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YO' MAMMA IS SO FAT.......................

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Liking this alot, good job on the post exocrust, HAHAHAHAHAHA, just kiddin sweetie.



"I nEeD a SpIrIt WhO cAn ToUcH mY LiFe, I nEeD a VoIcE tO sPeAk tHe TrUtH, i NeEd A sOuL wHo WiLL bE oN mY sIdE, i NeEd A hEaRt i'LL nEvEr LoSe, SoMeOnE LiKe YoU... sOmEbOdY LiKe YoU....SoMeOnE LiKe yOu...SomEoNe LiKe yOu.....I NeEd SoMeBoDy WhO CaN MoVe My WoRLd, SoMeOne WhO kNoWs JuSt WhAt To Do, SoMeOne LiKe YoU..."


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Your momma's sooo fat, she plays hop scotch like this....new york...chicago...LA..

Your momma's house is so dirty, the cockroach's ride around on dunebuggies

Your momma' so fat, when God said "Let there be light" he meant for you mom to move her big ass out the way

Your momma's so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of her

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Yo moma is SO FAT her moomoo is the NY Shelter for the homeless.....

Yo moma is so fat and old Jesus used her back as a fucken run way ...

Yo moma is so ghetto she had to hang the toilet paper out to dry

Yo moma is so fat The back of her kneck looks like a package of hotdogs......




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page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---

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Yo mamma's so fat she goes to Kentucky Fried Chicken and licks everbody elses fingers.

Yo mamma's so fat she can't even jump to a conclusion.

Yo mamma's so fat when she ran away, she took up all 4 sides of the milk carton.

Yo mamma's so fat they had to change the sign in the dept store from one size fits all to one size fits most.

Yo mamma's so fat when she dances, she makes the band skip..

thats enough for now......

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