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Women and Men all suck and I'm about to be arrested.....

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So I'm near the end of my sanity. My funds are gone and I'm in debt and I have finally come to realize that I am living beyond my means. Everyone I know has relationship problems including me and I'm about to be arrested due to the fact that I forgot to go to court because I didn't pay a parking ticket. So basically I'm fucked!! My life sucks. My apartment is a pit. I already work 50 hours a week and make a lot of money that all seems to go to bills and still I can't keep up. I had an epiphany last night regarding just how much men and women both suck in the way everyone treats each other and am so fucking tired of being single. Plus I feel fat. No I don't have my period and am not premenstrual. I'm just pretty much fed up and nothing is going well. Perhaps I will snap out of it. I think $10,000 will get me started. Oh and a nice date wouldn't hurt. But I digress, as these things seem unattainable. Won't someone just shoot me in the head and get it over with.

Who wants to commiserate with me? I need to know that I'm not the only one out here who is living in hell. No, I'm not looking for any witty comments from the wise guys although they are bound to show up anyway. So as a preemptive strike, FUCK YOU, to the assholes who write things like, 'sucks to be you'.

I'm done, at least for the moment.



Touch me in the morning

.............and last thing at night

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First... sincerely sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately I know too many people in a very similar situation. Too many people making too much money and spending it too quickly..

Second... bills are going to be there until you deal with them. I don't want to get too personal but there are many ways to pay off bills and not hurt your credit. 1) if they're Credit Card bills then try calling your C-card companies and telling them your a little low for the next few months... believe it or not.. most of the companies have plans where they try to help you out... even stop or lower interest rates and finance charges for a set amount of time like 6 months. 2) there are many good FREE non-for-profit organizations that will take all your bills and make you pay one lower amount per month. If you are interested I can give you a few names of Organizations...

Third... truth is there are some guys and girls that do SUCK! Really bad... but not everyone! Start surrounding yourself with people that don't have as much stress as you already have... chill with more positive people with positive things going on in their lives... then you will start to feel better. Sooner or later a good guy will walk into your life and ask you out... he will win your heart and treat it well!

Just my thoughts... feel free to email me or PM if you would like to chat more...

I hope you feel better!



"Did dumb shit, that made me wise..."


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I feel your pain I haven't had steady werk all spring. I get promised werk for the summer, but I need it now! I was seriously going to burn my truck last week just for a couple of dollars, but decided not too. My bank account is slowly getting smaller by the day. I was suppose to move into this new place this month but because of the unexpected work shortage I am back home



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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gonzojournalist, you are a funny, funny man. I just finished reading your acid stories and laughed my ass off. So at least that cheered me up. And like I said before, doesn't it feel better knowing that you aren't the only one who's living in hell? Then again, you're probably like 21 or 22 years old and just on your way up. I know I'm not old or anything, but I'm almost 27 and still poor. When will it get good?



Touch me in the morning

.............and last thing at night

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Hey B!

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation . . . and TRUST me I can relate! When I was 26, I was in debt (about $30,000), alone (just broke off my engagement with a guy that I was with for 4 years) and fat as all hell (went from size 5 to almost 10)! The shit finally hit the fan when one day my car broke down in the rain about 1 block from my house. ONE BLOCK!! The useless piece of shit!

And like you I had an epiphany. I realized that there are just some things that you can't really control. Things that have to work out for themselves. Some of us stress about everything that goes on in our lives and it's very human nature to be that way . . . cause we are the ones living it after all. However, if you take a step back and try to look at the whole picture, you’ll see some things that just can’t be controlled and some that can. For an example, take care of that parking ticket. Even though you missed the court date, they are not going to put you in jail . . . unless you’ve done it several times. Just call the court and explain that you had forgotten and pay the fine. If you’re not happy about the way you look . . . work out and stop feeling sorry for yourself! voldar02.gif

As for the bills . . . can’t be helped. Life is a one big bill. You’re going to have them until you die . . . the sooner you accept that the happier you’ll be. Men . . . the minute you least expect . . .it’s gonna hit you like a freight train! And those are the best ones too!

Just try to live day by day. You’ll be okay.

BlueAngel cwm38.gif


“I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.” - John Cage


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You are not going to get arrested. Event if you missed a court date. If you now go to court and pay the ticket, it will be called a "Voluntary return from warrant" or something like that. A friend of mine did that for a drinking in public ticket and they didn't even raise her fine.


In G We Trust

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this is terrible... i hope that when u wake you will feel better.

Hope to see u at LL tonight and remember to tap me for drinks...




Stones Roses - Paint Promo

AIM: mattarrundale1

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I can relate, I have gone to penthouse to shit house in less then a year. Last year had a ton of friends great job and was madly in love and actually bought an engagement ring a year ago this week. Now she left me, my closet friends are going to jail like it is going out of style. My dad is out of work, my boss demotes me which mean no more commissions and I am on a job hunt. The only friends I have left here I dont' completely trust. I have lost 20lbs since Jan can't eat and can't sleep.

Ok enough whining by me thanks for listening.


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sucks to be you. wanna be a ho? i got 3 prime corners available currently. in jersey too, which i know would be convenient for u, tho the pays is less than ny and the beatins are more severe. let me know...



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OH! Sweetie Pie.....cheer up, it will be ok, I promise!

You're not going to get arrested for the ticket...I've done that plenty of times....but you should call and find out what you should do so it doesn't get worse!

I am the queen of not paying tickets or going to my court dates.

