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Bush refuses to recognize Gay Pride Month

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Originally posted by happykittn:

Bush has once again put the proverbial heterosexist foot down... and officially cancelled gay pride month.

His reasoning is that "it's not proper to recognize peoples orientation in a 'month.'" Any thoughts?

Does this really surprize anyone??





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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this whole post exemplifies how stupid this kind politics can be. who gives a fuck if the politicians recognize this group or that? the whole "foo month" crap is just a way to start political arguments like this one. is it really the role of the fed gov to tell us what to think about blacks, gays, women, anglos, left handed midgets, one eyed toll takers, or anyone else?

am i the only libertarian minded person here? pls dont tell me that we would have never resolved slavery without a civil war, civil rights without affirmative action, drug problems withot a war on drugs, etc. goverment surely accelerates processes of change, but for good or ill. the slow acceptance by the ppl is still required for any of these processes to actually take effect.


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

am i the only libertarian minded person here? pls dont tell me that we would have never resolved slavery without a civil war, civil rights without affirmative action, drug problems withot a war on drugs, etc. goverment surely accelerates processes of change, but for good or ill. the slow acceptance by the ppl is still required for any of these processes to actually take effect.

This is classic!!!

So we wouldn't have know it ws bad to kill Jews and gays without Hitler? Same argument, your argument answers it's self and you don't even recognise it. We should have learnt that pesicution never works, you mentioned a few ocasions it didn't work and why are we STILL making the same mistakes. Well done for answering your own question and not understanding what you wrote.

Classic case of too much education and no common sence.

Too old to go clubbing OR too young to post?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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1 - no surprise coming from republicans..

2 - i really don't agree with these "months or days" that are specifically for each race or sexual orientation.. if we want to have a society that doesn't separate people, why have months that do.. America is the most diverse country.. Now are we gonna have parades and months for each nationality??? I dunno.. I have absolutely nothing against other races or nationalities, but I think if they had a Russian parade I'd just laugh.. I don't need a day or a month to appreciate and celebrate my culture..

Laws are a completely different issue.. I really don't see why gay couples shouldn't be able to get married like anyone else, share the benefits of marriage and be recognized as a legitimate married couple.. But that's a WHOLE separate issue from this gay month issue..

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BUild a bridge ...and get over it people...who the fuck cares.. wheres my hetereosexual recognition or whiteanglo saxon pride month?...goddamn i thought we were finally gettin over this overly politically correct bullshit that had taken over every aspect of our lives....move on

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I can't believe what I'm reading here. Between Spreewall's post and this one I'm just shaking my head in disbelief.

It has NOTHING to do with Political Correctness and EVERYTHING to do with educating the masses.

We still live in a world where a homosexual is killed for his/her sexual orientation. Where a homosexual cannot fight in the army, where a homosexual couple cannot marry (or have the financial benefits of the institution of marriage including health care), where websites like the Chritian Gallery still advocate the killing and beating of homosexuals.

THIS is why these pride events are so important.


Originally posted by bxbomb:

BUild a bridge ...and get over it people...who the fuck cares.. wheres my hetereosexual recognition or whiteanglo saxon pride month?...goddamn i thought we were finally gettin over this overly politically correct bullshit that had taken over every aspect of our lives....move on



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautifuly that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Originally posted by bxbomb:

BUild a bridge ...and get over it people...who the fuck cares.. wheres my hetereosexual recognition or whiteanglo saxon pride month?...goddamn i thought we were finally gettin over this overly politically correct bullshit that had taken over every aspect of our lives....move on

umm, everyday is whiteAngloHetero Day.

The issue is the right to celebrate, and have recognized, pride in the true self.

"Overly PC BS" will not stop until equality is given both legally and tangibly.


*Drink coffee and destroy*

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Well ets discuss my theory further. First off, I am not saying gays are bad people, I am speaking in terms of survival, Darwinism.

-Why do humans have sex? Because it feels good, well maybe that's why we do it so often, but the real reason is for reproduction. If a person has sex with someone else that can not reproduce due to their genetic makeup than they are as good as extinct.

I am speaking in terms of individuals. All gays are born of hetro parents, as long as hetros have homo children the homo chromosome configuration will never end. However, bloodline of that nuclear family will not continue past that child.

In scientific terms Homo and Hetro are gene sequences, and Homosexual is considered a defect, a deviation from the normal pattern of DNA. Hence I say that they are defects!

Just because humans can think rationally and be compassionate is not reason to construe facts!


