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Belly Button Piercings

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I finally got mine pierced after wanting it for 2 years. It did hurt like a bitch when they first shoved the needle in, but not that bad. Anyone else have it done? And any advice on how to maintain it?

Also what do u guys think of them?

And what would you think of a guy getting it done?

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Yea ive had mine for about 5 years. Just take care of it like any other piercing. Just keep it clean. And becareful when ur getting dressed in a hurry. ive gotten mine snagged a few times. I think a guy having one is gay. i know a guy that had it and it just didnt look right at all. Thumbs down on that. As far as what guys think - well most of the guys i know say that its sexy as long as its on the right person.


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

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Well, as a guy i wouldnt think of getting a belly button. I think it is ugly on a guy.

I have my eyebrow and ears pierced, it is enough for me.

but on girls it s sexy.

for my eyebrow it was pain in the ass after i got it. you have to take care of it not to get infection so it s probabbly the same for yours.

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i think belly button piercings look hott on girls...as long as u dont show it off while u got an infection, cuz this friend of mine got an infection there but she still wore low cut shirts and showed it off to everyone...pretty gross

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i've had mine for about 5 years now....it took about three years to heal completely....i know that sounds nuts but it's true! i don't think they look good on guys at all, too feminine for some reason....


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i've had mine for about 5 years now....it took about three years to heal completely....i know that sounds nuts but it's true! i don't think they look good on guys at all, too feminine for some reason....

Mine took about that long to heal too. Its wierd. Every once in a while it will still bother me (like today) but now its finally healed for the most part. Thank god. For the longest time I was condidering taking mine out cause it never seemed to heal. But for some reason it just takes a while. I know someone who took theirs out and it took about 2 1/2 years for the hole to completely close.


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex:

Thats true. This girl I know has a pretty

fat stomach and has hers done and shows it off. Not too sexy

Ughhhhh, I see girls like that too alot!!

They think having their belly button pierced and showing it off is gonna make their stomach look better or something.

I agree, not too sexy there.






Aim: Romina321

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I cannot stress cleaning that thing enough. Every single person I know that got theirs done didn't care for it properly and it got infected...Take that sea salt they tell u to use and mix it with SCALDING water (like the hottest water you can handle) and put it in a cup...flip the cup over and keep it there till the water cools a bit (usually like 5 mins)...when you're done with that, with clean hands, twist the ring thru the piercing and let all the goo come out. Its gonna look real nasty, but thats all the infection coming out...Take the advice from someone that was one of the few without that big red pussball on their ring. Lotza luck! I'm sure it looks fab!



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Originally posted by blackhaus1:

I cannot stress cleaning that thing enough. Every single person I know that got theirs done didn't care for it properly and it got infected...Take that sea salt they tell u to use and mix it with SCALDING water (like the hottest water you can handle) and put it in a cup...flip the cup over and keep it there till the water cools a bit (usually like 5 mins)...when you're done with that, with clean hands, twist the ring thru the piercing and let all the goo come out. Its gonna look real nasty, but thats all the infection coming out...Take the advice from someone that was one of the few without that big red pussball on their ring. Lotza luck! I'm sure it looks fab!



Tiggers can do anything.


AIM: EddieinBx

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Definitely be careful at the beach!!! Sand is the worst and you'll definitely get an infection if sand gets in there.

Sea Salt soaks are the BEST. I did them everyday 1 tblsp in warm water, inver the cup on your belly and do that for like a half hour.

The second you think you're getting an infection use neosporin or some ointment. They hurt like a bitch. I got two infections while mine was healing.

It'll be sore for a while but it'll be worth it in the end.

have fun!


You're only young once


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I got mine done about 6 weeks ago. I had wanted it for about five years. It did not hurt at all when he pierced the belly, however it has been challenge getting it to heal. I have been using bactine on mine, cause I can carry that around in my bag.... smile.gif I LOVE IT!!!! I am so glad that I got it done. However the itching around the belly gets annoying and while it is still kind of red, I will not be showing it off...... cwm36.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Well I've had my belly pierced for nearly eight years now. It took about a year for mine to heal completely. Mine hurt like a bitch too, but I've had many piercings since then, and I think it was partly because the piercer wasn't the best.


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I had mine done three years ago and it healed pretty well (maybe took about 2 to 3 months)...but I have to say that I took really good care of it. Cleaned it twice to three times a day with some anticeptic washing gel and also bought those anticeptic alcohol swaps for inbetween. It really feels nice to have one and I love mine. So have fun, enjoy and hope it heals well.



AIM: flying77high


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I got mine done when I was 18....its was awesome and I loved it. Just make sure you rotate it with some soap in the shower...not zest or dial or any of that shit..too harsh..but like dove or something. Keep it moisterized.

I also recommend nose peircings. I got mine done with a little diamond post..it looked phat..but after a couple years..its fell out when I was getting busy w/my boy.....still wish I had it.

Have fun....oh and prepare for a nasty scar if you ever take it out...but its really no biggie.


(((((((Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, Rage against the dying of the light))))))Dylan Thomas (Even early 20th century poets hated to leave the club)....

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves.

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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I got mine done something like 8 years ago. It didn't really hurt. The worst part was the clamp. God, to think how long ago that was. People used to come up to me on the beach and say "That had to have hurt!?" It was great opener for the guys! wink.gif

Mine healed pretty quickly, but that's because I never touched it. I see a lot of girls that like to play with it when they first get it and that's a No-No!!!

I was able to change my ring after 6 months. I just finally changed it again. After a while, ya' forget ya' have the damn thing! wink.gif



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i got my bellybutton pierced a year ago when we went to wildwood, nj after my senior prom... so many people are skeptical about gettin a piercing done at the boardwalk.. but suprosingly the place i went to had a private back room all sanitized and clean.. the guy wore latex gloves and brand new needles and shit to do it... so it healed really well... and i love it! just clean it like ur supposed to and it should heal fine..

enjoy! cwm4.gif


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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