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What does it take to fall in love???

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I've been thinking about this whole "love" deal lately and it's really confusing, like how do people fall in love?

For instance......that whole love at first sight fiasco.....I was just thinking, Is it possible to fall in love with someone by just one look at them?

Like CAN you REALLY fall in love with someone by just one look, from just a picture, or by just speaking to them without anything else??? Can connections be made like that or does it take actual physical contact with that person.....IE: seeing them constantly and actually BEING with that person???

Let me know what you guys think.....


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i dont think love at first sight is possible...its more like lust...in my opinion, love takes a while to build...but once u get there nothing feels better...knowing that u can be totally open with someone else, share ur innermost thoughts and feelings with them, just sit there and know that there is someone out there caring about u at all times...thats love and its so amazing


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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i think SOME people can fall in love at first sight. obviously, they're basing their love on appearance, which i think makes for a shallow and worthless relationship

it's really too bad, but it's true that many people pursue their relationships primarily on appearances. i see too many friends going for great-looking people who don't have much more to offer than another person not so great-looking

oh, and for me to fall in love, it would take a guy who i admire deeply and who can make me feel very secure

[This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 04-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

a little e usually does it for me...

actually, thats more than just a funny statement. if you think about the natural, chemical recations of "love at first sight" you are basically talking about the same thing as ecstasy. when you see a hottie, your brain gets an endorphin boost and your seritonin levels rise, similar to hit of E.

of course, follow that brief high with a conversation that hints of a connection, a few dates, some steamy passion, and an eventual feeling of snuggly security and *voila* you have love.

appearances *do* matter, and it isnt necessary a shallow thing. you are looking not necessarily for mere picturesque beauty, but also for evidence of other traits that you find important such as intelligence, style, social grace, industriousness, whatever.


i love music!

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Its more of a description for people who don't know better. I know i've felt what people call love at first sight (more just animal lust), and physically and emotionally its completely overwhelming. More than any roll you could imagine. But, its just incredible physical attraction/chemistry. Its only happened once to me (high school), but it'll knock your boots off!

Anyone know what causes this more than the usual physical attraction? Looking back, when it happened to me, the girl really wasn't all that... I want another ride!

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Of course looks matter, if you think about it, the first thing that you notice about a person is their appearance....when you decide to approach someone the majority of the time,it's because you're physically attracted to them....

Thats why with the thing about love at first sight, its ALL about appearances at first...

But then you find that one person who is at a different level, that when they look at someone they dont just see their appearance, they see beauty but beyond the physical part....you see deep down I'm a hopeless romantic and when it comes down to it I still think that somewhere out there there's guys like that....the ones that just look at you and fall in love

LoL *i need a wakeup call*


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love is a bastard. it doesn't play catch very well.

in the words of ms. annie:

"Love is a stranger

In an open car

To tempt you in

And drive you far away


Love is a danger

Of a different kind

To take you away

And leave you far behind"




[This message has been edited by loch (edited 04-28-2001).]

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Here is my view on love... I have just recently found the love of my life, my other half, my soul mate. The love at first sight thing is only somewhat true. I knew there was something about him from the moment I met him, but it was just a matter of finding out what it was that was so intriguing. It turns out we are the same person, and we complete eachother. It is the most amazing feeling, this whole love thing, that I cannot find the words to describe. But trust me, when you do find true love, you will know it, because it will hit you like a brick.


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

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Originally posted by loch:

it bludgeons you to death? remind me to duck.

More like... you will know it when it hits you... it feels ALOT better then being belted with a brick.


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

More like... you will know it when it hits you... it feels ALOT better then being belted with a brick.

you know of anyone that plays catch well? wink.gif




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Originally posted by jennEfer:

Here is my view on love... I have just recently found the love of my life, my other half, my soul mate. The love at first sight thing is only somewhat true. I knew there was something about him from the moment I met him, but it was just a matter of finding out what it was that was so intriguing. It turns out we are the same person, and we complete eachother. It is the most amazing feeling, this whole love thing, that I cannot find the words to describe. But trust me, when you do find true love, you will know it, because it will hit you like a brick.

sweety....i just got the chills...i know how u feel...i feel the same way about someone...its the most amazing feeling in the world


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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I've nevr really belived at love at first sight, that's just attrtaction love happens over time. But hey I haven't really been in love allot so it's hard for me to say, who can predict the vagrities of a human heart.


"It's not my ear you whispered into, but my heart. It's not my lips that you kissed, but my soul." -Anonymous


Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just

common sense, dancing.

--Clive James

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Actually...there is such a thing as "Love at First Sight." Even cynical bastards like me get some. The trick is knowing you're in love when it happens. I met my wife way back in high school. We instantly clicked and had a connection. Considering how young we both were, we didn't quite know what the hell was going on. We soon went our separate ways and didn't see each other until 10 years later.

When we got together again, our connection was even stronger. It was so strong that it was, in fact unsettling. For two cynics that didn't believe in "soulmates," it was pretty hard to open up completely. Considering that most people spend quite a portion of their lives searching for The One, it's hard to accept the end of the search when you actually find that person. After about a year of living together we parted again to see other people. If we were to spend the rest of our lives waking up next to each other, we both wanted to make sure that this was as good as it gets.

After about a year of meaningless flings, we came to the conclusion that we both truly were soulmates and that neither one of us could bear the thought of not being together.

We got married and lived happily ever after.



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