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what the f*&k is wrong with the juiceheads at sf

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why do all of these jacked up juiceheads think it is ok to walk around without their shirts on? it is nasty and there is nothing worse then these sweaty jerks always knocking into u and then sticking to ur clothes. ewwww disgusting. cwm25.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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Did you copy and paste that from the other 4197 threads with the same boring, bullshit drama.

I will give you a copy and pasted answer because your idiocy requires no thought...



"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places, I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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Hey gravity, had a good time at SF, eh? wink.gif He is somewhat right though, I feel I read this EVERY Monday morning. I know, I know, I didn't have to respond, but I did tongue.gif.

P A R T Y O N ! ! !

-Jamms "savethedramaforyourmama"



Haben Sie Ihr Schuhe auf tanzt? face50.gif

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Originally posted by gravity:

Did you copy and paste that from the other 4197 threads with the same boring, bullshit drama.

I will give you a copy and pasted answer because your idiocy requires no thought...



iam no big guy

i enjoy going to SF and its something you have to put up with.. and its not that bad..

they dont bother me and i dont bother them..

just deal with it

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Originally posted by chris817:

Originally posted by gravity:

Did you copy and paste that from the other 4197 threads with the same boring, bullshit drama.

I will give you a copy and pasted answer because your idiocy requires no thought...



iam no big guy

i enjoy going to SF and its something you have to put up with.. and its not that bad..

they dont bother me and i dont bother them..

just deal with it

bro i do deal with it, but nothing pisses me off more than when i am talking to a girl and this meathead keeps backing up into me putting his sweaty back all over me. do as u want just dont keep backing into me especially after i ask u kindly to stop. just move. cwm23.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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Originally posted by neojunglist:

why do all of these jacked up juiceheads think it is ok to walk around without their shirts on? it is nasty and there is nothing worse then these sweaty jerks always knocking into u and then sticking to ur clothes. ewwww disgusting. cwm25.gif

What? Are you fucking kidding me! Those guys look fucking hot! I love all of em...You must be one of those flabby wimps that can't lift weights for shit!

"I wanna .....she wanna zicky"






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Originally posted by iliana:

What? Are you fucking kidding me! Those guys look fucking hot! I love all of em...You must be one of those flabby wimps that can't lift weights for shit!

"I wanna .....she wanna zicky"



i think not girl, i go 5 days a week and am very built but dont find the need to take off my shirt and look stupid. the juiceheads arent even real with those fake buy my muscles in a bottle bs. come on, the are synthesizes assholes who think they are gods. i think not. cwm13.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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Originally posted by neojunglist:

gravity <---------- obviously u r a juicehead? cwm24.gif

Then obviously you don't know me. I was a SF reg. for nearly 3 years (before fags like you decided to come in and start complaining about everything)... and am not a "juicehead"

Whats more annoying than the so called "sweaty juiceheads" are the little herbs like you who have nothing better to do than talk shit about the same nonsense that so many other people here do. Are you that insecure about yourself that you need to follow the sentiment of others in what you write...or is it that you feel like less of a man when you and your crew of little boys go to clubs? Either way...I'll say it again...IF YOU DON"T LIKE THE CROWD AND ARE GOING TO BITCH THEN STAY THE FUCK HOME OR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places, I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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it's a free country so bitch all you want.

also, i think its funny that people are giving you shit, then replying to it. this board has soooo many repeat posts. for example:

sf vs exit

exit vs twilo

what nationality are you?

where do you work?

what club is the best?

ravers vs clubbers

etc, etc, etc

i dont think i need to go on...plus let's not forget all the stupid posts from people attempting to be funny

bitch all you want if it makes you feel better. you're not asking for replies.


party with a heart on

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The juice heads don't bother me. I'm no big fan of getting sanded down with their 5 O'clock shadow on their arms when they walk by, or getting slimed with sweat, but thats the way it is. I just try and go around them.

Like it was said before, thats the scene there if you don't like it, there are other places to go. cwm12.gif

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Originally posted by neojunglist:

i think not girl, i go 5 days a week and am very built but dont find the need to take off my shirt and look stupid. the juiceheads arent even real with those fake buy my muscles in a bottle bs. come on, the are synthesizes assholes who think they are gods. i think not. cwm13.gif

That's your preference if you choose to keep your shirt on. IT"S FUCKING HOT WHEN YOU DANCE! It's the fucking clubscene...showing flesh is what it's all about. Go to a lounge if you don't want to see that.

I don't hear you complaining about skantily clad hot looking girls. SO stop complaining! I like having eye candy when I go out. Those guys are hot and that's that.






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In all honesty / i might be the first one to be bashing those guys....but in actuality...i love those motherfuckers....i know so many of them from my exit days and they are the best people to bug out with....Its fucked up how some just flat out dont know how to act disrespecting people..expecially girls....one time at exit...i was with my now ex-girlfriend and some juice head grabbed her ass....then 5 juiceheads (exit regulars) recognized my face from week after week. got my back and beefed at him...the ass grabber apologized to my girl and i and i bugged out with those guys that helped me the whole night...i showed em how to do stix and they showed me how to take monster juicehead bumps...lol....since then i found new respect for the juicers!!!!

