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i am a jealous person ....cuz if a guy likes me and i think he likes me and i like him and he's talkin' sexy to other girls i get upset and i'm not even with this person....that's bad but i'm an only child so..yah know!


"I'm like the lord of a fucken dance....i've got moves" harmonie_rose@hotmail.com

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nope . . . for the first time ever i totalllllllllly trust the guy that i'm with - and i know the hot girls are only his friends, cause he'll introduce me to all of them. If were out and he leaves me alone for a few seconds and someone starts talking to me, when he comes back he'll just say what's up . . . it's all about trust. biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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its not really that im jealous or insevure, its the people im with that make me that way. ive been seeing this gurl for 8 months now...according to her we're "more than friends" and she just told me the other day that she slept with someone twice, a month and a half ago. needless to say i was upset, but since 'we're more than friends" i figured thats her way of saying its ok for her to see other people....but after 8 months?!??! go figure.

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Guest genevieve

I used to be a very jealous type. Now, for some odd reason I could give a shit if my boy wants to see someone else while with me! It actually makes things more interesting!!!!!

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Same as Brandie, for the first time in my life I'm with someone that makes me feel so speacial that insecurity plays no role in our relationship. Since he let me know EVERYDAY how special I am to him I don't get jealous at all. When we go out I see girls looking at him all the time but that doesn't bother me at all and the same with him to. Jealousy comes into play when there is no trust in the relationship. It never happens cause of ONE person, it always takes two.



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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