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Question for GUYS only!


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you shouldnt really care too much about what your friends think or say, the only thing that matters is that your happy with who your with. yeah your friends may say stuff but do you make descions based on your sex life from your friends?

my g/f is a couple of years older than i am and no one really says anything to me becasue they see how happy i am with her and vice versa.



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one year?


thats simple, one year older to me is almost the like being the same age. i never used to consider somenoe an older woman unless it was a few years at least.




"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. " -Winston Churchill


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a year is nothing, rachel...as you get older you'll see that. the best relationship i ever had was with a guy who's three years younger than me. age is a number and if the two of you get along and like each other then what difference does it make if you're a year older than someone?? plz, the last dude i dated was 22, 10 years younger than me!!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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at this age one year doesnt matter anymore ... who cares if she 25 and teh guy is 24 it doesnt matter ur the same age ,.... or close enuff ...

althougth ... i'm the man cuz my first gf was in the 6th grade and i was in the 5th ,,, oh yeah she was a hottie too ! !



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Originally posted by uknjx2:

a year is nothing, rachel...as you get older you'll see that. the best relationship i ever had was with a guy who's three years younger than me. age is a number and if the two of you get along and like each other then what difference does it make if you're a year older than someone?? plz, the last dude i dated was 22, 10 years younger than me!!!!

I said guys only Nikki! LOL


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Personally, for me, I tend to lean towards women who are a couple of years older than me. Not to sound like a cocky bastard but I actually connect better with women who are at least two years older than me. I'm 18, but on the maturity level of a 21 year old, I can't deal with girls who are 18 or younger cause it's only about the sex, and nothing else. Older women know what they want and don't mess with the bullshit. I dated a 23 year old for about a year, and it was one of my best relationships. cwm30.gif


""mEn UsE thOuGht OnLy aS aUtHoriTy fOr thEiR injusticE, and Employ spEEch only to concEal thEir thoUgHts." -VoLtairE-
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i've dated someone seven years older than me. . . that was a bit weird, but only a bit. . .

i've never had a problem with someone's age, unless it completely affected the way i was able to communicate with them (ie. "things in common"). . .

age is only an issue if you choose to make it so. . .

just my $0.02 cwm35.gif


no sleep 'til. . . SUNDAY!!!

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

What do you think about girls, that are about ONE year older then you, as in a relationship?

Don't answer on the sex issue, that sex is better... but in a relationship only. Is the girl too old for you? Too mature? Do your friends diss you?

The only issue I had with a girl 'in a relationship' being ONE year older is that I myself am 34 years old...The issue is if I want kids...she will be 35 years old and though possible...very complicated...friends don't give a shit...not their business...


What da.....

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I used to only date girls older than me, that was until "I" got old (@30) cwm6.gif

I did a 5 year run of "baby cakes" (@20) and finally... I got bored

...Until now!

My "one & only" girl is 10 years older than I....

And DAMN! is she good!... In every since of the word.

No mind games, no bullshit, nothin' but Love!!!

Age ain't nothing but a # unless it = 20 to life.


Peace & Blessings,


"The DJ From Another Planet"â„¢

[This message has been edited by b-side (edited 11-21-2000).]

[This message has been edited by b-side (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Rachel -

A year here or there really won't make a difference. If you^H^H^H someone is looking at younger guys, just make sure that they are 18. We don't want to have to come and post bail.

I was in a relationship with and am still in contact with a girl that was 1-1/2 years older than me. Age is not an issue.




"Jesus Tap Dancing Christ,

I've never seen anything so

juvenile in my life."

- Mr. Garrison

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Its not about age, its about how well you work together. Guys are not always more immature than girls of the same age. Its different for every person. If the maturity levels match no matter what age you are then go for it, but if the connection and communication isn't working get out of the relationship.

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I have ALWAYS gone for older women. I dont have time for the games that usually go along with dating someone younger. As a rule I look at someones personality first (no matter what age) but I just feel more comfortable, more in common, more real with an older woman.

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I don't think age is a big deal. One year older is practically the same age. It really matters on the person on maturity. A girl a couple of years older then me could be more immature then me....and a girl couple years younger can be more mature then me....so it really matters on the person. And the friends thing...my friends wouldn't dis me for going out with someone older...unless she was like 10 years older. But what other people say shouldn't bother anyone.


Did you find your ecstacy???

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