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Puerto Rican Day Parade...

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I was watching the news before and saw that therer was a bit of chaos in the Bronx this year after the Puerto Rican Day Parade, forcing police to come in with riot gear. They sprayed the crowd with pepper spray in an effort to make people stop throwing bottles at them, etc...Any thoughts?

Some claim the bottles were plastic and that they shouldn't be arrested...my thinking is that if you throw anything at an officer you should expect to be arrested, no?



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How were the officers supposed to know they were plastic? You see something getting tossed at you, are you going to wait for it to drop and say 'Oh, its just plastic. They are playing around, let's leave them alone'

I'm not too familiar with what happened this year so I really cant comment on anything specific. Mix a little alcohol with hostile feelings toward police and lets see what happens.

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last year they complain that there were no cops around, this year they complain that there were too many cops..

people should make up there minds

there was a article in the daily news yesterday about a 17yr old girl who threw a bottle at police and was arrested.. while being arrested she was roughed up a bit, meaning she was put up against the wall.. and she's complaining!!

if my parents found out i was arrested for throwing a bottle at a police officer when i was 17 i would not want to be let out of jail b/c i would be more afraid of what my father would of done to me..then some cop doing his job..

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I grew up around lotsa Puerto Ricans and they have NO class whatsoever. Don't believe me? If you are non spanish, please go hang out on lower east side or in Bronx and you will se for yourself. Buncha idiots, NO CLASS, NO DECENCY, they are RUDE, SELFISH people. No COURTESY, NO NOTHING. They deserve to be shot.

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it makes everyone look so bad... ppl will generalize now that peurto ricans always cause violence and drama and its a shame. esp. after the s*** that happened last year too.


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Originally posted by descarte:

I grew up around lotsa Puerto Ricans and they have NO class whatsoever. Don't believe me? If you are non spanish, please go hang out on lower east side or in Bronx and you will se for yourself. Buncha idiots, NO CLASS, NO DECENCY, they are RUDE, SELFISH people. No COURTESY, NO NOTHING. They deserve to be shot.

Dont worry clubkat...I'll start it...

Now, I know that you are doing this to start drama and you will surely get it. I just thank god not all people in this country think like that, for we would surely be in some serious shit. I mean you do realize that you just made a huge generalization about a group of people, most of whom I am sure you have never met. I know plenty of people who do not fit that description AT ALL and yes they are PUERTO RICAN!

Please keep the bullshit off the board...If you want to get attention, go play with the traffic or something...


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Originally posted by clubkat:

That calls for so much drama......

but im too bored cwm25.gifcwm10.gif

I agree with ya, Kitty... *big yawn* for descarte's obvious attempt to cause drama... (btw if your screename is in reference to the philosopher- you spelled his name wrong).

I can't really comment specifically on what happened in the Bronx... I rarely watch the news anymore; everyday there's some new report on something horrific that happened to a little kid.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by chris817:

last year they complain that there were no cops around, this year they complain that there were too many cops..

people should make up there minds

there was a article in the daily news yesterday about a 17yr old girl who threw a bottle at police and was arrested.. while being arrested she was roughed up a bit, meaning she was put up against the wall.. and she's complaining!!

if my parents found out i was arrested for throwing a bottle at a police officer when i was 17 i would not want to be let out of jail b/c i would be more afraid of what my father would of done to me..then some cop doing his job..

My thoughts exactly.



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Originally posted by descarte:

I grew up around lotsa Puerto Ricans and they have NO class whatsoever. Don't believe me? If you are non spanish, please go hang out on lower east side or in Bronx and you will se for yourself. Buncha idiots, NO CLASS, NO DECENCY, they are RUDE, SELFISH people. No COURTESY, NO NOTHING. They deserve to be shot.

and a big healthy FUCK YOU to you. asshole.

NO CLASS, NO DECENCY, they are RUDE, SELFISH people.""

Check yourself b4 you make comments like that you piece of shit hypocrite.

"They deserve to be shot."