E2H--->not a good juicehead hater, just a bad juicehead hater!!!


Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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got to say that I have mixed feelings about this.......even though its not the first time this has been posted,,,,people always have the same things to say about it....

yea OK>>>>> it does suck when a beast bumps you and he's all sweaty,,,,,shit I hate that feeling myself....once again it does suck,,,,

but like everybody is saying,,,,its the way it is.....and yes,,,,a lot of this so called "juiceheads",,,,are very kool people....shit,,we are all there for the same reason,,,,,,to have fun,,,,there will always be the "dick" who thinks he's god,,but deep down they know they are a peace of shit,,,,,but at the same time we can't let those ignorant people ruin it for everybody else........just have fun and try not to worry about it,,,,,and when you do get bumped,,,step away about 5 feet and dance somewhere else......no desrespect intended for anybody,,,,,,,LOL.... cwm44.gif



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i understand it will always be there and i am not trying to change it. alot of them r my friends, but i was just voicing my opinion on the matter. that is all. not trying to create a prob. just speaking. cwm24.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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Originally posted by neojunglist:

i understand it will always be there and i am not trying to change it. alot of them r my friends, but i was just voicing my opinion on the matter. that is all. not trying to create a prob. just speaking. cwm24.gif

So why dont you take it up with them if they are your friends...instead of trying to create drama...getting abused and then changing your story. If your mom made you take cucumbers up the ass, that might be uncomfortable for you too, but I bet you'd take it up with her instead of posting it here. If something bothers you, consider yourself lucky enough to have the ability to try and change it.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places, I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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changin my story, i think not. gettin abuse from u all. i luv it. u dont know me and u never will. i am just saying i dont like u sweaty jackasses bumping me and thinking u can take ur shirts off and that's ok. i never changed my story, i am just pointing out the fact that i just am stating my opinion. if u dont like it, oh well. get a life. funny how u protect a bunch of idiots who will prob not protect u. cwm24.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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Originally posted by neojunglist:

i think not girl, i go 5 days a week and am very built cwm13.gif

Hey that sounds just like me...

oh...wait...never mind I thought you said I smoke 5 times a day and am very BLUNTED..oops...

Oh- I think Exit2Heaven said it best on a recent post- something like "do what you want...just don't grab my girls ass.." big, small, ugly, cheesy, ravy, underground, whatever...as long as your having a good time and not bein a dick..so be it.... cwm34.gif

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Originally posted by neojunglist:

changin my story, i think not. gettin abuse from u all. i luv it. u dont know me and u never will. i am just saying i dont like u sweaty jackasses bumping me and thinking u can take ur shirts off and that's ok. i never changed my story, i am just pointing out the fact that i just am stating my opinion. if u dont like it, oh well. get a life. funny how u protect a bunch of idiots who will prob not protect u. cwm24.gif

I thought that you were friends with a lot of these so called "bunch of idiots"


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places, I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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yes i am friends with alot of them, but there are alot that i dont know and especially on sat nite they were so rude and obnoxious, it pissed me off. to be honest, most of my friends that r juicers dont take their shirts off at the club. they just wear shirts that r too small for them so they look funny, but they r my friends so i dont mind. but the ones that i just spoke of that i dont know; when they rnt dancing and just talking they always move around so much they keep backing into me, so i move. next thing i know they find the need to keep backing up into and again bumping me. i give more than ample room around me and yet they just try so hard to make more room then needed. it pisses me off. cwm23.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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muscleheads get sweaty, ravers get sweaty, and even the hoochie mamas get sweaty!

so what's the problem? i think if you're not sweating then you need to get back on the dance floor and shake yo ass! wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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Beleive it or not I'm one of those juiceheads that never sweat. I think it's hereditary no one in my family sweats. So I agree with neo that I hate all of yous that sweat and drip all over me. Stop sweating you hear. I don't care how yous do just stop sweating or I'll I'll tell give you a noogie.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Juice on this,

when juicers juice, they become juicy and juicilicios. Lack of juice can lead to underjuiciness, and juice failure. But when juicers overjuice, juice becomes superjuice and will lead to od-juice. Juicy juice is juicilicios, but juice is juice and juicy juice is juicy. The Juciemarket is filled with juice, so careful when juicing, choose the right juice. Juice on that!

juice cwm20.gif




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Originally posted by gravity:

Did you copy and paste that from the other 4197 threads with the same boring, bullshit drama.

I will give you a copy and pasted answer because your idiocy requires no thought...


Hey asshole Why dont you pick on some one your own size like me you moron of a dickless fag .......... Your nothing but a fucken fake GO AWAY !



E-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---

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ALso i must ADD They should change the name of the DAM club to Juice heads r u s!

but who really gives a shit i hate is as well but you know what im a built up guy to and ill smack the shit out of the guy if he bumps into me without saying excuse me or sorry bro or something like that , i dont take shit from any little freak of nature . GO NAVY !!!



E-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---

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