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* * * 1st post TIESTO REVIEW!!! * * *

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After just arriving in England and seeing my reguluar club Gatecrasher over here was more than dubious about how it would work in NY. I am pleased to say this was excellent whilst GC back home is losing its edge and starting to become the same old thing the atmosphere at Limelight was so good, the people so friendly. This will go down as one of my best nights and easily ranks with some of them back home at the republic.

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Yeah I agree. That was definetely not a night for other types of music. They should have pumped the main room into the side room on the first floor. Too crowded! If anyone wants the names of a bunch of trackes that were spun on Saturday night check out my post: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/023922.html

Its pretty accurate, not sure who spun Dido. Feel free to correct me. Now everyone can download everything off Napster and finally put names to the songs they're been obsessing over. cwm16.gif Does anyone know when the next Gatecrasher event at LL is? I'm there.


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature"

AIM: teklord310

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Yup. Had one of my best nights out all year.

Still was dancing at 7AM without the help of the usual substances, but with the encouragement of some great people...blueskygirl, crommy, and furnace.

Restored my faith in the Slimelight.

And the lights that night, bouncing off of the 7 or 8 mirrorballs were phenomenal. Twilo just doesn't have the architecture for that.

Slightly disappointed about the sound system. It was loud, but you couldn't feel the bass in your heart. You could feel the floor move up and down, and that was amusing.

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TIESTO!! TIESTO!! TIESTO!![\b] definitely the best nite i had at limelight, was a bitch gettin in though, but i expected that, funny story....got there at 12 saw the line from across the street and was like "damn" then some bummy lookin black guy with a big garbage bag standing in front of us is like "if u hit me off i can hook u guys up" and we're like "oh thanks but we're gonna try to find someone on line" so this guy is like "aight u gonna be sorry, just watch me" this bummy guy walks straight up to the front of the line gives the bouncer a pound and walks right in...man did we feel stupid, an hour later when we get inside we see him selling glowsticks, i was there till 7 or whenever it was that it closed, i personally like the Dido mix of "stan" it had the hip hop feel to it but it was cool put a smile on my face. towards the end i saw some amazing glowsticking, madd props to the asian kids who were raving at the end, and to the girl that was with them with the green sticks, i think i love u, cwm7.gif a great nite all in all......



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First of all Big Thank you to Blue Angel for the List. I actualy got in line at around 1:00 and was sweating thinking the list would be closed by the time we got to the door. Once inside My girl and I had an incredible night however. Yea it WAS hot and yea it was crowded but compared to some other nights I've had at Twilo (Like PVD or the Sahsa and Diggers aniversary when they pack the place double capicity )it wasn't that bad. I actually had no problems finding a spot with my girl to get down. I spent the entire night onstage getting driven to orgasms by some of the most beautifull trance and sharp beats I've heard in a long time. And those where some seriouse lazers..no Joke. Even sober I fealt like I was about to jump out of my mind into the light that looked like a tunnel and go to Trance heaven.

At first I wasn't too sure what to expect, having read so much about Gate crasher in London I guess I expected a different crowd (I saw no infamouse "Crasher kids") But it has always been my rule that as long as the music is good I could't give a shit who the place is packed with. In all actuallity though I saw alot of smiles and met some amazing headz up in the fish tank room. My only regreat though was missing to meet the board at 2:00 am by the fish tank like I hoped to. Unfortunately at two I was stuck in the coat check experiencing hell! If it's one thing I've learned to love over the years at Twio (which I use to hate) is how smooth everything runs in the hallways and coatcheck thanks to the bouncers. It seams like the Limelight had absolutely no control over the crowd and the coat room was like all on crack or something. But that all paled compared to the vibe in the chapel. Yea..I was a bit annoyed by some of the hip hop crowd and curiouse at the ocassional goth that escaped out of Zenwarp but that has always been what Limelight is about. Diversity! I think the funniest thing that occured to me that night, however, was when a confused Goth kept staring at me dancing with my photons on the stage. He tapped me on my shoulder and asked if he could try dancing with them. Preaty soon he was showing his fangs in a huge smile as he hopped up and down with the screams and cheers of the crowd as Tiesto went from a deep trance groove to a build and then a pounding serouse beat that shook the entire floor. when he gave me back my lights he wiped the sweat off of his brow and gave me that look of someone who just understood what the music is all about.As he walked off he leaned in to my ear (thankfully not to bite me) and said : "you know..this shit isn't all that bad". I wonder if any of his fellow gloomy comrads in the bat cave would aprove..Ahhh behold the power of trance!

Does any one know when the next Crasher Party is. We are there!!! Love and UFOs www.rael.org

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Originally posted by teklord310:

Its pretty accurate, not sure who spun Dido.

Scott Bond spun Dido. He did a great job too! I really liked that one track "My House," but I think they spun that too many times over the night. By the time Tiesto spun that in . . . I was like "Again!?!"

Like I said before . . . I thought he was good cause he is a good DJ (PERIOD), but Scott and Guy blew the night away!!



“Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.” - Samuel Butler


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Oh my WORD!!! Talk about pure an utter mental! Got there about 11:30pm after being on the road for a good 8 hours (man, the whole Holland Tunnel thing, thought we woudln't make it). We got to the front of the line in like 10 min, and thanks-a-million BlueAngel for the list! Yer a STAR :-) First thing I was impressed with was the whole vibe of the place. Very cool. Put that with the laser light show and the ingenious use of suspended 70s disco balls and you had limitless potential for it to be a killer night. There was no mistaking Tiesto when he came on, though I agree the transition wasn't so smooth. And wow did he blow up the house! The look on everyone's faces was 'I am here to dance' and that's what we all did (with the little space we had). But all credit to everyone, it was nothing but friendly atmosphere and people wanting to dance their socks off! I loved it when he would just stick the melody on, no beat, nothing, and everybody would be stopped, waiting, listening, anticipating, bobbing their heads until the beat came on and BAM! hands in the air, pumping and bodies just going CRAZY! I tell you, nothing can live up to that experience. Well, maybe a Tiesto/PvD/ Oakenfold triple header all-nighter? ;-) It was pure adreanlin rush all night long until the early hours of the morning. Even sunday I still had the vibe, and would be bopping my head as I walked around New York. Thanks Tiesto for a great night!

"If Silence is golden, Tiesto is Midas"

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Originally posted by az-tec:


Just got back from my home away from home....first of all, GAtecrashe was unbelievable. I have never seen LL that packed. And the crowd was sooo into the music and the vibe.

Tiesto was unbelievable and got me dancing at like 4 am when I was done with the bar. He just rocked it until 6 am when he went off. then they threw on a cd. AT 6:20 or so I went into the booth and what did I see???????

Mr. Johnny Viscious himself spinning. He went on last minute and blew the roof off the place until 7am when they turned the lights on. How fuckin' cool is that? Not only did we see gatecrasher...but an impromptu performance by Johnny!!!!!!! WOW!!!!

to everyone I saw tonight....what up!!!!! to those who were there till the end..Connie, Nick, mr. Exit2heaven....you guys got some serious spirit.

Later ya'll


Hey to all the people i met...thank you all and i got love for u all!! Tiesto was incredible....i was very overwhelmed....there were parts of the night when i was just taken away or "tranced" away by Tiesto himself....yes i was definatly there till the end...i had to sell my superman comics just to make it there....glad i did!!!

Andy- thanks for the much needed slaps on the face when i needid it most

Trippintrance64-The neck massages came in clutch ...thanks

Ezdreamer-::wink::thanks man ::coughing::LOL

Myrlin-we got somecatching up at twilo kid

Exodust-always sweet and lovely

Scottyskribz- Damn u were there???...j/k

Schwinep-wow i love the stories man

Shadowchaser-nice to meet u!

Sariman-We got some catchin up too

Apothesis-gimme that shirt man

GLOWSTICKS- The man....as always...good looking out for everything my man...as always u blessed me and my peeps...say what up to all and dont 4get your dick when u go to cancun!!

To anybody i forgot------> cwm24.gif sorry....u know the deal!!


"Beware of PHAZON"


"The Future is Now...

forget the past...presents gone until the gorgeous night.

.Outrageous, mindblowing nightmares....end up..

in the never ending.. FIGHT"


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some of my observations of the night..

tiesto has no technical skill..he can beatmatch but cant flow between tracks.

he didnt play how he normally plays sets in europe...hence all the older tracks.

somehow i managed to have a good time anyway.

i was loving the "new wave" room.

and most of the people i met in the crowd were pretty cool.

didnt catch ornadel..and saw the last hour of scott bond who never impressed me.

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I was waiting for a live Tiesto appearance forever, and it actually exceeded my my expectations. This Sat. was the best night I've ever had. The music, the lights, the energy of the crowd, the entire atmosphere... too overwhelming. I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy regular club nights after this.

And I was able to get him to sign the In Search of Sunrise 2 CD cover!


Don't forget to fly...

[This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by dzadza:

I was waiting for a live Tiesto appearance forever, and it actually exceeded my my expectations. This Sat. was the best night I've ever had. The music, the lights, the energy of the crowd, the entire atmosphere... too overwhelming. I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy regular club nights after this.

And I was able to get him to sign the In Search of Sunrise 2 CD cover!

DAmn word!!!


"Beware of PHAZON"


"The Future is Now...

forget the past...presents gone until the gorgeous night.

.Outrageous, mindblowing nightmares....end up..

in the never ending.. FIGHT"


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Hi Y'all!

Had a blast at Gatecrasher!!! Tiesto was about what I expected, tho I was hoping for maybe a lil' darker and/or harder... no matter, I had a good ol' time!

Crommy and Abgrover, had SOOO much fun with you two! We gotta party together more often...

Huge hugs to the rest, esp. Myrlin, The Furnace, Shadowchaser, Schwingep... As always an honor and a priveledge.

Blue skies,



But Mama, that's where the fun is


aolim blueskygirl2001

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ok, so i had to be at work this monday morning, and the supposed huge "blizzard" scared me away, so i stayed home here in WET southern california, but next GATECRASHER time... NOOO way. your reviews make me kick my self in the ass that i didnt take the chance and fly out.

Gatecrasher @ the Republic in Shefield was my #1 clubbing experience of my life.. im not missing it next month. Guest dj pending. smile.gif

Love you all, from WET So-cali!




"Hes inside, laying down by the teepees"

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