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Hey TwiloGoddess...yeah you heard you me you bitch!

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yeah you mad cow...

you tell me on the Twilo Board that I hope to get hit by a bus? Only because I said PVD and Tiesto are cheesy?

You racist bitch...this so called person, said on the Twilo board that asians are always cracked out on the stairs...

other peeps on this board know abou this who are also on that board...

only reason why shes on that board 'cause everyone kisses her fat ass...

i seriously hope natural selection comes back into effect and takes care of her...or an elephant sitting on her face would work too...


nothing is real. . .but me. . .


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Ur such a fookin loser to post a personal attack on both boards! Grow up & Get a grip! Thats not Y I said I hope u get hit by a bus.

Ur fuckin HEINOUS, I'd rather have a ghetto booty than a ugly face! U should start bringing a paper bag to Twilo to put over ur ugly head when the lights come on. I'm on the Twilo board b/c I love Twilo, not cause peeps kiss my ass, fool! Yup, I'm racist...although 1 of my good friends is chinese. What's next? U, Ezdreamer, & Myrlin are all gonna gang up on me. Fight ur own battles! cwm23.gifcwm21.gif


"Madness, Power, Domination!"- Way Out West


[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 03-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

I dare U to come up to me at Twilo & say this shit to my face, u fuckin dweeb!

Hmmmm...what would that be like?? cwm13.gif


Oh and, Frankie's got a cute face cwm12.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Ur such a fookin loser to post a personal attack on both boards! Grow up & Get a grip! Thats not Y I said I hope u get hit by a bus.

Ur fuckin HANEOUS, I'd rather have a ghetto booty than a ugly face! U should start bringing a paper bag to Twilo to put over ur ugly head when the lights come on. I'm on the Twilo board b/c I love Twilo, not cause peeps kiss my ass, fool! Yup, I'm racist...1 of my good friends is chinese. It's very easy to hide behind the comp, y don't u grow some ballz & say this shit to my face at Twilo! cwm23.gifcwm21.gif

LMAO cwm2.gif

you win the Darwin award...


nothing is real. . .but me. . .


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Nah, I edited to add. Talk bout pathetic, u met ALL ur friends off a messageboard. Don't even bother replying...this verbal war has lost it's entertainment value. I'm off to Etoile have a good night.


"Madness, Power, Domination!"- Way Out West


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What's wrong with making friends (even ALL of your friends) off of a message board? Are people from message boards considered less deserving of friendship? SO WHAT! Even if that is the case, is that the only thing you can come up with?

I've read something about you not telling your friends about being on the board, So, shadowchaser doesn't have a problem with it. What is your point?

Why did you tell him to get hit by a bus? That's really rude.



get down on your knees...

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ooohhh stop fighting kids....whatever happened to plur...now kiss and make up!!!




"You and Me,

and Me and YOU,

no matter how they

toss the dice...

they had to be,

the only one for Me

is YOU, and You for me...





-Happy Hardcore

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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

What's wrong with making friends (even ALL of your friends) off of a message board? Are people from message boards considered less deserving of friendship? SO WHAT! Even if that is the case, is that the only thing you can come up with?

I've read something about you not telling your friends about being on the board, So, shadowchaser doesn't have a problem with it. What is your point?

Why did you tell him to get hit by a bus? That's really rude.


shes a bitch thats why. . .

please ... i know more people off the board than on the board...at least i can make friends off a messageboard...all you know how to do is make people think what an ass you are...


nothing is real. . .but me. . .


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i, for one, am proud to say i've made tons of friends from this message board....i can't think of a better way to meet new people with similar interests.....especially since all my old friends have gone in the direction of marriage and kids....i love my new friends, hear that guys? i wuv you all!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Well done, Frank .. I usually find all the drama on this board boring, but you found the perfect subject to pick on - an intellectual lightweight. Those are the best people to provoke, because you can always count on them to say something that reveals them to be a moron.

Hats off, my friend ... this was one of the funniest verbal battles I've read in a while. And you won hands down.


AIM name: noserotoninleft


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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Yup, I'm racist...although 1 of my good friends is chinese. What's next? U, Ezdreamer, & Myrlin are all gonna gang up on me. Fight ur own battles!

Hmmm... you a racist? Nah, stop, no way... you only say racist and dumb things, but in no way are you racist... cwm25.gif

No way am I gonna make any rude and nasty comments since you insisted on putting my name on this thread... hell, I wasn't even gonna reply, but...

I will give you some free unwanted advice... they will rip you to shreds if you aren't careful with words around these here parts.

BTW on this board they don't censor and they won't delete posts. Alas this battle ain't mine... It's all Frankie and you...

Let the battle commence.


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

ooohhh stop fighting kids....whatever happened to plur...now kiss and make up!!!

Lotta FLUR going on around here: FUCK love unity respect


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Lotta FLUR going on around here: FUCK love unity respect




"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i, for one, am proud to say i've made tons of friends from this message board....i can't think of a better way to meet new people with similar interests.....especially since all my old friends have gone in the direction of marriage and kids....i love my new friends, hear that guys? i wuv you all!!!

I know right? Whats wrong with meeting people form this board? I met some real cool people from here... who are now my friends and not only club buddies! I think by saying something like that she left herself open for some negative replies...

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Ur such a fookin loser to post a personal attack on both boards! Grow up & Get a grip! Thats not Y I said I hope u get hit by a bus.

Hmmm . . . and telling someone that you hope they get hit by a bus is not a personal attack too?

Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Ur fuckin HEINOUS, I'd rather have a ghetto booty than a ugly face! U should start bringing a paper bag to Twilo to put over ur ugly head when the lights come on.

Personally, I rather think Frank is adorable not HEINOUS. But then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder and from what I'm reading you're not much of a interior person are ya? Oh and when the lights go on at 8 or 10 in the morning at Twilo . . . EVERYBODY in there looks kinda wack . . .yes, even you princess.

Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Yup, I'm racist...although 1 of my good friends is chinese.

Oh gawd, that's like saying "I'm not a racist, I have black friends!"


Originally posted by twilogoddess:

I'm on the Twilo board b/c I love Twilo, not cause peeps kiss my ass, fool! What's next? U, Ezdreamer, & Myrlin are all gonna gang up on me. Fight ur own battles!

I'm glad you love Twilo! More power to ya! And I don't think anyone has to give Frank support. You're doing such a great job and all.



“Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.” - Woody Allen


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Originally posted by ReginaP:

Hey, how is Etoile? I've heard a lot about it, but since I'm away at school I haven't had the chance to go.

LOL...regina, that was completely inappropriate to insert that comment in this post.




B L O W G O A T S !!!!

Coming Soon....

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Hey, getting hit by a bus may not be so bad. With litigation the way it is nowadays, one can sue Guiliani, retire to HAWAII, get laid 24/7. So what if you're wheelchair bound you can hire Jenny Lopez to wheel ya around. Think this through, I have. I will be on 1st AVe waiting for the M15 to backside me, anybody with me?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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...speaking of getting hit by a bus:

I was sitting around smoking a bowl with some guy a few years back. We got all philosophical and started debating whether it's wiser to live life like there's no tomorrow or to live more conservately since one doesn't know what tomorrow might bring.

I was telling him how one has to enjoy what little time we have here because "you never know, one day you could be crossing the street and get hit by a bus."

"Funny you should say that," he said. He got up and unbuttoned his shirt to reveal huge scars all over his chest and torso. Apparently, he actually did get hit by a bus.



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