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Does Age Matter???


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Just curious...

Does age matter in a relationship for anyone on this board? If so, how does it matter?

What's the max. difference?

I know there's no 'right' or 'wrong' or definite answer, but I was just curious.

5 years really is not 5 years.

A 33 year old guy and a 28 year old girl is ok.

But a 18 year old guy and a 13 year old girl is just plain wrong.

Anyway, does it matter? (forget about the 18-13 thing).

And how/why does it matter?

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i think, if you're in love....you're in love.

BUT, like the 13 year old thing, I dont care if you are in love, the 13 yr old girl/guy doesnt know any better. and i think that the older person would be taking advantage. ::i feel this way b/c at a yong age, i thought i was in love and did stuff that i shouldn't have dont--later to only find out that i was not in love at all. but at the time, it felt so real::

so, in conclusion.....if you're old...lets just say around 18, then be with anyone you want. but if you're young, like 13, NOT acceptable to be with someone older.

well, thats just how i feel. :hump:

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Guest gabo

I don't think age matters. I dated a 29 year old when I was 17.

She lied to me and said she was 18. I believed she for 2 months.

I know what your saying, but she really looked like a 18 year old.

I have pics to prove it.

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Yes. But there are exceptions to every rule. Before my boyfriend, I hadn't dated a guy my age or older in several years. Rarely am I attracted to someone substantially older than myself.

But even though they may look great, I now find myself so alienated from younger people sometimes! I met a really gorgeous 19 yo recently, after several conversations I realized she was really cool, but unfortunately we are at completely different stages of our life. It's not a bad thing, though, everyone has to go through with it!

I wouldn't mind dating someone a lot younger, if they were really mature, but I wouldn't want to date someone a lot older who's really immature!

If I had to place a limit, I'd say 22 or 23 on the younger side, 32 on the older side. I'm 26.

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i know a guy who is 29 and his girlfriend is 18. they have been dating for 3 years, and just got engaged. she really does look older than 18, and is more mature than the guy is. she did lie about her age, and he didnt find out her real age for 3 months. by then he was too in love with her to let go (and fyi: she is the dominant one in the relationship, not the guy. quite frankly, she is a fucking control freak)

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Originally posted by katiew

I dont think age should matter at all. If you're in love ... you're in love. Thats really the only important thing.

I agree to a point. Im 27 and my gf is 19...but I see us at 2 different stages in life and unless things change I will move onto someone else. Her not being 21 is a PITA! FWIW I know of a 15 yr old who is getting married to a 45 yr old that was a good friend of the family..could a 15 yr old be in love like that? and why would a 45 yr old take obvious advantage of the young girl (sex obviously)...to each their own i spose

:blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank:

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this subject goes 50/50... mentality and age is too different things... 35 year old bum will act lie a kid, a 19 year old stock broker will be more mature... but whatevers..

personally, i would rather give up on love rite now... at my age (22) all i think about is money... love is my second priority rite now.. why you ask? well if you are in such love why not wait if true love will always come around and back again... rite? think about your future in successfulness,

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Guest gabo

I didnt finish my post before, I wanted to say that we dated for 2 months and then she told me that she was 29. We didn't stop dating then, we went on for 2 more years.

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This is a tricky question. It does matter if you're talking about an 18 year old dating a 27 year old. The mentality just aint there. However if you're talking about a 22 year old dating a 30 year old then it doesn't matter........just my 2 cents:tongue:

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Originally posted by romy20

No it doesn't matter to me. I'm 21 and my boyfriends 17, he's gonna be 18 in a few months, and this week is our 2 year anniversary.


damn i, mean most of the girls i dated were older then me, but not old like that... i want a 25 year old girlfriend... with a career. i hate girls who are bums or who live off you... i like self dependent women.... anyone here one of them????

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Originally posted by dgmodel

its not the age it your mind frame, and your personality. Depends on the person as well...

i always used to date older girls when i was in my teens - sometimes a lot older (relatively) - like 15 / 20, 16/19, 19/24. I had the best time and learned alot. Always hung out with older peeps.

then i found people my age sort of caught up and the older girls moved on to different priorities. more recently, i was with a GREAT girl closer to my age but now i wasn't in the same mind set as her.

older / younger don't matter a lick --> its how you can connect and if you can both bring a lot to the relationship. for me, i need a strong independent woman - i'm super social and crazy but also very introspective and need someone confident enought to give me my space.

Other people want to be the stonger / weaker person or whatever so it really depends.

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

well i don't think its so much the age factor...its the maturity level. but i guess to an extent. if both partners are looking for the same kind of relationship and are on the same level it can work. but anything more than a 5 year difference is kinda pushing it

I'm with you on that one....It's just a number. I know a guy who is 25-26 and he's dating a girl who just turned 18. They are happy, so...I guess that's all that matters. I usually only go out with guys that are older than I am, but if you are at that same level I am, it' all good. True love has no boundaries......:)

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