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I'm Better Off Single


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I've come to the conclusion that I'm better off single. I'm not trying to say I'm perfect (I know I'm far from that), but it seems like whenever I'm in a relationship, I eventually realize that the person is not for me.

I realize that I really can't explain to you guys how I feel. It just sucks, I know that. :(

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I've come to the conclusion that I'm better off single. I'm not trying to say I'm perfect (I know I'm far from that), but it seems like whenever I'm in a relationship, I eventually realize that the person is not for me.

I realize that I really can't explain to you guys how I feel. It just sucks, I know that. :(

Well sweety, you know what? I bet that there are alot of people out here on cp that feel the same way you do. I have been single for 2 and a half years. I recently started to mess with someone. I stopped thinking about meeting the right one and I started concentrating on me. Everytime I meet someone I find something wrong with them. EVERYTIME! But that is my way of protecting myself from getting hurt. At least you have the guts and heart to give it a try.

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I've come to the conclusion that I'm better off single. I'm not trying to say I'm perfect (I know I'm far from that), but it seems like whenever I'm in a relationship, I eventually realize that the person is not for me.

I realize that I really can't explain to you guys how I feel. It just sucks, I know that. :(

Well sweety, you know what? I bet that there are alot of people out here on cp that feel the same way you do. I have been single for 2 and a half years. I recently started to mess with someone. I stopped thinking about meeting the right one and I started concentrating on me. Everytime I meet someone I find something wrong with them. EVERYTIME! But that is my way of protecting myself from getting hurt. At least you have the guts and heart to give it a try.

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Originally posted by peache5030

Its actually sad that whenever I am in a relationship I start to think I'd be better off alone....and then when I'm alone I think I NEED to find a man....

hows that for confusion??? :confused: :confused:

You hit it on the nose. That's exactly how I feel.

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I've come to the conclusion that I'm better off single. I'm not trying to say I'm perfect (I know I'm far from that), but it seems like whenever I'm in a relationship, I eventually realize that the person is not for me.

I realize that I really can't explain to you guys how I feel. It just sucks, I know that. :(

I feel exactly the same way... Just when you think this time around this might be the one... POW... you find something wrong with them or start to notice stupid lil things about them...

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I think it's mostly a defense mechanism, at least for me. Becoming attached to someone makes you really vulnerable, and that's NO GOOD. :) Sooooo...we just find little stupid things, make them big important things, and then the threat/love goes away.

<laughs> Yes, I have issues.

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Originally posted by chula22

I stopped thinking about meeting the right one and I started concentrating on me. Everytime I meet someone I find something wrong with them. EVERYTIME! But that is my way of protecting myself from getting hurt. At least you have the guts and heart to give it a try.

I totally agree, make yourself happy, and you'll find some else who also makes you happy. If you look for it, you'll never find it.

Just figure out what you want and where you want to be.

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I totally agree, make yourself happy, and you'll find some else who also makes you happy. If you look for it, you'll never find it.

Just figure out what you want and where you want to be.

And it took me a realy long time to figure that out for myself. I didnt understand how things could come to me with out me looking for them. But they do. When you are happy with yourself and your life, it draws people to you. They become curious as to why you are so happy, why do you always have a smile on your face. It is a type of attraction. But becareful because it also attacts the envious. Which I laugh at. :laugh:

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I've come to the conclusion that I'm better off single. I'm not trying to say I'm perfect (I know I'm far from that), but it seems like whenever I'm in a relationship, I eventually realize that the person is not for me.

I realize that I really can't explain to you guys how I feel. It just sucks, I know that. :(

MEE TOO...I end up dating someone for a while then i realize they're just not 4 me...

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

MEE TOO...I end up dating someone for a while then i realize they're just not 4 me...

Thats the worst, 'cause you wasted all this time and effort all for nothing... then you have to start all over again. I hate dating process.

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Don't worry, you're still young...even if you don't know what you're looking for, you'll know when it finds you. As far as the dating process...if you had a good time and got to know an interesting person, it's never a waste..just a learning experience. Good luck! :)

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Originally posted by ReginaP

Don't worry, you're still young...even if you don't know what you're looking for, you'll know when it finds you. As far as the dating process...if you had a good time and got to know an interesting person, it's never a waste..just a learning experience. Good luck! :)

True! I guess youre right...Thanks for the support there Regina...

The search goes on...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

True! I guess youre right...Thanks for the support there Regina...

The search goes on...

Welcome...and don't spend too much time on the search...it's such a cliche but soooo true...it'll find you when you least expect it :)

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Guest bellaragazza

this hits so close to home. I've realized one really important thing about myself. I know i'm not perfect either but I'm constantly looking for perfection at first I told myself I was a bitch but I realize now that i'm looking for it because I know I can't find it.

Sometimes we just need to be alone to develop our own personalities and identities... when we are comfortable with that we can eventually be content with someone.. :)

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My exgirlfriend said almost the same thing. We were seeing each other for about 4yrs 3 steady. After being in this relationship for so long I felt that it should go to the next level and I wated to get married from there... She turns around and says Im moving to fast and that we're to young and that we should go on a break and develop our own life experience's first and achieve goals of our own before we got married... blah blah blah so now its been 2yrs and granted I have accumulated a vast amount of life experience,(two years may seem like a lil amount of time but a lot of shit happens in two years.) I now I do see what she was getting at, However I wouldve love to have experience them together as well...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

My exgirlfriend said almost the same thing. We were seeing each other for about 4yrs 3 steady. After being in this relationship for so long I felt that it should go to the next level and I wated to get married from there... She turns around and says Im moving to fast and that we're to young and that we should go on a break and develop our own life experience's first and achieve goals of our own before we got married... blah blah blah so now its been 2yrs and granted I have accumulated a vast amount of life experience,(two years may seem like a lil amount of time but a lot of shit happens in two years.) I now I do see what she was getting at, However I wouldve love to have experience them together as well...

you can experince with me anything u want ;)

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When I start talking to someone, I tend to pick out a lot of thngs and usually end up backing off.

I just don't want to get into a relationship if me and the guy don't click. Relationships are a lot to deal with...lots of stress...and if that person isn't worth the time, then why bother. All my friends think I am so picky..but I just think I know what I want out of a guy (personality, and attitude wise) and I don't want to compromise that and waste my time.

Since I haven't met anyone that I really click with..or even anyone interesting lately...I am just better off being single.

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