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Is....... as always coming on this board thinking its about a Mutual love and respect for nite clubs and MOST IMPORTANTLY music..it used to be the type of music that NOT everyone knew or had access to... now everyone who listens to 103.5 is a dance music coniseur(sp)!! which isnt really the problem its just those of you who feel that the Kind of Music YOU like is the RIGHT<or COOL shit thats fine ..but closed minded , and in direct opposition of what music is,interpretive and ART.... HHEEELLOOO!!! My other mistake was reading this board after about 6mos only to find its gotten even more redundant, the same discussions and only a FEW "Good Samaritains" trying to share what theyve expierienced..and turn others on in order to get others to enjoy it too!!! I also dont think Ive EVER been more embarrassed to be from Jersey!!! THIS is the JERSEY Board???? its enough to make me want to move.

PS If anyone from another city or Country is reading this board(and they do!!) Only about 10% of what you read on this board is Indicitive of the Musical climate in New Jersey, the rest are a aliens from another Planet who lack the ability to learn grow or respect others Suggestions!!(notice i said suggestions not opinions..thats a whole other can of worms) Those of You from Jersey who post about "meet-ups"and getting fucked up and SANDSTORM SANDSTORM...and umm Mindy k ...and SANDSTORM !!oughtta be ashamed of yourselves. New Jersey boasts some of the greatest club music pioneers,and theyd probably shit themselves to hear the BULLSHIT that goes on here on the so called "JERSEY" board..Im OUTTA HERE!!!! WTF!!!

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Guest saleen351

PS If anyone from another city or Country is reading this board(and they do!!) Only about 10% of what you read on this board is Indicitive of the Musical climate in New Jersey, the rest are a aliens from another Planet who lack the ability to learn grow or respect others Suggestions!!(notice i said suggestions not opinions..thats a whole other can of worms) Those of You from Jersey who post about "meet-ups"and getting fucked up and SANDSTORM SANDSTORM...and umm Mindy k ...and SANDSTORM !!oughtta be ashamed of yourselves. New Jersey boasts some of the greatest club music pioneers,and theyd probably shit themselves to hear the BULLSHIT that goes on here on the so called "JERSEY" board..Im OUTTA HERE!!!! WTF!!!

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"VOICE" is right about some shit, but who the fuk are you to talk about jersey or other people, and how they use the board? And who cares what others think of jersey, let em come here and experience it for themselves.

PS=I hate sandstorm, but think Myndy K (not Mindy how you spelled it) has a great voice. Now that I think about it, you probably dont know shit about music or Jersey. Stop trying to sound better than us, cause your not. And I am 99.9% sure I could stomp your face in, so ease up!:D

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NO offence but i think we should be all over "THE PULSE" . First, I dont think there is any love for you on this board after the accident. and if you have a problem with that ill gladly post what i already know!!!!Second stop spending time on line and PLEASE learn how to DJ!!! You know that thing that sounds like a Bass drum???? Its actually the last beat that you missed!! If you are at the surf club next year i can only hope that they actually turn that plot of land into condos so we dont have to hear you and your lame attempt at DJ'ing..................O(this is in no way relective of the great people that work there).... Peeeety we love you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by tempkid

Hey voice I'll knock your fucking teeth out.

How's that sound?

Is that the only respose you have? To everyone's posts you threaten to beat them up...what your brain in incapable of coming up with a more intellectual come back.

Just shut up already. I don't give a shit if you have the capability to bash anyones face in. Stop trying to be such a macho juicehead because all it shows is that you are a moron.

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voice so true...

the twilo board was the shit...everyone super cool..and respected everyones suggestions as you say..

but whatever you cant please everyone..

most of the Squids on the board who Know so much about MUZIK!!!

are on the jersey board..

so its point less to state any thing outside of the Jersey mentality...


so many squids

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Is that the only respose you have? To everyone's posts you threaten to beat them up...what your brain in incapable of coming up with a more intellectual come back.

Just shut up already. I don't give a shit if you have the capability to bash anyones face in. Stop trying to be such a macho juicehead because all it shows is that you are a moron.

I'm sorry sweetie.

I'm sorry you took such offense.

Please forgive me. I'm also not a juicehead.

Lets hang out sometime.

When you turn 21 in 3 years I'll buy you a shot.

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Originally posted by tempkid

I'm sorry sweetie.

I'm sorry you took such offense.

Please forgive me. I'm also not a juicehead.

Lets hang out sometime.

When you turn 21 in 3 years I'll buy you a shot.

Aww thanks...your such a sweet guy. Damn a guy that goes to Temps that is not a juicehead...never thought I would see that.

How is it you know my age?

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God why is it so hard for people to realize this board is something different to everyone on it. Some use it to get music info,where to go info, meet people, make their day go by, and some us it and make it entertainment. Don't jugde it. I find it entertaining. And not for nothing the meet-ups are awesome. I have met some really cool people and some great drinking buddies. NEVER am I ashamed of what goes on this board nor of Jersey. Get over it.

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