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Help!! I need advice!!


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After reading sirdante's post . . . I was so touched by a lot of what you said.

It's true! Don't rush to grow up! Enjoy your youth . . . savor it while you can. Adulthood . . . will NOT forget about you. You will ALWAYS become an adult but how much longer do you have to be a child?

Don't do it.



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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Originally posted by blueangel:

After reading sirdante's post . . . I was so touched by a lot of what you said.

It's true! Don't rush to grow up! Enjoy your youth . . . savor it while you can. Adulthood . . . will NOT forget about you. You will ALWAYS become an adult but how much longer do you have to be a child?

Don't do it.


so true, alot of kids want to hurry and grow up by doing things that make them feel grown up. but i think you should wait and live out your childhood for as long as you can and wait to be an adult. your only a child, kid, or teenager for a little while and your an adult the rest of your life. do things now that you wouldnt do as an adult or wont be able to do as an adult. being an adult is all its cracked up to be. being that im 22 and an adult isnt all fun and games, ive missed out on some pretty cool things when i was younger because i also wanted to grow up and be an adult. so make the most of your age now because youll be an adult before you know it.

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Please, please think about this b/f you do anything you'll regret later in life. You will one day look back at your teens and wonder why you did the things you did and made the choices you made. You have all the time in the world to have sex and your first time is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I was 17 when I had sex for the first time and I felt like I knew it all....The thing is if I could go back and change it I would. Is this guy really worth it??? Does he really mean that much to you? I know it can be so confusing, but if you have to turn to a msg. board for advice then maybe this guy is not the one for you.

If you do decide to go through with this then just be careful!


angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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Is this guy really worth it??? Does he really mean that much to you? I know it can be so confusing, but if you have to turn to a msg. board for advice then maybe this guy is not the one for you.

If you do decide to go through with this then just be careful!

thats a good point!!! im mean yeah its good to ask advice on stuff but when it comes to things like this you should know weather or not if your ready.

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What "sirdante" has to say on this makes an awful lot of sense.

I don't know if its just me.......but when I was 13 which was a long time ago it seems the only thing I was worried about losing were my "Hot Wheels".

Obviously today society has changed an awful lot........but not all for the better.

It seems kids don't even have a chance half the time to be kids anymore. Now all of the sudden they have to worry about these life decisions at the ripe old age of thirteen.

One thing which I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not is what happens if you get pregnant....oh sure you are going to use protection. I would assume a condom as I'm certain no doctor in their right mind let alone mother would have you on the pill.

So lets say the comdom has a little leekage..........well what do you do then. I say you definetly have some life changing decisions to make......and all at the tendor age of 13.

I wont even try to tell you my opinion on the "GUY = 20, GIRL = 13" issue. I think sirdante summed it up quite nice.

But from personnal experience I remember visiting one of my old girlfriends who at the time was 14 or 15. We had dated (if thats what you want to call it) when we were about 11 or 12. I think some of our most intemet moments were trying to see how many potatoe chips we could stick into each others mouth. Well anyways, she proceded to tell me about all these 24 - 26 year old guys she was dating.

Well I don't know about any of you guys out there but when I was 24 - 26 there was no way in hell I was even thinking about dating a 15 year old. I just kind of felt sorry for her that she couldnt enjoy her youth and hang around with people her own age.

Well........I'll get off the soap box now. But I just wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Sorry about any spelling errors I'm a terrible speller.

I for one hope you don't do it. And if you do everything turns out OK.


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Hey.....overall, if you want to lose it, nothing anyone says on this board is going to change your mind. You're young, yes...but your're not stupid, and growing up in NY (assuming that is where you're from), in this day and age, at that age, takes a great degree of individuality.

Do what you wish....

Just be careful, and remember that as you get older, especially after you have sex more and more, it means very little to you as you get older, and more when you're younger...chances are your BF will most likely not give a fuck about sex as much as you do...and having sex could prove to fuck you over in the end.

But, if you get shit on, don't post it on the board, you will be told that you should have listened...when in fact, you will do what you wish anyway.

Whatever you do, be careful and use your head. At that age, the immediacy of everything blinds you from seeing the situations in the long run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was just reading old posts and came across this one and felt i had to talk...hunny, im only 18 but believe me when i say i was in ur position only i was 13 and he was 18. u said in the beginning he was pressuring u then he backed off? sounds like in the beginning he was a typical scumbag guy trying to get anyone in bed but now realizes he likes u. that still doesnt make it ok. when i was there, i decided to do it...BUT right in the beginning of it all these thoughts kept running through my mind of if he really loved me or what and why? why would a 18 yr old want a 13 yr old? wut could we possibly have in common? i started crying and made him stop and ya know wut? he got mad. i then knew i made the right decison to stop. i was a little girl. i know girls who started having sex before they got their period. now they regret it u know why? because once u start having sex after that its something that just keeps happening. if u star now by the time ur my age youll be all dryed up and stretched out. u have to think of the future. how long do u think ull really be with him. shit happens and when it does, ull be regreting it. please dont do it...i speak from experience, im so glad i stopped. i waited till i was 16, not that thats old enough either but i knew i was ready. if u have to question it alot, its not right. be careful sweetie, let me know wut happens please...i worry cwm38.gif

