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its about time BAEZ played a club that....

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I would def. about Eddie last night,I was impressed because the times I heard him before I really didn't like his style.As for the club itself,in my opinion, a very weak dorky atmosphere.Oh well, I gave it one more shot since last time I was there about 1 year ago.



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Metro was pretty good last night...Loved the wat the blew the cold air out as soon as the song was about to blow up!!! cwm24.gifcwm24.gif

c.Lo cwm31.gif


People who talk DON'T KNOW and people who know DON'T TALK!!!

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I normally dont go to Jersey clubs. But since Eddie was there I decided to go. I had a really good time. Eddie played great. I even saw the famous or infamous Denny Tsettos. I guess he came down to see his friend play or take some tips from him. Needless to say I lost all of whatever respect I had for him this night. While he was hanging out with his girls, he was talking shit about Eddie playing. Thats pretty low coming from a friend. But we all know how he treats friends, especially when there married. Just shows what type of person he really is. cwm23.gif

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I here alot of mixed things about him. But if it is true then it's messed up. I know he was there. Any way it was great to here Eddie at Metro, had alot of fun. The Anniverary party was also a great time. A to Z was great. But after 2 day in a row this weekend, I will have to take a break this week.

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Originally posted by bastard00:

I normally dont go to Jersey clubs. But since Eddie was there I decided to go. I had a really good time. Eddie played great. I even saw the famous or infamous Denny Tsettos. I guess he came down to see his friend play or take some tips from him. Needless to say I lost all of whatever respect I had for him this night. While he was hanging out with his girls, he was talking shit about Eddie playing. Thats pretty low coming from a friend. But we all know how he treats friends, especially when there married. Just shows what type of person he really is. cwm23.gif

I was one of the "girls" there with him, I would love to know what you heard him say that was bad about Eddie? NOTHING, you are just jealous and starting shit for no good reason. But from what I have read of your posts on this board you seem to never have anything nice to say. You are free to say what you want but why don't you try sticking to the truth instead of making up lies.

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Originally posted by bastard00:

I normally dont go to Jersey clubs. But since Eddie was there I decided to go. I had a really good time. Eddie played great. I even saw the famous or infamous Denny Tsettos. I guess he came down to see his friend play or take some tips from him. Needless to say I lost all of whatever respect I had for him this night. While he was hanging out with his girls, he was talking shit about Eddie playing. Thats pretty low coming from a friend. But we all know how he treats friends, especially when there married. Just shows what type of person he really is. cwm23.gif

Is that so????? Hmmmmmm what may I ask was he saying???? And I'm sure YOU wouldn't make anything up right??? I know that you don't venture to Jersey clubs.... rolleyes.gif

usually...but you just so happened to be at Metro. How ironic!!!!


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Originally posted by bastard00:

I normally dont go to Jersey clubs. But since Eddie was there I decided to go. I had a really good time. Eddie played great. I even saw the famous or infamous Denny Tsettos. I guess he came down to see his friend play or take some tips from him. Needless to say I lost all of whatever respect I had for him this night. While he was hanging out with his girls, he was talking shit about Eddie playing. Thats pretty low coming from a friend. But we all know how he treats friends, especially when there married. Just shows what type of person he really is. cwm23.gif

NOW THAT HAS GOT TO BE ONE OF THE SHITTIEST THINGS YOU COULD HAVE EVER SAID ON THIS BOARD!!! Ok - so we all know you have this vendetta against Denny - fine!! And we all know all you do is look for ways to start trouble on every post possible - that is fine too. HOWEVER, this is where I draw the line. I happened to have been there with Denny - so I guess you can call me "one of his girl," and Denny nor any of the people who he was with said anything that could have even been construed as a negative comment about EDDIE!!!! FYI - the only reason Denny, or myself, or any of the other people you are referring to in your comment were there was to show support for EDDIE. PERIOD!!!! I do not frequent Metro, nor do the others with me, and for you to come here and stir shit up over a gesture of love and support is just down right WRONG!!!! IF you were in such proximity to where Denny and "his girls" were standing, why don't you enlighten us MR FUCKING BASTARD as to what was said, how it was said, and where it was said?? Please shed some light on your profound sense of hearing considering I couldn't hear a damn thing in that place even when someone was shouting in my ear. How is it that YOU my friend were able to hear what Denny and "his girls" were saying??

