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Girl Magnets...

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YEAH I see that ALL THE TIME ! And hot guys w/ ugly GFs !

Usually - When a hot chic is w/ an uglier partner either he has : 1. Lots of $$$

2. He throws himself at her

3. Or maybe they're really in love.

LAW of ATTRACTION among the really beautiful is that - when either one is extremely good looking- they don't look for beauty in their partners.

Ex. Heidi Klum said- She's not attracted to really good looking model types.

who knows

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Less attractive guys tend to treat a very good looking girl better than more attractive guys. The less attractive guys,i guess, arent really used to having beautiful girls around them so when they find one they make sure to treat them well and give them what they need so they dont lose them. Better looking guys are used to having attractive girls so when another one comes along, its really no big deal to them, so they dont treat them as good. Plus, once a less attractive guy finds a beautiful girl, he knows that he better keep her so he wont cheat on her, and the girl knows this so she doesnt have anything to worry about.

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Everytime I see a hot girl with some average looking, guy I think to myself sarcastically, "this guy MUST BE the coolest dude in the world." He must be sooooooo chill, because that's the only reason a good looking woman would date that dude. That and $$$$$$$$$$$$


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The signature that will end all signatures...

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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pathetic to use heidi klum as an example

good excample from the shallow world of

models, this thread isn;t going anywhere.

btw is she really that attractive? last

year i spend a lot of time in germany nobody

seems to talk too much about her, i guess there enough tall blonds overthere.

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Guest dabiatchka

Ok 2 people come to mind...Catherine Zeta Jones(absolutely gorgeous) and Micheal Douglas (Yuck)

Can't be the money... she's rich...it sure as hell isn't for his looks so what...Maybe good sex? or love?

Come on he is actually 2 years older than her father... thats a little scary

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ok, i wouldn't know b/c i'm not exactly a model type here, but here's my take on it...hot girls can get hot guys....but as an ex once said to me - "no matter how good looking you are there's always going to be someone out there who's better looking" and i think he had a point. so the hot girls get the hot guys (or vice versa) but maybe the hot guys are always looking for someone hotter, maybe they think "if i got her i can get someone better"...and where am i going with this? i'm sick and delirious, you have to excuse me but i'm thinking that the hot guys may not treat their hot women so well if they are always in pursuit of someone hotter. maybe the hot women get fed up of being treated like shit and go for a not-so-hot man who will treat her like gold and worship her for all her hotness. and i'm not dissing hot guys here. it goes both ways. but like i said, i'm sick and my head is all clouded up right now so what the hell do i know besides the fact that i have cabin fever and want to go out in the worst way humanly possible..... cwm45.gifcwm45.gif and wouldn't you know there's a snowstorm coming? can we say "nicki's gonna be really fucked up next weekend"?????


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by dabiatchka:

Ok 2 people come to mind...Catherine Zeta Jones(absolutely gorgeous) and Micheal Douglas (Yuck)

Can't be the money... she's rich...it sure as hell isn't for his looks so what...Maybe good sex? or love?

Come on he is actually 2 years older than her father... thats a little scary

what about pauline poriskova and rick okasek??? he's not exactly hot and she made some comment about not being into good looking men....and that marriage is still going strong as far as i know...

oh, and to add to what i said up above on my last reply, i'm sure some of these hot women are shallow and love their not-so-hot men't wallets.....so basically i've just repeated what everyone else said. think i should just quit now......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Definetely Money $$$ and status... those are the #1 magnets...

If a guy has a 740iL, vip access, couple'o bottles and some big fkn credit card, he'll get as much babes as one can get....

I'm not jut tlkinout o my ass.. It's a discussed and proven theory... Specially in the SoFL scene...

thats my .02



Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!



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Originally posted by nycetouch:

its all about having GAME cwm20.gif

i totally agree with that one....there've been many times when i've chased after some fairly unattractive boys because they were playing hard to get or what not, but then there have been hotties who were annoying to the point of disbelief and i just couldnt wait to get rid of them...


never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

the most you can do for a friend is simply be a friend...

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"you can conquer a woman/man with your eyes."

sometimes by looking in someones eyes you can actually figure out what kind of person they are.......

My point is that if a person is with someone

because of their wealth,,,,well than that

makes them a whore,,,,,being male or female....I believe that someone is really happy when they know that they have someone that really touches them.....in more ways than one...you could be an ordinary person,

but if you are secure of yourself, and confident, you will get anybody you want...

at the end its all a matter of wanting, and

and be willing to go get what you want.

always be strong and believe in yourself and

things will just keep getting better and better.....and yes if you really want it,,

you can be with that "so called" beautiful


"what is beautiful anyway,,,,,"

beautiful outside, or inside.......


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I agree with pulse there. I too get intimidated and don't even bother with "hot men" because sometimes their ego or standards are so far over their heads! I like the more down to earth guy that can chill and hang out with time to time. And as far as money, sorry but I may have a good time for a while but I don't wanna be considered someones property or feel "bought" by some guy. I do like to go 50/50. smile.gif

-Jamms "viewsexpressedaresoleythoseofjammyinc."


Haben Sie Ihr Schuhe auf tanzt? face50.gif

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I think everyone's reading into it way too much........people have different tastes, opinions, objectives, needs, etc.......it's all dependent on the people.......as for the other side, those who are "girl magnets".......I think it goes beyond looks......looks is one thing but confidence, status, personality, ways of carrying themselves, intelligence, are all factors too........these things of course, go hand in hand with his/her partner's desires and needs........



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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I used to go to lunch with an old co-worker... He told me that he liked going out with me, because a lot of women would check him out. He told me then, that I was a girl magnet.

There was an episode of Seinfeld that kind of dealt with this... George had a picture of a good looking woman in his wallet, and he pretended that she was his dead fiance. He was then invited to some club that catered to "the beautiful people", and when he showed the picture to one of the women, she gave him "the look" and asked him to dance...

So I guess women are interested, to some extent, in an avarage looking guy, when they see him with a goodlooking woman.


Is it Friday yet?

Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by mp3some:

I'm not jut tlkinout o my ass.. It's a discussed and proven theory... Specially in the SoFL scene...

Absolutely true. I lived on South Beach for a few years, I know how it is.


tweaky is the answer

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