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pleeeeeeeease don't do it. i know this is a stupid reason and that i'm being really blunt but if you do it and any of your peers find out about it you'll be known as thee school slut b/c you know how immature most ppl are at that age. even if you do it for love. it doesn't matter. that's just one more thing to take into consideration. cwm40.gif


yay yay yay

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yes im still here! and im so glad to be able to tell all of you THANK YOU!!! omg, i have changed my opnion on life so much in the past week, you dont understand, its like i went from being 10, to like 50... or at least thats what it feels like... and i hope all of you dont say anything mean to me because im so young, because i know i dont know everything, not even close, but i think that for my age, and the situations im in right now, i have to have more mental stability then alot of people older then me. and no one can tell me differently! i am the happiest person right now. well, what ended up happening was no, i didnt do it. i have decided its gotta wait for the right time. and i told him how i was feeling and how i changed my mind, but i still wasnt sure if i wanteed to do it or not, and all he did was comfort me and he told me he didnt want to anymore, and if in the future, if i had no doubts, to let him know, and he was really happy with our relationship right now the way it was, and hes glad we didnt also.. we both want it to be more then that. but i am very happy with him. so yes..we will go back to holding hands! lol i feel like im draging him back to the day when he was a hippie! lol but hes not that old! smile.gif . well, i just want to tell all of you who helped me out THANK YOU!!! and to tell you the truth, if you hadnt said all of this to me, i probably would have done it and regreted it.! THANKS A BUNCH XOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOX MUAH****

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Looks like you did what most people told you to do...........

Ah Goddamnit...........

Looks like there are caring people in this world after all..........at least on this board that is......... cwm27.gif


new_position.gif Pleasure is the only thing to live for............

"I don't want to die....then you should never have been born."

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Originally posted by jjbubbles123:

yes im still here! and im so glad to be able to tell all of you THANK YOU!!! omg, i have changed my opnion on life so much in the past week, you dont understand, its like i went from being 10, to like 50... or at least thats what it feels like... and i hope all of you dont say anything mean to me because im so young, because i know i dont know everything, not even close, but i think that for my age, and the situations im in right now, i have to have more mental stability then alot of people older then me. and no one can tell me differently! i am the happiest person right now. well, what ended up happening was no, i didnt do it. i have decided its gotta wait for the right time. and i told him how i was feeling and how i changed my mind, but i still wasnt sure if i wanteed to do it or not, and all he did was comfort me and he told me he didnt want to anymore, and if in the future, if i had no doubts, to let him know, and he was really happy with our relationship right now the way it was, and hes glad we didnt also.. we both want it to be more then that. but i am very happy with him. so yes..we will go back to holding hands! lol i feel like im draging him back to the day when he was a hippie! lol but hes not that old! smile.gif . well, i just want to tell all of you who helped me out THANK YOU!!! and to tell you the truth, if you hadnt said all of this to me, i probably would have done it and regreted it.! THANKS A BUNCH XOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOX MUAH****

u r welcome. i am glad u feel good about ur decision. u sound incredibly mature for a 13 YO. good luck and be careful. guys are pretty sneaky ...umm.. i mean *other* guys, not me wink.gif!

by "sneaky," i mean guys really get good at the art of seduction. if u feel at all pressured, just take a break and get away for a while. even nice guys get urges that make them try and pressure girls into having sex. i am not saying its right, i am just saying it happens. take care.


i love music!

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I am really glad that you are listening to what people have said on this post. Alot of kids ur age feel as if they know everything, and will just sink into this hole of absolute denial. Even though they know what they are doing is wrong. I am happy to hear that you have listened, and have been thankful. My advise to you is wait. I am a 20 year old male, and I must tell you...losing your virginity at a young age is not all that great. Dont get me wrong...sex is a wonderful thing. But you should really be physically, and mentaly mature to be ready. You can't "Think" that you are ready for it...you have to know so....especially at your age. When i was 15, i was a a horny little mid-pubesant kid. It may sound funny, but that is what i was....so i got rid of this "virginity" as fast as i could.....thinking that it was some sort of burden. To this day, I have continued to have sex. I am not denying that. But i have to say. I really wish that i still was a virgin, in a way. NOT compleatley....b/c....SHIT...im human..you know?....but deep inside, i wish that i still was....or at least wish that i would have lost it to someone special, that i really loved. Just enjoy ur young life while you still have it.....I am only 20, but im telling you....7 years really makes a diff. Just remember....you have no bills to pay, nor do you have Huge obligations that you have to dedicate yourself to (job...etc)....so just go to school...meeet some kids ur own age....and enjoy. THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME FOR ALL THE "OTHER" THINGS.



A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

I don't give a fuck if its dark or not! I'm harder than ME tryin' to park a dodge....when I'm drunk as FUCK, right next to a humongus truck, in a 2 car garage!

A few quotes from one of my fav. movies:

1) ELO!

2) Abbacazzaba! You're my best friend!

3)They Killed Killer B!!!!!

4)Fuck u Fuck u Fuck u YOU"RE COOL Fuck u....I'm Out!

5) Next time....You're gonna give me your Cocktail!......FRUIT!


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