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"~People Who Know-Dont Talk And People Who Talk-Dont Know~"

The Creation Of Me...

Was Like God Trippin on *E*...

While Smokin some Trees...

Saying How Can this Be?...I Just Created Someone Betta Then Me! ;)~

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did they kick your underage ass out of exit?




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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do u have some sort of issues wit me?





"~People Who Know-Dont Talk And People Who Talk-Dont Know~"

The Creation Of Me...

Was Like God Trippin on *E*...

While Smokin some Trees...

Saying How Can this Be?...I Just Created Someone Betta Then Me! ;)~

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd:

do u have some sort of issues wit me?

Sweetie...the only people you're pleasing with your annoying posts are horny 17 year old little boys who dont know how to contribute to a board in a positive light and only post here because its the most populer club board on the web....you and your kind post here with immoral, self-absorbed immaturity that doesn't know the first thing about the club scene....and i dont wanna see no damn response like "oh pssssssssssshhhhhhhhhtttt who is you to say shit? you dont know me and shit!"

tell me where im wrong? tell me who looks stupid?

1. all i see about you is threads asking everyone how many guys saw you and are gonna think about you in bed that night they saw you in some outfit a whore wouldnt touch.

you do that to feed your own ego...not for anyone else's ego.

2. "yaaayyy!!! capello at LL!! yyyaaaaayyyy!!!": no secondary comment necessary here...

Daniela: If you are going to post, do so in a positive way that contributes to the CP community, not in some egocentric, immature fashion, which until now finely details the "extensive" knowledge and "respect" you have for the NYC club scene that you and your crowd take for granted. I guess what I'm trying to say is: grow up and think for once.


AOL: Highmay9

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Originally posted by hottienotte:

I'd rather pay the extra money then use your <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> </A> !

...now why would you say something like that? did she hurt your feelings or something by posting about having fun (on her own lil way) at Exit??? I just don't understand you people....you ripping this lil girl b/c she posted something silly on this public message board...so much anger here...I'm not deffending her...but I think it's time to just let it go...

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