Make love to yourself like no one is watching!!!

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puleeeze... Ooana everyday someone either white,black,asian,amish,onelegged,webfooted gets killed or beaten everyday for just that reason, they are what they are . my point was u dont have to have a "MONTH" singled out as yours it should be everyday and the people who arent gonna accept others are never gonna accept others so naming a month after it is pointless and just serves to piss others off who are fed up with this pc shit.And by the way u will never see a larger gay gathering outside of Christopher street than the US ARMY.

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i agree... its fucked up to be homophobic in my opinion... cuz u r what u r and no one should have the right to discriminate- but theres no reason to have a month to single them out... heterosexuals dont have a month.. so.. whatever


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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Nice try Bush! We all know he's a homophbic asshole. Just another reason why I didn't vote for the prick. Bill Bradley woulda! frown.gif

::sniff:: ::sniff::

I'm still bitter.


You're only young once


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If that's really the case then Bush should get rid of all the others (i.e. the month that acknowledge Women, Black, Asians). Why just this one? What the difference? If you're saying that they shouldn't have a month to single them out . . . then why should us women get a month as well, right? cwm25.gif

If the government doesn't acknowlege who you are then why should the rest of the public?? That's why it's important for the government to take the first step and acknowlege.

You guys are so narrow minded, it's not even funny! Every single marriage law out there acknowleges the hetero-sexual group!! All the tax and health care benefits that comes with marriage acknowledges you! I'll just stop here cause this topic is just getting me too riled up! cwm23.gif



“I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.” - John Cage


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

if we want to have a society that doesn't separate people, why have months that do.. America is the most diverse country.. Now are we gonna have parades and months for each nationality???

Actually . . . there are several parades or months dedicated to different nationalities, sex and religion (i.e. Puerto Rican, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Irish, Jewish, Catholic . . . ect.) So if the government is going to acknowledge one then they should acknowledge all . . . or like you said . . .none at all. It's not right for them to pick and choose what they are going to acknowledge . . .that's almost like giving permission for young people out there to discriminate. Now a young homophobic kid (who was probably taught to be that way from his narrow-minded parents) can say, "you see even the government thinks you're a freak!" Either they do all or none.

Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Laws are a completely different issue.. I really don't see why gay couples shouldn't be able to get married like anyone else, share the benefits of marriage and be recognized as a legitimate married couple.. But that's a WHOLE separate issue from this gay month issue..

Actually, it's the same thing. You can't teach a baby how to walk unless he/she knows how to stand up first. If the government doesn't recognize the homosexual population then how are they going to give rights to them. The women's movement started in 1848 and didn't even achieve their first victory until 1920. It took 80 years for them to be recognized.

It's the same thing. It maybe a stupid month or a silly parade to some people but it's a step.



“I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.” - John Cage


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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

Only in America. What's next? Guys with big balls month?

Actually,...I WOULD like my own month.

Why should fags have their own month? It's enough how our young children are opened to this disgusting practice in the media.

Tolerance is achieved through understanding. Understanding is achieved through education. There's no such thing as enough education.

I just hope scientists find a cure for faggots. Most recent study shows that people aren't born faggots. It is a genetic disorder. Looking for a cure should be priority number 2 next to AIDS cure.

By definition, people are BORN with genetic disorders. That's what makes a difference between something being genetic versus something being contracted like AIDS. Whether or not a "cure" could be found, I'm sure there are plenty of more important things that science SHOULD make "priority number 2" (cancer, congential birth defects, etc.).

Call me a bigot, call me homophobic. Does not matter. This needs to be stopped. What family values can two fags teach to a young kid. This is so wrong.

The term "family values" is relatively subjective. If it refers to honesty, fidelity, honor, productivity, and respect, then two "fags" can teach a young kid as well as two heteros.



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dont get me wrong, first off i dont like bush

but if it was up to me i wouldnt recognize it either...they bitch and moan that they dont get treated equally and then they want their own special month? what about heterosexual month? or bisexual month? or transvestite month? or bondage month? or fuckin whatever month it doesnt matter




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Originally posted by back2basics-:

This is classic!!!

So we wouldn't have know it ws bad to kill Jews and gays without Hitler? Same argument, your argument answers it's self and you don't even recognise it. We should have learnt that pesicution never works, you mentioned a few ocasions it didn't work and why are we STILL making the same mistakes. Well done for answering your own question and not understanding what you wrote.

Classic case of too much education and no common sence.

Too old to go clubbing OR too young to post?

