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What's with EXIT & their negative campaign VS SF?

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Originally posted by russ reign:

unfortunately in this case it's worse... the poor girl made the US equivilant of $105 in total on an international hit record, of which she wrote the song! (and they eeven tried to jerk her out of the performances) She should have made easily 25 G's off off of royalties and publishing frown.gif

Russ, I'm not saying it's fair.. It's very wrong! But it happens unfortunately probably quite often too... She should've hired a law firm for the case although going against a huge record label might be a total waste of energy and time frown.gif But it's reality, it happens.. People are not honest, they lie and steal and cheat.. Nothing you can do about that. But if she has any talent, she'll write the next song that will be 1000 times better than castles in the sky, and learn from her mistakes, she will get what she deserves! That's what record labels do to new inexperienced artists so she'll learn and hopefully fight her way to the top..

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:


We have better scene's at house parties... when people are really their for music and fun!

Better yet... Garage parties wink.gif

Yeh or the free part scene, or teh origional rave scene (not the underage clubber scsne that it is now), even the GU boys run a club in my home town, they keep it small and still book the same DJ's they would make shit loads more if the venue was bigger. But no they kept it real. Check my other post in the what is the scene thread.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Ok...I think that everyone needs to calm down now.

I think we have a little false accusation here.

Now I'm not pro-Exit or anti-Exit or the same for SF...I'm not a promoter...nor do i work for any of the clubs.

What I have seen in the past is that promoters would make there own flyers and distribute them.

Now, ask yourselves, why would Exit ever want to directly bash SF?? That isn't sound business, and like them or not, management isn't that stupid to downplay their competitor. That's like two men trying to convince a girl to go out with them and saying that the other one smells. That wouldn't go over nice with that girl because she doesn't want some immature moron talking shit about other people.

David Marvisi and his staff aren't dumb enough to approve a half ass, direct accusation of the identity of a singer with poor attention to grammer. What might be happening here is that one of Exit's promoters could have created a flyer seperate from the club's and distributed that propaganda out.



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I can recall a meeting I sat in on at SF when they tried to start their Friday parties over again that turned mee OFF to SF.

All the head promoters were talking trash about EXIT and saying we should send spies to there meeting to see what they are up too and what they are gonna do for there parties. this game has gone on for years trash talking other parties and shit.


1. trash talk should be left where it belongs and thats on the streets NOT ON A FLYER

2. Both clubs make promises they never keep.

3. I remember a flyer from SF that stated bad ish about EXIT too.

4. Neither aluv and lodi nor tony draper deserve to spin on the main floor of either club. JV (Johnny Vicious)i can see but not these guys..

5. "There is no crying in BASEBALL"

JUST MY 2 cents about a touchy topic


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Like a Biskit....

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I can recall a meeting I sat in on at SF when they tried to start their Friday parties over again that turned mee OFF to SF.

All the head promoters were talking trash about EXIT and saying we should send spies to there meeting to see what they are up too and what they are gonna do for there parties. this game has gone on for years trash talking other parties and shit.


1. trash talk should be left where it belongs and thats on the streets NOT ON A FLYER

2. Both clubs make promises they never keep.

3. I remember a flyer from SF that stated bad ish about EXIT too.

4. Neither aluv and lodi nor tony draper deserve to spin on the main floor of either club. JV (Johnny Vicious)i can see but not these guys..

5. "There is no crying in BASEBALL"

JUST MY 2 cents about a touchy topic


Howz Ya BOX?

Like a Biskit....

bottle1-a.gifAll Gone ecstasy_a.gifThe chemical molecules that make up Ectasy

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if you didn't realize it, a majority of the SF promoters moved over to exit...and the flyer that exit sent out was probably written by ex-SF people. If you didn't notice, it seems as if ex-SF heads are all over that flyer.

SF and Exit are two completely different clubs with two atmospheres. Why would Exit people want to mess with SF people, unless those Exit people were once SF people?

There is a big family at exit of people. true, a lot of them don't like SF, but what can you do, they're at exit now. and i guess they're trying to throw off SF...i saw a mini flyer last week of a moving truck. it's weird to think that all the SF heads that badmouth Exit are now coming over.

Please people, i think what we have here is a complete misunderstanding. Can we just drop this?



aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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ok, if david marvisi didn't approve of the flyer, then how come i got it in the mail today??? and why the fuck is my <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> still on that flyer??? wtf... anyway, who knows who actually wrote the thing... the only thing i know is that ringling brothers can sue exit because exit put "the greatest show on earth" on the flyer, and that is a trademarked thingy... and why are all the girls deisel as hell, and why does the tiger have a tiger head and a leopards body??? oh, and i do have to say one thing.. this just proves what a circus it is if you've seen the new sf bashing exit flyer...


adam fierce


"i'm drowning, so come inside... welcome to my... filthy mind"



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holy shit for the record

SF = this friday castles in the sky

EXIT = this friday = circus theme

EXIT = NEXT Friday (30th) = Castles in the Sky along with Matt Darey performing "Beautiful"

everyone calm down now wink.gif


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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who's running exit ? we have the same promoters as last time

fyi castles in the sky is being performed the 30th at exit...

now b/c of all the misleading info on the flyer,

DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT IS EXITS OWN FLYER? its so easy for someone to get a hold on their mailing list...

btw i didnt get a flyer and neither did some other ppl, so im figuring it might have been an older list



aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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Guest crystalmethodny

Originally posted by tranza:

Who give's a shit!! That song can suck my chocolate salty balls, it's horrible.. Real or fake, so what.. Waste of money if you ask me..

