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So i got home last night, to find...

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My ex roommate had come to move his stuff out and moved nicked some of my stuff including..

My Bose stereo,

A getto blaster,

Blank Checks,

And my toilet paper.

How fucked up is that.

back2basics - 'loosinghisfaithinhumanity'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by ReginaP:


Howard, the bastard. I did so much for that f?cker as well. It makes no sence because i have all his details.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Thats totally f*'d up! cwm6.gif ...But please b2b don't lose faith in humanity..there are some good, honest people out there cwm35.gif .

-Jamms "tolosefaithinhumanityistolosefaithofman"


Wo ist die Partei? face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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I'm sorry to hear that! I know how you feel. I had a girlfriend I did so much for-even let her live with me for free while she got her stuff together. When she moved out she snatched some of my clothes. It really hurt my feelings-after all I have done. I ran into her and she was actually wearing an outfit of mine. I didn't even say anything-you know what if the clothes mean more to her than our friendship she can have them.

Its her loss anyway-I was one great friend to her.

Like Jammy said don't loose faith. There are plenty of honest giving people out there! cwm1.gif


As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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Damn that is sooo messed up...sorry too hear that..man some ppl..i've been through that too..just sucks..but dont lose faith..theres plenty of us good ppl... cwm7.gif


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aim: amafrk1


Exit, Tunnel & SoundFactory r the places I choose to set myself free to the music...

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Thanks everybody, i couldn't care about what the chuffer took but to betray my trust like that.

Anyway i arn't really loosing my faith, but i won't be trusting people as easily.

back2basics - 'justatrustingyorkshirelad'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Thanks everybody, i couldn't care about what the chuffer took but to betray my trust like that.

Anyway i arn't really loosing my faith, but i won't be trusting people as easily.

back2basics - 'justatrustingyorkshirelad'

well yeah... but if he has taken blank cheques i call the bank to cancel plus the cops, fuck him.




Stones Roses - Paint Promo

AIM: mattarrundale1

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It would appear your ex-roomate has gotten involved in some shady shit.

Maybe he picked up a new addiction. or fueled an old one.

Sorry to hear about that. Some people just turn.


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Thanks everybody, i couldn't care about what the chuffer took but to betray my trust like that.

Anyway i arn't really loosing my faith, but i won't be trusting people as easily.

Oh yeh i have reported the idiot to the police.

back2basics - 'justatrustingyorkshirelad'

I feel for you. That's part of the reason I usually room solo. It's good you take that perspective on it, since its doubtful the Chicago cops will help you out on this one. Unless you've got family with them, or they have some self-interest involved with it, you probably won't see any of your stuff again.... [Especially if you're a foreigner] Maybe we should all get together a pool and hire someone out to get a hit on him.... j/k... wink.gif Best of luck to you...

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Yeh he was in to some shadey shit, police have been informed. But like zoom says they don't give a shit. Ok if he get's pulled on the road for something it will show up.

I have a plan and it has been put in to effect.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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