WTF?! why you have taken to insulting me now? in every one of these posts, i have never once stooped to throwing insults at you. however, i feel that without any provocation or cause, you have chosen to disrespect me.

-- pls stop being patronizing. you said, "well done for answering your own question and not understanding what you wrote." i cant think of any way to take that other than as a direct insult to my intelligence, meant only to hurt me.

-- pls dont add your own own misconceptions to my statements. you said, "we should have learned that persecution never works." where the fuck did i advocate persecution?!

-- pls avoid rhetorical bumblefucking: "so we wouldn't have known it was bad to kill jews and gays without hitler?" huh?! come again?!

-- dont ever again do something as stupid as allude to my comments as being the "same argument" as that of a jackass like hitler.

-- pls dont float off the cuff remarks like "classic case of too much education and no common sense" out in the middle of a post directed at me in a public forum.

-- and definitely lose the judgemental tone. you said "Too old to go clubbing OR too young to post?" pls dont ever speak to me like that again.

i hope i make myself clear. its a small world. you and i travel the same paths. lets try to behave.

i actually have a thick skin, so none of this really bothers me too much. however, i insist that a little *respect* is still in order. i have given you as much, and i expect the same in return. am i asking too much?



i love music!

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Originally posted by thebitch:

Everyone has the right to celebrate unless they are white heteros...in that case, any celebration of what they are will be dubbed as racist, elitist and homophobic.

Riddle me this, how do you think the media and all the rest of the pc sheep in this world would perceive the following:

White Police Officer's Organization

United Caucasian College Fund

Hetero Pride Parade

Million White Man March

You get the idea. If any of these organizations existed, they would be labeled as branches of the KKK. The KKK is about hate not pride so I don't in anyway agree with what they're about. But, my point is, if there were organizations that were exclusively white, they would be shunned from the get go, even if they were about pride and not hate. Whites are NOT allowed to be proud of what they are.

Can you please elaborate on your point as to why a white person should not be proud of who they are? Just curious.

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sirdante - i was really tempted to reply to that post because it even though it wasn't directed towards me, I HATE it when ppl are being condescending and put other ppl down.. I know you are a very intelligent guy, and even if he doesn't know it, it's not a good enough reason to act like that.. and it's good to see that at least some people here do care about a simple thing called respect..

nycmuzik2000 - i don't know where you see "thebitch" saying that white ppl shouldn't be proud of who they are.... That's not what she was saying AT ALL and i dont' even see where you would get that from.. From my understanding (and that's why i agreed with her post), all she was saying was that if ppl wanna make official days/months/parades or whatever celebrating a certain race/religion/sex.pref., why don't white ppl have their own month? I think you misunderstood something........

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

nycmuzik2000 - i don't know where you see "thebitch" saying that white ppl shouldn't be proud of who they are.... That's not what she was saying AT ALL and i dont' even see where you would get that from.. From my understanding (and that's why i agreed with her post), all she was saying was that if ppl wanna make official days/months/parades or whatever celebrating a certain race/religion/sex.pref., why don't white ppl have their own month? I think you misunderstood something........

Mysteriousss- Thank's for clearing that up for me. I was a bit confused as to what she meant with that. I took it for the complete opposite of what it really meant.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

The issue is the right to celebrate, and have recognized, pride in the true self.

Everyone has the right to celebrate unless they are white heteros...in that case, any celebration of what they are will be dubbed as racist, elitist and homophobic.

Riddle me this, how do you think the media and all the rest of the pc sheep in this world would perceive the following:

White Police Officer's Organization

United Caucasian College Fund

Hetero Pride Parade

Million White Man March

You get the idea. If any of these organizations existed, they would be labeled as branches of the KKK. The KKK is about hate not pride so I don't in anyway agree with what they're about. But, my point is, if there were organizations that were exclusively white, they would be shunned from the get go, even if they were about pride and not hate. Whites are NOT allowed to be proud of what they are.

Second message here...as un"pc" as this may sound, all of these "special" months and days do NOTHING for bringing people TOGETHER. If everyone wants to be equal then stop trumpeting about all the things that make you different. I'm not saying to conform or hide what makes you you but...maybe if all these differences weren't shoved down people's throats at every turn, they might notice them less and less until they become the norm and the discrimination can stop. I am proud of what I am, do I feel the need to march and celebrate it? No, I am happy with what I am, so are my friends and family. That's all I need to know. I don't need to shout from the rooftops.

As far as what Bush did, it's wrong to take one month away...he should lose all of them.


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