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I had a chance to see Doc Martin the other night at Centro Fly and he was terrible. He started off with a good song but then immediately switched to this boring, thumping house that had no energy or soul to it whatesoever. It was only beats and weird sound effects. Who the hell wants to listen to that? Plus, the place was filled with ragged pimple faced kids who looked like they just unloaded off a yellow school bus. Maybe it got better as the night went on, but the music and the crowd were so bad that we had to leave. I lived on the west coast for the last 5 years and saw Doc Martin on numerous occasions and was always impressed. He was one of the 1st DJ's i heard to play the Jane Fonda workout song by Bob Sinclair, which drove the party crazy.

Being that its summertime, I would not recommend Centro Fly on a Saturday night. Summer definately brings out the worst in NY city on the weekends.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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i respect your opinion about the doc martin review. techno doesn't interest me so i didn't go. however, the crowd at centro fly varies widely depending on the dj and i think it's unfair to judge nyc's summertime crowds by who showed up at one techno event. i love new york in the summertime. all the prepsters & fakes leave the city for the hamptons & jersey shore and all the cool, funky folks are left to roam the city freely.

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Its just not the crowd I expected at Centro Fly. And obviously, Centro Fly was more interested in making money and packing the place with kiddies then preserving some sort of dignity and maintaining a good crowd. That type of environment is fine, but not at $20 cover and $10 a drink. Were you there? Trust me, it was really bad.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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Originally posted by lucabrase:

Its just not the crowd I expected at Centro Fly. And obviously, Centro Fly was more interested in making money and packing the place with kiddies then preserving some sort of dignity and maintaining a good crowd. That type of environment is fine, but not at $20 cover and $10 a drink. Were you there? Trust me, it was really bad.

what place were you at????

packed with kiddies? - you want to see kiddies you should go to the Tunnel. Shit if that's a "pimpley faced" crowd then thank god you didn't see DEEP DISH on Thursday you would have been raging.

I have to say I really didn't think much of Doc either but the type of crowd your looking for won't probably be in a club with good music anyway...


An bag of KB's $50

A glass bubbler $85

A lighter $ 1


AIM: Neydoggs



[This message has been edited by exodust (edited 06-25-2001).]

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I'll respect the dissenting opinion on doc...i thought he was great...bangin track selection, very groovy and funky...and from the looks of the crowd they all thought so too..

and i too like the city on the weekends...all the hardcore nycers are out and about...just a better crowd...just me though


"i was the real star...just because his mother died he got all the attention...they even named the movie after his no acting ass" - quote from an unidentified rabbit on the set of bambi

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he did start off unevenly, but by two he was on point and the drunksters that had been barging thru the crowd had dissipated....and the night rocked on in from there cwm32.gif


Dude, where's my car?...........boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

" techno doesn't interest me so i didn't go. "

I wouldn't say he was techno at all....definately on the house tip...

"all the prepsters & fakes leave the city for the hamptons & jersey shore and all the cool, funky folks are left to roam the city freely. "

well said....

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Prepsters and fakes? I think not. The people who leave the city on the weekends in the summer are the ones who live here during the week, including myself. I went to a bunch of different places on Saturday night and they all sucked. I'm sorry, but I'll take hanging out at a club with beautiful, stylish city girls instead of cheesy B&T people anyday.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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Originally posted by lucabrase:

I'm sorry, but I'll take hanging out at a club with beautiful, stylish city girls instead of cheesy B&T people anyday.

LMFAO....at you not with you...hahahahahaha

sorry not all westchester/LI/NJ peeps are cheesy (I know, a lot are...but there are also plenty of complete assholes living in the city too.....geography is just that....geography)

[This message has been edited by charrails (edited 06-25-2001).]

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I agree with you that not all B&T people are cheesy, but that is generally what the city clubs attract on the weekends during the summer. Its a fact and I think most of us that live in the city would agree with me. Do you live in the city? And by the way, I grew up on LI.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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my bad! you gotta admit it is a debatable point, and this board would probably be split about 50/50. at least the lines are shorter at most clubs when you spread the population out over the city and the beaches & shore as well...

now back to the doc martin debate...

[This message has been edited by shugabooga (edited 06-25-2001).]

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"ragged pimple faced kids who looked like they just unloaded off a yellow school bus"

what was it like to go straight from diapers to ultimate coolness?

i always wondered that.

-a pimple faced yellow school bus rider


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

may the best day of your past be the worst day of your future - chinese proverb

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It surprises you that Doc Martin was bad? I have heard the guy play over a dozen times and all I can say is that he is CONSISTENTLY BAD! It's no surprise to me at all. I remember one night when he opened up for Tony Humphries and he train wrecked 6 times in the first 45 minutes. He is considered by many to be the West Coast's ambassador of house, but I think his sets have always been boring.

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