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can't show up to court rolling

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You can still go out on Fri. Just don't drop silly :tongue: SMoke some weed, have some drinks, take some bumps. just chillll. THats wah i do, but thats me.. O yeah we never meet up last friday. What happened? I got to factory real late that prob why. What are you doin thrus? :) :)

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Originally posted by bkissa


illogik...i want to go w/ my whole heart this fri ;(

so still no1 is giving me any suggestions....smoking and sniffing???

cmon, who do you think i am?

You so crack me up girl!

Wish i was gonna be here to keep you in trouble, but i'm off to boston for the weekend.

How about checking out the new Roxy friday thing. Just have some drinks and check out Boy George and company.

LMAO! and yes, you do wear some smokin' outfits.

Who's the judge? Maybe he owes someone here a favor? :)

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Originally posted by deanna11

don't worry, give the judge a pill

i wonder what would happen....i've always wanted to slip someone who is anti-drug an e pill instead of aspirin or something.

maybe my grandma...you think that's devious? has anyone ever done this before??

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Originally posted by thehacker

i never have and i ain't missing a thing.

then how do you know?

and i don't HAVE to to have a good time...but going to a club and staying sober is like asking a kid to walk around a candy store and not touch anything...so better to stay away from the candy store all together.

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Originally posted by bkissa

then how do you know?

let's just say...

4 bowls on a bong. just me. 45 minutes. 4 years ago.

after which i totally lost it and after the panic,

'cloudwatched' the textured plaster ceiling

and saw cavemen painting cave paintings,

killing deer, carrying home skins and meat,

cooking it over fires and generally living

the caveman way...

after that i realized i 1) don't enjoy that much

lack of self control 2) will probably never experience

that high a high ever again...

so better to stay away from the candy store all together.


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Originally posted by aphelion

TH, WOW wtf were you packing in those bowls? Herb makes me dizzy, that's about it. Rolling on the other hand..:)

yes, yes i was. i was, let's say,

inexperienced and unsupervised.

who KNOWS what else was in that stuff tho.

definately possible it was some weird mix.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i wonder what would happen....i've always wanted to slip someone who is anti-drug an e pill instead of aspirin or something.

maybe my grandma...you think that's devious? has anyone ever done this before??

cheack out the thread:parents rollin on e

lol Hey I've wondered the same thing, like if anyone has ever done this before. That would be really funny haha

I would love to see what the hell my mom would do if I did that, she wouldnt know what to do lol


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Originally posted by bkissa

i'd really hate to break my pattern of going to the club every friday but i have to testify in court at 7:30 saturday morning.

what can i do friday night??

russian restaurant? comedy club?

any suggestions?

Go to SF sober. I know *I* would've had a better time if I'd done that...:rolleyes:

What happened to you guys towards the end, I'm still confused about that? Hope everything worked out ok...let me know.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i wonder what would happen....i've always wanted to slip someone who is anti-drug an e pill instead of aspirin or something.

maybe my grandma...you think that's devious? has anyone ever done this before??

cheack out the thread:parents rollin on e


lol Hey I've wondered the same thing, like if anyone has ever done this before. That would be really funny haha

I would love to see what the hell my mom would do if I did that, she wouldnt know what to do lol



Aim: Romina321




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Originally posted by princesslolita

Why dont u not roll and roll the next time.. Just take the pill b4 u go in instead. On the other hand If you have to go to a club on substances all the time ask yourself this, why am I really in the scene? Am I just really a club whore...........

thanx for putting it so NICELY lolita.

as a matter of fact, i did go to the club sober and had a lot of fun. i dont go to the club to enhance my trip, the trip just enhances the fun i have at the club. does that answer your question?

drug USERS are not the same as drug ADDICTS. i hope everyone can understand that. if you are the later, you need help and should stay away from clubs all together.

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