Also, try not to think of everything at once! Doing that just makes your head all jumbled up and confused...seriously...I know this sounds retarded but write down everything and fix it one at a time!

And if you ever need to talk just PM me, ok?

I know exactly what your going through, everything seems a mess and nothing is right...but I promise, it will get better before you know it..

Will I see you at Lep tonight? I don't really have money either but I'll buy you a nice stiff drink! Maybe I can even get you a nice stiff man too!! Hehe...

Don't worry girl!

Lexi cwm38.gif



"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

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I would consider Jerseytom's suggestion about the non-profit debt consolidation organizations. I'm using one right now. I have credit card bills coming out the ass, and it's going to be about 6 yrs before they're all repaid, but at least I'm not being hounded by the credit card companies anymore. They've substantially lowered the interest rates on most of my cards too. You can PM me if you have any questions about it.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Well speaking for one that still owes the gov close to ten thousand dollars in taxes (and is late with payments) Lives with a blue haired HIGH maytanance pit bull from space and quit his job three weeks ago (only to burn off all my savings to a night life addiction) and is desperatly hitting the treadmills at the Gym to loose some of my mugwump blubber..I can relate!

Just do what I do,

when you start thinking too much reach for the keyboard and post a mkillion annoying threads on some message boar4d. THEN when the board is down hit the BOOZE!



We are ALL star dust!

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Bro...granted H-town aint all that, but NYC is no better... well except for the club scene. I mean people still loiter(did I spell that right?), steal cars... sell drugs... same scene. I could go on, but it's really pointless.

Originally posted by translucent:

Honey, I'd date ya...but you know I'm married. At least you don't have to live in Hartford, CT...that's a fate much worse than death.

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I feel ya babe.

I'm spending money I don't actually have...

I am starting to miss dating, but ... if a miracle occurs, I'm fukked there since I can't really spend anything...

I gotta not look at the negative...

And of course, I'll be at Leps tonight..

I think it is time for the poor peeps party someone mentioned.


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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I'll go on a date with you.


"Emotions touched...with feelings running high....it seems right...no need to run and hide....we live fantasy...upon reality...to the other side of life...of life...of life...of life...of life.....as you take me away....one feels into my fantasy...I find with you I break free....as I drift on a dream...I pray to you with hands held high....I find with you....Ecstasy........"


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Cheer up babe....missed ya yesturday at our lil drink meet-up.

Listen...Life will eventually work itself out. It may seem hopeless at the moment and you prolly don't know where the hell to start, but definitely worry about one thing at a time.....and say to yourself.."I CAN DO IT DAMMIT!" have confidence..cuz if you loose that, you've lost yourself....hang in there sweets!

Def there if you need to talk!



(((((((Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, Rage against the dying of the light))))))Dylan Thomas (Even early 20th century poets hated to leave the club)....

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves.

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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Trust me I know what ur going through. I just gave my 2 weeks notice at my job last week (because it was really unbearable) and havent been able to find anything that A)pays me enough or B)that i am remotly interested in or C)that i am capable of doing even though i just got my associates last month. (not like you really get anywhere with that now a days anyway). And lets see i am about 10,000 in cc debt at the age of 21 plus i have a 25,000 car (35,000 w interest) sitting in my driveway that is going to be getting repoed if i dont find a new job SOON!!

As far as relationships - yea right. Ive been single for about a year and a half if not longer. (why - i wish i knew) The only thing that came close to a relationship was a guy i was seeing for a few months only to find out i was just a rebound thing for him - and he was using me to try to piss his x off since her and I basically want to rip each others heads off. So trust me i know what ur going through. Well if you ever need someone to listen to ur problems - PM me. cwm38.gif


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

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awwww!! man-oh-man...life has its ups and its downs....debt??? hell, i have a facking huge student loan that's hanging over my head and my master's degree is nowhere near complete. i can't seem to commit to a relationship when the opportunity presents itself.....i have two unpaid parking tickets sitting right here, next to me, which will prob. remain unpaid as my priorities are all facked up and i have to pay for a certain vacation in sept. (very important to put fun b/f responsiblilty)....i have a balance of 3,200 bucks on my new teeth which i never get to show b/c i don't smile anymore. this bunny is blue...whaddya say you and i hook up and make hay while the sun shines, sunshine????

don't forget to *boink* at every given opportunity.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!


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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

So I'm near the end of my sanity. My funds are gone and I'm in debt and I have finally come to realize that I am living beyond my means. Everyone I know has relationship problems including me and I'm about to be arrested due to the fact that I forgot to go to court because I didn't pay a parking ticket. So basically I'm fucked!! My life sucks. My apartment is a pit. I already work 50 hours a week and make a lot of money that all seems to go to bills and still I can't keep up. I had an epiphany last night regarding just how much men and women both suck in the way everyone treats each other and am so fucking tired of being single. Plus I feel fat. No I don't have my period and am not premenstrual. I'm just pretty much fed up and nothing is going well. Perhaps I will snap out of it. I think $10,000 will get me started. Oh and a nice date wouldn't hurt. But I digress, as these things seem unattainable. Won't someone just shoot me in the head and get it over with.

Who wants to commiserate with me? I need to know that I'm not the only one out here who is living in hell. No, I'm not looking for any witty comments from the wise guys although they are bound to show up anyway. So as a preemptive strike, FUCK YOU, to the assholes who write things like, 'sucks to be you'.

I'm done, at least for the moment.


B -

You're not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big kiss and hug!






email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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