wow that is some fucked up shit...you just made me upset for the rest of the day



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Whoa, whoa, whoa! You guys act as if a new law was put into effect. Cops are not going to be out arresting people for not wearing seat belts and the like. The court ruled that Atwater's 4th amendment protection was not violated. And yes, they claim the cop overdid it when he arressted Atwater but,

the court decided not to make a constitutional change that that would prevent officers from make warrantless arrests & searches. That's all. Nothing has changed.

I'm probably the minority here, but I think there are a lot of good cops out there. Unfortunately, most only get to hear about the bad ones, courtesy of the media.

I think it's really sad how the media has created such a negative image for cops. Every field/industry has a few bad apples, but do you see people having such strong hate & disgust for them? Look at all the doctors that scam people!? Are all the doctors grouped together and judged based on a few other doctors illegal activites? No. But for some reason, people tend to lump all cops together. If one is bad...they all must be bad.

And as for freedom...people don't seem to realize how fortunate we are to live in the United States and to have the government we have. If anybody has ever travelled to other countries, you know what I'm talking about.

Well, that's it for now...just had to get my .02 out. smile.gif

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Originally posted by playboychick:

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You guys act as if a new law was put into effect. Cops are not going to be out arresting people for not wearing seat belts and the like. The court ruled that Atwater's 4th amendment protection was not violated. And yes, they claim the cop overdid it when he arressted Atwater but,

the court decided not to make a constitutional change that that would prevent officers from make warrantless arrests & searches. That's all. Nothing has changed.

I'm probably the minority here, but I think there are a lot of good cops out there. Unfortunately, most only get to hear about the bad ones, courtesy of the media.

I think it's really sad how the media has created such a negative image for cops. Every field/industry has a few bad apples, but do you see people having such strong hate & disgust for them? Look at all the doctors that scam people!? Are all the doctors grouped together and judged based on a few other doctors illegal activites? No. But for some reason, people tend to lump all cops together. If one is bad...they all must be bad.

And as for freedom...people don't seem to realize how fortunate we are to live in the United States and to have the government we have. If anybody has ever travelled to other countries, you know what I'm talking about.

Well, that's it for now...just had to get my .02 out. smile.gif

you're not alone ... I agree - nothing has changed - it's a search issue more than anything else. Truthfully, it will not change anything ... everyone calm down. lol

you're not gonna get locked up for small shit ... way to go Pooh - blowing shit pout of proportion ... nice lol



there is an after-life

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OMG, this is awful! Just when you thought things couldn't get much more fascist...

So this means any tickatable offense is grounds for imprisonment AND probable cause for search and seizure? This could be anything, right? Seat belts, open containers, littering, jay walking? How about parking violations?



*i'm in love with the modern world*

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Originally posted by translucent:

He thanked me for being a concerned citizen and gave me a $75 ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. I learned my lesson that day...no good deed goes unpunished.

Youre lucky he couldnt arrest your ass back then (ah, the good old days)


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Originally posted by playboychick:

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You guys act as if a new law was put into effect. Cops are not going to be out arresting people for not wearing seat belts and the like. The court ruled that Atwater's 4th amendment protection was not violated. And yes, they claim the cop overdid it when he arressted Atwater but,

the court decided not to make a constitutional change that that would prevent officers from make warrantless arrests & searches. That's all. Nothing has changed.

I'm probably the minority here, but I think there are a lot of good cops out there. Unfortunately, most only get to hear about the bad ones, courtesy of the media.

I think it's really sad how the media has created such a negative image for cops. Every field/industry has a few bad apples, but do you see people having such strong hate & disgust for them? Look at all the doctors that scam people!? Are all the doctors grouped together and judged based on a few other doctors illegal activites? No. But for some reason, people tend to lump all cops together. If one is bad...they all must be bad.

And as for freedom...people don't seem to realize how fortunate we are to live in the United States and to have the government we have. If anybody has ever travelled to other countries, you know what I'm talking about.

Well, that's it for now...just had to get my .02 out. smile.gif

true all they did was say they weren't going to make any constitutional changes, and nothing has changed except this: cops now know they can get away with arresting people. imagine someone saying something to a cop while getting a ticket for lets say speeding. 'but officer i wasn't going that fast' or whatever. if that prick's not having a good day, or if he's got some racial motivation, or whatever his bullshit is at that moment, he'll cuff your ass. before this ruling, most wouldn't even though they could have. now they've got this ruling as a backbone to go buckwild. trust me things have changed. and as far as being happy about the country we live in, i totally agree with you. i've seen first hand the bullshit that goes on in other places. but relatively speaking, within our country, a significant judgement has been passed that can bring nothing positive to the table but bring a whole bunch of negative...


I'm a hustler baby, I just want u to know,

It ain't where I've been, its where I'm bout to go...

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