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Employees Must Wash Hands...

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(damn, didnt' realize I posted this on the jersey board also)

OK, by NO means am I the BATHROOM POLICE BUT...

There are 2 women at my job that each time they use the "facilities", they walk out w/out washing their hands!!! EEUUUU

I can understand if they did it once but it's everytime I see them in there!!! Another co-worker also noticed this. Now I have to wear latex gloves to use the fax or copier.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

that's so funny. the trend around here is to wash your hands, dry them with two paper towels and then use the paper towels to open the two doors to exit the restroom! never, ever touch the door handle with your bare hands!!!!

you also have to turn off the water with a towel. i mean, you go right from touching yourself and stuff to the sink and turn it on - that's sort of ok. everyone else did the same thing (eww!), but you're about to wash.

the problem is when you're done you need to touch the faucet again...

all bathrooms should have doors that push open from the inside.

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Thats so funny that you guys are talking about not touching the door, faucet, etc. I always try to avoid touching the door as much as possible. I've also wondered why they don't make the doors push out but the reason they don't do that is in case of an emergency. If the hallway was crowded because of a fire or something and the door was blocked then they wouldn't be able to push the door out. But then they should just make the entrance to the bathroom recessed in the wall but I guess they figure it's too much trouble. Just stick to the double paper towel method!:rolleyes:

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Is it too much to ask for the person to FLUSH? It's real annoying walking into the stall and seeing a toilet filled w/ dirty toilet paper.

The funny thing is that these two women swear they're the epidome(sp?) of shi-shi. Guccied and Armanied down yet they can't wash their hands.

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Originally posted by xxlea

Is it too much to ask for the person to FLUSH? It's real annoying walking into the stall and seeing a toilet filled w/ dirty toilet paper.

The funny thing is that these two women swear they're the epidome(sp?) of shi-shi. Guccied and Armanied down yet they can't wash their hands.

I think it's spelled epitome. :D

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Originally posted by shugabooga

and while we're on the topic of hygiene, i'd like to add:

- please wash your hands after you sneeze


- don't forget to wash your hands when you get off the subway and before you start your work day.

thank you.:tongue:

Yes Mommy..

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Originally posted by shugabooga

and while we're on the topic of hygiene, i'd like to add:

- please wash your hands after you sneeze


- don't forget to wash your hands when you get off the subway and before you start your work day.

thank you.:tongue:

...and it's always a good idea to wash your hands before you grab a cigarette if you happen to have just masterbated.

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...also don't forget to wash your hands after washing your hands just in case the first time around you touched something dirty, like dirty water. After washing you hands please proceed to your plastic bubble and clean the air filtration system. This will land you back at square one becuse the filter is dirty, so go back and wash your hands once again. But don't leave your bubble unattended because someone might sneeze in it. Alawys park your bubble in a safe spot with the zipper locked tight. I wish I had a bubble, the world would be so different if we all lived in big giant bubbles. Anyone ever see Tom Green's episode? Damn it's how out. I wish I had an air conditioned bubble.

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Originally posted by teklord310

...also don't forget to wash your hands after washing your hands just in case the first time around you touched something dirty, like dirty water. After washing you hands please proceed to your plastic bubble and clean the air filtration system. This will land you back at square one becuse the filter is dirty, so go back and wash your hands once again. But don't leave your bubble unattended because someone might sneeze in it. Alawys park your bubble in a safe spot with the zipper locked tight. I wish I had a bubble, the world would be so different if we all lived in big giant bubbles. Anyone ever see Tom Green's episode? Damn it's how out. I wish I had an air conditioned bubble.

this is no joke.

after a hospital stay (one of many in my life - LONG story;

maybe i'll take the 3/4 hours it would take to author a post

about it; someday...) i become rather obsessive-compulsive

about washing my hands...

lasted about two months, until i'd look down at my

cracked, dry hands and think to myself "what's WRONG

with you?! get over it!"

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Originally posted by teklord310

...also don't forget to wash your hands after washing your hands just in case the first time around you touched something dirty, like dirty water. After washing you hands please proceed to your plastic bubble and clean the air filtration system. This will land you back at square one becuse the filter is dirty, so go back and wash your hands once again. But don't leave your bubble unattended because someone might sneeze in it. Alawys park your bubble in a safe spot with the zipper locked tight. I wish I had a bubble, the world would be so different if we all lived in big giant bubbles. Anyone ever see Tom Green's episode? Damn it's how out. I wish I had an air conditioned bubble.

I agree, you people definately think too much. You will end up like the Japanese with one use pencils. How about throwing the toilet seat away after you have finished your business, or automatically sterilize the whole room.

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Not to mention I see a lot of people who:

1) don't wash their hands before eating...a no-no

2) I've seen work at a deli and they handle coldcuts AND money (they cough on the food, pick their nose, etc.)

3) buy a soda can and the top is dirty (they open it & sip it)

4) Subways are plain Nasty (poles/handles are mad greasy...seats etc.)

I'm not saying wash your hands every 5 seconds but I think that if everyone was a bit germ conscious we'd live in a cleaner society & evironment.....



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Thanks guys, I've had a laugh this morning.

Has anybody thought of washing their hands before going to the bathroom and touching your self with your dirty hands? This applies only to guys in most cases. Or are you just thinking of everyone else and not your selves?:idea:

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Originally posted by trancedkitten

Not to mention I see a lot of people who:

2) I've seen work at a deli and they handle coldcuts AND money (they cough on the food, pick their nose, etc.)



The real question here that we all would like to know is, What does it taste like?

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