Grow the fuck up asshole. All you do is start trouble - we all know that. But here, you are just an outright PRICK in trying to damage the respect that one DJ has for another, and a truly wonderful friendship between them. You are the lowest of all lows - you should have never been given the gift of life!!! Your life should have been given to someone who's life was cut short!!

One last thing - I hope that those who read what this asshole said knows that what he is claiming is completely false. His motives are obviously due to some personal issues he has with Denny - and that is it!! There is ZERO truth to what he has claimed!!! I hope that this all gets taken with a grain of salt because that is all it is worth!!



Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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bastardzero, what a fucking pathetic excuse for a man you are!!!! Let me guess as the bullshit pours out of your posts, are you sitting home rubbing one out getting off at the fact that your stirring up shit for no damn reason!!! I hardly think you walk in Denny's shoes so you shouldn't start lies about him, if you think he sucks as a dj than fine thats your opinion but don't go lying to people that he talks shit about his friends. The fact is your not a dj and you nothing about mutual respect between djs. As for people's personal lives, people do what they have to do nobody has to justify what they do to anybody but themselves.



"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Damn... I missed the party. I was there for a few. Then I had to take care of something. Maybe next time! WTF Bastard?!?! You should step up and get in his face if you have something to say. You fight with words only... You bark all day little doggie, but you don't bite. I hope your not Italian, because if you are, you should be shot.



AOL: Italiamale1977

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Originally posted by ladybijan22:

Originally posted by bastard00:

I normally dont go to Jersey clubs. But since Eddie was there I decided to go. I had a really good time. Eddie played great. I even saw the famous or infamous Denny Tsettos. I guess he came down to see his friend play or take some tips from him. Needless to say I lost all of whatever respect I had for him this night. While he was hanging out with his girls, he was talking shit about Eddie playing. Thats pretty low coming from a friend. But we all know how he treats friends, especially when there married. Just shows what type of person he really is. cwm23.gif

NOW THAT HAS GOT TO BE ONE OF THE SHITTIEST THINGS YOU COULD HAVE EVER SAID ON THIS BOARD!!! Ok - so we all know you have this vendetta against Denny - fine!! And we all know all you do is look for ways to start trouble on every post possible - that is fine too. HOWEVER, this is where I draw the line. I happened to have been there with Denny - so I guess you can call me "one of his girl," and Denny nor any of the people who he was with said anything that could have even been construed as a negative comment about EDDIE!!!! FYI - the only reason Denny, or myself, or any of the other people you are referring to in your comment were there was to show support for EDDIE. PERIOD!!!! I do not frequent Metro, nor do the others with me, and for you to come here and stir shit up over a gesture of love and support is just down right WRONG!!!! IF you were in such proximity to where Denny and "his girls" were standing, why don't you enlighten us MR FUCKING BASTARD as to what was said, how it was said, and where it was said?? Please shed some light on your profound sense of hearing considering I couldn't hear a damn thing in that place even when someone was shouting in my ear. How is it that YOU my friend were able to hear what Denny and "his girls" were saying??

Grow the fuck up asshole. All you do is start trouble - we all know that. But here, you are just an outright PRICK in trying to damage the respect that one DJ has for another, and a truly wonderful friendship between them. You are the lowest of all lows - you should have never been given the gift of life!!! Your life should have been given to someone who's life was cut short!!

One last thing - I hope that those who read what this asshole said knows that what he is claiming is completely false. His motives are obviously due to some personal issues he has with Denny - and that is it!! There is ZERO truth to what he has claimed!!! I hope that this all gets taken with a grain of salt because that is all it is worth!!


What's the matter bastard?? have nothing to say now do ya??? can't even defend yourself can you!?? you have given new meaning to the word scumbag - you are truly the epitome of what a royal scumbag is!! I hope that you get all you desrve one day - what comes around goes around. What you do to others will be done to you ten times harder and i can't wait for it to be broadcast all over this board for all the bastardhaters to see!!



Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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I know Denny well and I he never talks shit about anyone, its obviously a lie. I work with tons of DJs and I could honestly say that Denny is the nicest person you could meet. People like Bastard are ruining the scene.


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