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A Message For Sin-Sational

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"Here's a thought why don't you pick out your favorite outfit, put on your favorite Mondo tape, invite your college buddies over, dim the lights, and go fuck yourselves-its fun and free!

(yeah you forgot about me didn't ya )"

This is a message you posted under a topic where I asked for suggestions for Sat. Night. What relevance does it have? What the hell is up your ass anyway... I didn't forget about you, I just had nothing to say to you. I don't get your deal, is your life that pathetic that you gets your excitement from coming on here and randomly choosing people to be nasty to. Get a better hobby!



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boohoo little miss phi-piggy piggy is upset. Yeah I do enjoy picking on the weak! Something has to entertain me during my 8 hours of work. Since you thought you were hot shit once, and I repeat once, I figured I'd torture you FOREVER!!!! that means today, tomorrow and everyday after that!!!

Best stay inside, your future looks BAD!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Ok You fucking Bitch... I never thought I was hot shit... I knew it and I still am! How old are you anyway? I am guessing either 16 or a very immature 20-something year old.

I am sorry that you weren't good enough to get a decent job that would keep you busy. What do you do anyway? I picture a slutty Whore sitting behind a reception desk or maybe your one of those pain in ass tele-marketers. You think you have the power to "torture me FOREVER". Please skank! For that I would have to be as unhappy and insecure as you. I live a happy life and nothing you can say will have an effect on that. As for Phi-Piggy-Piggy - Not a Chance!



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Oh how cute... Does your little friend need you to defend her. Whats wrong she can't take care of herself.

AS for your comment maybe you get off by fucking yourself... But I don't have to I have a man to please me.



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I am sure I have been through and survived a lot more than you could ever dish out. What are you gonna do... Type some really mean words. Wow... O'my God I am like totally shaking. Please! Please! You have to stop! I just can't take it any more!

Yeah As If! Give me a fucking Break.



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Originally posted by starcapone:

sigmal don't even waste your time,girl. they're at work, bored and need some amusement...

Thanks, its nice to see there are some people who can see how immature these people are. I check in to see what's going on and get some feedback on what places to go to. Instead I get nasty replies that have nothing to with my original question.

The worst part is that they have made me stoop to their level.



[This message has been edited by sigmagal (edited 03-30-2001).]

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Originally posted by drama:

If this doesn't bother you and you are above all of this.........than do not reply or give into it. I am not defending anyone, but the whole point of fucking with you is obvisouly to get a rise out of you..........which appears to have been accomplished.

Finally - someone with some sense!! cwm24.gifcwm13.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Let me clear this up! You all are a bunch of smelly no good ugly hookers. So please don't waste time and argue. All you do is prove to me that you are no talent goofs. The boy has spoken so just shut your crud infested lips!

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Originally posted by sigmagal:

I am sure I have been through and survived a lot more than you could ever dish out. What are you gonna do... Type some really mean words. Wow... O'my God I am like totally shaking. Please! Please! You have to stop! I just can't take it any more!

Yeah As If! Give me a fucking Break.

If this doesn't bother you and you are above all of this.........than do not reply or give into it. I am not defending anyone, but the whole point of fucking with you is obvisouly to get a rise out of you..........which appears to have been accomplished.

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