"Twilo, collaborating inhibitions into one single ryhthmic pulse spelled P-H-A-Z-O-N!" -S. Stambaugh


AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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Originally posted by descarte:

I grew up around lotsa Puerto Ricans and they have NO class whatsoever. Don't believe me? If you are non spanish, please go hang out on lower east side or in Bronx and you will se for yourself. Buncha idiots, NO CLASS, NO DECENCY, they are RUDE, SELFISH people. No COURTESY, NO NOTHING. They deserve to be shot.

A bit extreme if you ask me. Maybe the puerto ricans you have encountered behave this way, but there are plenty of working class puerto ricans that are a VERY positive influence on society. Thank god you're not a cop...you woulda shot them all already....

The whole purpose of my original post was to see if people associated the parade with violence. The people who organize it were saying that they were afriad that the event was now being directly correlated to violence when its supposed to be a day of celebrating heritage. That being said, any NORMAL thoughts?



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Yes ladies and gentelman it is in fact time for Bastardino to make his appearance. While i don't necesserily agree with Puerto Ricans to be shot I do have a much better idea. All the Puerto Ricans that participated in a parade to be shipped up by police cars and sent back to puerto rico. I mean they love it so much, they create Mayhem out of Manhattan. Unlike any other parade, Puerto Rican one I do think should be banned. He is right at saying that they have no class and no decency. Do you think it is a coincedence that mass arrests happened at 2 of their parades in a row? I have never heard of 50 women get sexually assaulted at any other ethnic parades, or anything even remotely close to that. These people have no respect for anything around them. They parade around thinking they own everyone. Anyway, if you are so proud of Puerto Rico, why not go back there and change they double digit unemployment rate there? For some reason they come to the states. And yes I do know that Puerto RIco is technically US territory but they still do not pay taxes.

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Originally posted by bastardino:

Yes ladies and gentelman it is in fact time for Bastardino to make his appearance. While i don't necesserily agree with Puerto Ricans to be shot I do have a much better idea. All the Puerto Ricans that participated in a parade to be shipped up by police cars and sent back to puerto rico. I mean they love it so much, they create Mayhem out of Manhattan. Unlike any other parade, Puerto Rican one I do think should be banned. He is right at saying that they have no class and no decency. Do you think it is a coincedence that mass arrests happened at 2 of their parades in a row? I have never heard of 50 women get sexually assaulted at any other ethnic parades, or anything even remotely close to that. These people have no respect for anything around them. They parade around thinking they own everyone. Anyway, if you are so proud of Puerto Rico, why not go back there and change they double digit unemployment rate there? For some reason they come to the states. And yes I do know that Puerto RIco is technically US territory but they still do not pay taxes.

Uh oh - the bastard is here - the boards will never be the same..welcome back bud!


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Don't come with this bullshit that they're all the same. FUCK YOU!! So then every Italian is a racist fuck who's in the mob? Every Hindu smell like maple syrup and don't shower? All Irish are Alchi's? Let's not beat down a whole race cause of a few uneducated fucks. Go to PR and see how real Puerto Ricans are. Don't judge by the Bronx PR.

By the unless you've ever been harassed cause your skin was brown or black don't fucking pretend to understand it. A lot of these ignorant cops are racist. I know cause my friend is a cop in the NYPD. Shot first ask questions later. cwm23.gif


Are you going to race that bitch or just look pretty in it?

Aol IM- DamianLT1

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If yer stupid enough to start tossing gear at police, you deserve what you get. I'm not gonna wait to get hit by a bottle to find out that it's plastic and not glass, or visa versa, even. I'm gonna do what it takes to discourage your stupid, immature ass.

Not that the entire parade was characterized by such behavior, by any means. But people have a tendency to make broad and inaccurate generalizations based on the most extreme types of behavior observed within a group. In this case, it's pretty easy to say "the Puerto Ricans caused trouble" -- which is wrong. A better way of putting it would be "some stupid sods, some of who just happened to be Puerto Rican, caused trouble".

