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Attn Board: Mugz Is Dead!

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Couldn't take his bitching and whining about his girlfriend leaving him. (burp)

Don't worry..it wasn't painfull for him!

I just snuck up behind him and gave him one big karate chop to the back of his mugwumpian neck..

Then it was all chow down for this pooch (hic)

must say..the guy sure pickled himself often nough'!

Eating Mugz was like tasting an olive at the bottom of a martini glass..

or a worm in a tequila bottle..(ooohhh)

my stomach!

Well good riddence to bad rubbish I say!

I'm taking over this sit house now!



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spit him back up right now. he is just lonely and depressed and misses his girl.... he will move forward soon enough. without him who will feed you, love you, and walk you..... without him paying the rent you will be a doggie of the streets as welllllll...

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Originally posted by stacychase

spit him back up right now. he is just lonely and depressed and misses his girl.... he will move forward soon enough. without him who will feed you, love you, and walk you..... without him paying the rent you will be a doggie of the streets as welllllll...


I didn't think about that!




(puts paw down throat)

I think I can feel him moving around in there..

ohhhh my tummy!




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Originally posted by sarahkim13

Wait, I thought Mugz was already dead and his clone was the one walking around Manhattan impersonnating him? So do you mean that you ate his clone?


well it WAS a clone..I mean Mugz was cloned..

BUT it was still Mugz..

we downloaded his memories back in his CLONED brain so it was still MUGZ..


Well Shooga..I guess I could wait till I pass him and see what happens..

If he's a big ol mess then I guess it's back to the Cloning lab!


he IS gonaa be pissed with me though..

more than likely the NEW cloned Mugz at the meetup will be a nasty grumpy one!


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KId, WTF Is wrong with you. You don't have nothing better to do all day other than pretend to be a fucking dog on a computer? I would understand if at least it was funny, but it's not. It's just sad. But everyone on this board is too kind hearted to tell you that.

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Originally posted by bastardino

KId, WTF Is wrong with you. You don't have nothing better to do all day other than pretend to be a fucking dog on a computer? I would understand if at least it was funny, but it's not. It's just sad. But everyone on this board is too kind hearted to tell you that.

no! Mugs/jenny is funny! the posts keep me through the 9 to 6 bullshit...

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Originally posted by bastardino

KId, WTF Is wrong with you. You don't have nothing better to do all day other than pretend to be a fucking dog on a computer? I would understand if at least it was funny, but it's not. It's just sad. But everyone on this board is too kind hearted to tell you that.

Well I sure as hell don't think Mugz is funny either..

damn guy thinks he's an alien from Mugwumpia..

And what's even more NOT funny is the fact that I've been constipated since I ate him Saturday night!

Oooohhhhh gaaawwwwd!

What have I done..?

Hey Bastardino..since your so full of shit most of the time in your threads then perhaps you can help this pooch out..

What do you do about that bloated feeling?


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please refer to my cut out and keep, guide to aftre death preservation

Man driving in to work this morning, a (rare) thought occurred to me. There are a hell of a lot of graveyards out in the burbs, I think this is a very worrying trend. I mean there are a hell of a lot of people in America, how long before 3/4 of the country are graveyards? How long before on hot days the whole of the US smells worse than an open NY drain cover?

I would therefore like to offer some alternatives...

1) Cremation. It's simple, cheap and fun. What we like to do in England is get a different urn for every family member (roughly in proportion to the family member size). The we like to put the urn in a prominent position in the house and stick a photo of that person on the front of the urn. And remember, cremation is not JUST for family members, your pet's can be conserved this way.

2) For the richer people, taxidermy. This is a little more expensive, but imagine having your very own family Madame Tousords in your house or apartment! Taxidermy can extend the life of your family member by 1000 years or more! Have fun arranging your family member around the house, the literally become part of the furniture. TIP : You only get what you pay for, so unless you want your race horse to look like grandma on a juicing cycle - get the best.

I am worried about the future of the beautiful country, so let's all try to be more responsible.

This has been a public heath announcement on behalf of the Texas Taxidermy association.

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Originally posted by thehacker

if you are what you eat,

then by eating mugz (or his clone, rather)

what have u become?!

the mind BOGGLES.

Watch out. He's become a scary Sexybitchjenny-mugwumpian hybrid creature. he'll unleash his wrath on CP @ any moment. be afraid! be VERY afraid


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Watch out. He's become a scary Sexybitchjenny-mugwumpian hybrid creature. he'll unleash his wrath on CP @ any moment. be afraid! be VERY afraid


Dear lord...I hadn't thought of that...

What if sbj starts doing those obnoxious repeat x1000 posts??? In dog-speak?????

I'm calling my therapist now...

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And it wasn't pretty!

So I beamed the remains back to Mugwumpia where the cloning process is taking place as I type this..

Funny that you humans still debate this technology..


it's quite standard from where Mugz and I come from..

But then again we only clone "great minds" or those that deserve it..

(ie: show a benefit for Mugwumpians in some grand achivement)

and as we ALL know..MUGZ is hear on a mission..

In any case I just got a brain fax and they tell me he is on his way in less than

half an hour..

(and boy does he sound pissed!):blank:

i'll be off the boards for a while after his return I supose!

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Dude, you're truly sad. I don't think professional help will even benefit you. At least I type my opinions on here, if they happen to be contreversial so be it. I don't sit here and pretend to be a fucking dog. Do you even realize how fucking dumb you appear to be to everyone on here? Do you spend 19hrs a day at your computer? Why don't you for once post something intellilgent, somethings that actually makes sense and relates to the theme of this board.

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