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How can you spot a Player,Prostitute or Other?


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i went out to drink at a sleazy bar the other day. after last call, when the lights came on and the desperate last chance for pick-ups began, i noticed two women searching the crowd. they looked a bit scared as several dudes tried to paw them on their way out of the door. the girls looked like regulars, so i asked them "do you ever get frightened walking out of this place at this time of night?"

one of them immediately answered "yes." She stopped searching the crowd, looked at me, and continued, "actually i do but..."

i looked at her, waiting for her answer. she hesitated and then told me, "i am working. i get $100 for fellatio."

she disappeared into the swelling crowd. i was floored, thinking, "did i just hear that?"

the world is a crazy place.

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Don't hate....congradulate

don't hate the player, hate the game.

I hear those all the time.

I hate it down here in south kakalacka (SC). Southern people are so different its funny. This one girl had never heard of dkny, versace, d&G, nothing....i was like whoa.

And then i get the player/gay routine all the time. What i mean is the ladies think cause of the way i dress that i am a player, or cocky, or whatever. Then some girls and most of the guys think i am GAY (which i am not) because i wear nice clothes when i go out. I'm just like WTF...you guys need to get in tune with some style for real....fuk 'em...Oh and i get shit all the time for wearing gel in my hair and spiking the front up....like wtf! And most souther chics are biased against un "northerners" cause of that stuff...plus cause we are from the north...its bullshit....oh well...i get the player rep all the time before people even know me...just by my "look"




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I walked by Penn Station once and this guy just says from out his car "Can I take both of them?"

They were both fly. I would never have guessed.... almost tripped and fell on my face it caught me so off guard...

No way to tell... cause you can't judge a book by its cover.

If you catch em in the act.. then it's like "Smile, you're on candid camera." You make a mental note and then you know from now on what the deal is with that particular person.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Girls can usually pick up players, but a lot of the time, they mistaken good looking guys and players or gays. Whats up with that. Girls are always looking at me and thinking i'm either a player or gay. Get a life, just because i'm beautiful doesn't mean i'm a player or gay. I might be consceded but not gay.

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Originally posted by guido215:

...some girls and most of the guys think i am GAY (which i am not) because i wear nice clothes when i go out...

welcome to the club. but, dude, we will get that in NYC, or MA, too. it all depends on where we hang out.

fuck em. let em try to mess with a city-boy, "faggot," mass-hole like me. ill shove my fluvogs wicked far down their redneck throats... jk. their ignorance is too pitiful for action.

my favorite comeback:

"im the faggot?!? youre the one looking at me, asshole!"

really, its not like i get dressed up for the viewing pleasure of some *guy*. im a ladies man!

three times ive been called a "fag" to my face. twice i was in the company of georgeous women. the third time was last weekend when some roid-boy with a not-so-macho earring and a too-tight white tee shirt was trying to impress alpha-male manliness upon his attendant beta-bitch boyfriends by kicking me in the face while i was down on the ground. can you say "closet homosexuals?"


i love music!

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Guest crystalmethodny

Just look at Phoenix, he's all three.

*hides* wink.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by sirdante:

welcome to the club. but, dude, we will get that in NYC, or MA, too. it all depends on where we hang out.

fuck em. let em try to mess with a city-boy, "faggot," mass-hole like me. ill shove my fluvogs wicked far down their redneck throats... jk. their ignorance is too pitiful for action.

my favorite comeback:

"im the faggot?!? youre the one looking at me, asshole!"

really, its not like i get dressed up for the viewing pleasure of some *guy*. im a ladies man!

three times ive been called a "fag" to my face. twice i was in the company of georgeous women. the third time was last weekend when some roid-boy with a not-so-macho earring and a too-tight white tee shirt was trying to impress alpha-male manliness upon his attendant beta-bitch boyfriends by kicking me in the face while i was down on the ground. can you say "closet homosexuals?"

Sounds painful... but hell yeah... course he was a homo and prolly mad cause he couldn't play with ya...

Steroids and not getting any ass sure as hell don't mix.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

[This message has been edited by artful (edited 09-11-2000).]

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my .o4 cents.

1. I used to live in SC for about 4 or 5 years and I know EXACTLY what u r talkin about. As much as i loved living by the beach and the weather and all that, the people get annoying. I was always looked at when I went out 4 the same reasons, u get dressed up. meanwhile most of those rednecks wear nothing but kachis and polo shirts or even worse, plaid. I mean get a clue.

2. I know what u r saying about people saying things just because u try to look good. I constantly get shit like "you look like one of the backstreet boys", i guess because of my haircut. And then like when I also think that when I go out girls won't come up 2 me because i look decent. Maybe they think i am gay, i have no clue.... all i have to say is do it. come say hello


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