But hey, don't let reason get in the way of good ol', time-honored drama here on the board........ cwm3.gif



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Pay Taxes? Welfare checks and Food Stamps are not taxed and that I believe is the reason they do not pay taxes. I mean they hang out all day drinking out of a paper bag and have shitloads of welfare babies and who the fuck pays for this shit? That's right, HERDWORKING Americans that PAY TAXES. Only in America.

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Originally posted by descarte:

Pay Taxes? Welfare checks and Food Stamps are not taxed and that I believe is the reason they do not pay taxes. I mean they hang out all day drinking out of a paper bag and have shitloads of welfare babies and who the fuck pays for this shit? That's right, HERDWORKING Americans that PAY TAXES. Only in America.

Oh well...i didnt realize you were HERDWORKING...go ahead be a racist pig then...


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It's true, It's true. The hispanic population of US is the fastest growing one. They are growing at a rate twice as fast as whites and the reason being is that every puerto rican girl has god knows how many kids. In fact, you don't ask a puerto rican girl if she has a kid you ask her how many kids does she have. However, I am not to say you haven't have kids. But be fucking ready to support them. These girls have kids without having a pot to piss in. Then the kids end up being neglected or raised by some senile family members without knowing who their father is and they end up as rejects of Society as so many we have seen at the past parade. Let me spell it out for you B I R T H C-O-N-T-R-O-L. Fucking use it.

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WHY THE FUCK DID I READ THIS SHIT? cwm23.gifcwm23.gif

i mean hey, i could be a insensitive prick too, ya know? Mc Veigh blew up a buliding full of people... should we kill all the whites cause of him? listen to yourselves you hypocritical mindless assholes... yeah sure, a few puertoricans probably got trashed and fucked up, but then you're gonna deem a whole race as a "buncha idiots"? people in general do fucked up things... let's not get into this shit cause then we'd be sitting here all day judging races by the moronic things their people have done...

we parade around thinking we own everything?? are you kidding me?!! bastard... intelligent comment... cwm25.gif

i hate shit like this... cwm10.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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Originally posted by phrozenmercuri:

it shoulda been more like last year, where the gurls get nearly rapped and stripped of all their dignity...but unfortunately alot of cops and shit

god you're sad... cwm36.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

WHY THE FUCK DID I READ THIS SHIT? cwm23.gifcwm23.gif

i mean hey, i could be a insensitive prick too, ya know? Mc Veigh blew up a buliding full of people... should we kill all the whites cause of him? listen to yourselves you hypocritical mindless assholes... yeah sure, a few puertoricans probably got trashed and fucked up, but then you're gonna deem a whole race as a "buncha idiots"? people in general do fucked up things... let's not get into this shit cause then we'd be sitting here all day judging races by the moronic things their people have done...

we parade around thinking we own everything?? are you kidding me?!! bastard... intelligent comment... cwm25.gif

i hate shit like this... cwm10.gif

So with you on this. Fuck these assholes. Why even start this thread....i knew from the very moment that i read the topic, that some piece of shit would make a comment like that. what do you know...they're 3 of them.


"Twilo, collaborating inhibitions into one single ryhthmic pulse spelled P-H-A-Z-O-N!" -S. Stambaugh


AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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Hey, seeing is believing. Like a said go hang out at Puerto Rican neighborhoods and you shall see dudes on street corners drinking ouuta brown paper bags. The girls push these Quintuple stollers with like 5 babies plus 3 more dragging behind. Father nowhere to be seen (except on America's Most Wanted). You shop at the local Fine Fair and fucking wait for hours on line while this dude in front tries unsuccessfully to count out the right number of food stamps. All this for a shitty liter of Colt45. They fucking cut Bus lines, or any lines for that matter like they are entitled to shit and all. Like I said, no fucking class. Girls chew gum like it was a Dick. Their husbands bring them to the local whorehouse to make a few bucks while their 20 kids are left to run around opening fire hydrants and mugging old people. I speak the truth.

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