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Listen all yous fucking Jersey wanabees...

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Listen bungee dick, I hope your just being stupid, because there is no medication for what you have. Its not our faults that your shit is as thin as a rubberband. Go hang yourself. You should have been a blowjob you waste of space. Sticks and stones won't be thrown, I'll just RIP YOU APART.




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the reason the new york teams play in jersey is because there's no room. they're gonna have to tear down some of the 3 cent tenement buildings like the one you live in for any teams to play here. and check the standings asshole, the devils are in first place, while the rangers and isles are got the last two spots locked down. go get an edumucation before you come back on the board. oh i forgot you're from queens-the land of GED's.


do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free

[This message has been edited by soulshaker (edited 01-31-2001).]

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Originally posted by bungee:

you are fucking second rate MOFOS you hear? You all live in NY's shadow like a bunch of RATS, scampering about, feeding off the garbage we dump. You try stealing the Statue of Liberty plus the Yankees, you gots no personality of your own. Devils, Nets second rate losers. Jersey's only good for taking in our garbage, you do a great job. Fuck you all.

This is actually funny. The majority of NY sports teams (some even play here) season ticket owners are from NJ b/c thats where the money is. The Nets suck, and always will. I am a Nets fan and accept that but the Knicks are the biggest 10 year NBA blowjob of them all.

Q: What do NY people do when they finally make money?


God Bless the garbage industry as I lead a great life thanks to all of your trash.

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Your'e from Queens and you got the balls to rip jersey. Been to queens I actually graduated from St. John's University and I've never seens a bigger fucking rat hole than queens. And as far as the garbage dumbing lil devil is right jersey, long island and every other borough dumb their trash in queens. you should know that being that you where raised in it and all. Your trying to come across as a high brow new yorker but your sounding like a low class uneducated dick.


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So, what the hell is your problem??

Have you nothing better to say than to criticize others?? You know what they say, those who put others down are lacking in some area themselves!!!Before you go and insult other people, check your stats because there are people from ny and nj on this board...as far as "garbage" is concerned, my friend lil devil is correct, our garbage is in your backyard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You'd know that, if you crawled from under that rock sometime!!!!!


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Apparently, we need a Jersey Drama Board too! Whats the matter bungee, couldn't think of anything better to post? Oh and the Devil's, second rate? uh, how are those rangers doing? and the Islanders? Please!!! The fucking rangers get Messier back and they still SUCK!!! they suck SOOO bad they made the "great one" retire!!! and you are from "quees" well if its anything like Queens, NY then look around buddy, its a fucking hole in the wall, armpit of america, smelly, nasty shitheap! Get a fucking clue


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Listen you fucking radioactive waste dumps, I have to shut my fucking car windows everytime I drive through the Turnpike. Clean that shit up before that shit creeps across the Hudson. On a lighter note, you gots some nice Malls and cigs are cheaper, I give you that. That make you radioactive fuckers feel better?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

Listen you fucking radioactive waste dumps, I have to shut my fucking car windows everytime I drive through the Turnpike. Clean that shit up before that shit creeps across the Hudson. On a lighter note, you gots some nice Malls and cigs are cheaper, I give you that. That make you radioactive fuckers feel better?

we don't need you "to give" us anything. just stay out of jersey and keep your ass in welfare central. quick question, do clubs let you pay cover charges with your food stamps?


do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free

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normally i would say shit but fuck i live in dc now...but anyway i will say this: peeps always be saying stupid shit about jersey(that we're the shadow of nyc, or philly or any of that shit) fuck off mother fuckers caz jersey isnt coping or living behind someones shadow........althought in a way im glad im out of jersey, but thats not the fucking point.


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Originally posted by puck:

normally i would say shit but fuck i live in dc now...but anyway i will say this: peeps always be saying stupid shit about jersey(that we're the shadow of nyc, or philly or any of that shit) fuck off mother fuckers caz jersey isnt coping or living behind someones shadow........althought in a way im glad im out of jersey, but thats not the fucking point.


Well since you moved out of here.. umm.. grammaticly speaking I dont think you should speak on behalf of us Jersey "peeps"..

dont take it personally..



you know you love me..

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Originally posted by bungee:

Listen you fucking radioactive waste dumps, I have to shut my fucking car windows everytime I drive through the Turnpike. Clean that shit up before that shit creeps across the Hudson. On a lighter note, you gots some nice Malls and cigs are cheaper, I give you that. That make you radioactive fuckers feel better?

You seem to overlook the nice areas of NJ like Saddle River, Ramsey, Franklin Lakes etc. People like you stick out in our community when you pass through. Stay in your hole where you belong and stop posting on this board.




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You ignorant hillbillies, WTF is Jersey's Capital anyhows? What is it, Paterson? Newark? Jersey City? Last I heard you fuckers were trying to steal the Yankees. Fuck off that shit ain't happening. Plus, what's the deal with the term 'Garden State' ? All I see are radioactive dead trees. Though, the Malls are good. I admit I sneak in there for clothes, but only for a few hours, so don't get a fat head you hear?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

you are fucking second rate MOFOS you hear? You all live in NY's shadow like a bunch of RATS, scampering about, feeding off the garbage we dump. You try stealing the Statue of Liberty plus the Yankees, you gots no personality of your own. Devils, Nets second rate losers. Jersey's only good for taking in our garbage, you do a great job. Fuck you all.

Shut the fuck up punk ass!


conquer and subdue

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