P.S. Steve .. finger.gif ..

Yo K-Boy

Who cares what you think, assmunch.

Oh btw.. F U!!

Seeya at Vinyl sometime wink.gif


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I think everyone is missing the point of what i was trying to say....

and that's that exit is using negative propaganda in a scene where a positive vibe is very imporatant for ppl to enjoy themselves all around.

I just think it was a really low blow what EXIT did...hope I never ever see another polititian-like bashing the other candidate flyer like that again

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1st topic - the flyer degrading another party - that's just low.. Although it is just politics but it's really disgusting to see such things.. It's expected to see these things when politicians are running for office.. But for a HUGE club that's doing just fine with their own party, to go and blatantly trash another party, that's just a bad PR move on their part.. And I'm not saying this because I like SF more than Exit (never been to either on Fridays though..), but I'd say the SAME EXACT thing if this involved any other 2 clubs in the city..

2nd issue - the "REAL" singer - that's sad that shit like this happens.. and what's even worse is that places like SF and whatever other 3 places she'll be at, are giving more $ to the people who don't deserve to get it.. I'm sure it's not the first time a record company screwed an artist, or a club gets someone "fake" (I wonder how many people even care that it's not the real one.. and honestly, I feel bad for the "real" girl but I wouldn't care if it was the real one singing up there or not......... there isn't much we can do about it...) But this is the industry these people are working in. And as unfair and horrible it is, everyone knows that that's the way it is.. It's like being a movie star and complaining about being in tabloids.. Of course it's trash, of course it's low and horrible, but it's part of the business unfortunately frown.gif

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Originally posted by dynamix:

I think everyone is missing the point of what i was trying to say....

and that's that exit is using negative propaganda in a scene where a positive vibe is very imporatant for ppl to enjoy themselves all around.

I just think it was a really low blow what EXIT did...hope I never ever see another polititian-like bashing the other candidate flyer like that again

Oh come on...

The 'scene' isn't clubs like Exit, Twilo or SF.

The owners don't give a shit about the scene, it's about money. What they are tring to do is make more money, using promotion tactics.

If they really cared they would do it for very little profit. But they carn't because those clubs cost so much they need big buisiness backers, what do they want? They want a report on there desk giving them numbers through the door and a profit and loss account.

The scene and everything it stands for went out the window as soon as the investers came in.

That's not to say they arn't all good clubs and that you guys don't have a great time when you go. But it has nothing to do with the scsne that i am part of, it's hedonism don't confuse the two.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Oh come on...

The 'scene' isn't clubs like Exit, Twilo or SF.

The owners don't give a shit about the scene, it's about money. What they are tring to do is make more money, using promotion tactics.

Very WELL put!



"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." — Andre Gide


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

It's like being a movie star and complaining about being in tabloids.. Of course it's trash, of course it's low and horrible, but it's part of the business unfortunately frown.gif

unfortunately in this case it's worse... the poor girl made the US equivilant of $105 in total on an international hit record, of which she wrote the song! (and they eeven tried to jerk her out of the performances) She should have made easily 25 G's off off of royalties and publishing frown.gif


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Guest crystalmethodny


We have better scene's at house parties... when people are really their for music and fun!

Better yet... Garage parties wink.gif


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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omfg.. first of all, i wasn't saying you were promoting factory... the flyer is.. second of all, that is an exit flyer... trust me, i know a lot of exit people.. and if it wasn't the exit flyer, then why the hell is my name on the damn flyer... my name is on there because of a mistake... and, the people who don't promote exit know that... that flyer was made a couple of weeks ago... i know this because i notified johnny z that i wasn't doing exit a couple of weeks ago, and he said it's too late to take fierce off of the flyer because the distribution started already... it is an exit flyer... trust me on this one...

now, why doesn't everyone stop bashing another party... soundfactory isn't gonna worry about exit and exit shouldn't worry about factory... if you want to bash another party, go ahead and be a 7 year old...

oh, and ringling brothers really should sue exit for the phrase on the new flyer... anyway, i'm tired of this 4th grade bullshit... if you want to dis the soundfactory friday party, WHY DON'T YOU GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY HIDE AND GO FUCK YOURSELF... nuff said

adam fierce


"i'm drowning, so come inside... welcome to my... filthy mind"



fierce club promotions

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Originally posted by tranza:

I just saw the flyer..

I noticed Bobby Goodrich has moved over to Exit..

That pretty much explains the bashing twards Sound Factory..

--Just noticed?????? Wow... old news buddy.... thats what happens when EXIT fires there best promoters.. they are forced to offer a SF team a better deal to bring them over to Exit.... c'mon now. If they didn't get offered what the did, they would be right there at SF still.... its all about the $$ with that. But hey, Thorin and Sevan are doing just fine (actually better than fine) at their new home... The SOUNDFACTORY.

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damn, why is there such a big deal about the performance of one song?? it's not even that great of a song. and all these SF and Exit heads are packing a place to hear this ONE song

ya know wat? Nick Warren will be spinning SEVERAL songs. yeah, that's right


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