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What was the first pill you ever dropped and where did u drop it?

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mine was a rolex (i think thats waht it is.. with the crown). it was nye about 4 years ago. no one really told me anything about the shit so we were in the car (my friend was driving) picking up people - so i was like ok well let me take this now so by the time we hit the party we were going to i would start to feel it. so itake the whole thing... we stopped at my friends house to pick up something and the 3 of us are sittingin her room...all of a sudden it hit me like ton of bricks. i couldnt move at all. i couldnt feel my legs. i was curled up in the fetal postion rocking back and forth on her bed. and we had to leave to get to this party. so i had to walk by her EXTREMELY christian family - who just at that moment decide to have a spiritual convo with me - when all i could do was stare at them and say to myself "ok try to feel your legs so you can walk out the door" over and over in my head.

i got to the party and i swear to god i thought i was dying. i was so sick but couldnt yack, i still couldnt move, i was freezing cold (when i had a million blankets on and was in front of a fireplace) and was just miserable. my friends never did it that night bc they were taking care of me. they all got too scared and were trying to get people at the party who had done the shit before to see if i was ok. after that night i swore i would never do it again.. but well in any event i waited a year and did it again. obviously i shouldnt have done the whole pill that night - which no one told me- and the pill was just not a great one. needless to say- that nye sucked

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The first pill I took was not really E. I think it was crystal or something because I danced for about 8 hours straight without getting tired.

The following weekend I did my first real roll. I don't know what it was called, but it was about three times the size of today's pills, and there were lots of brown spots in it. I took half and may as well have been on the moon for all I knew. This was in 95, I was still in school, so I dropped at this club in New Orleans called Oz. Those queens at the club never knew what hit them, all they saw was some little girl flying around the club like the Tasmanian Devil!!!

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my first was on a NYE as well, coming up on 9 years ago. i was up in NY state w/ my friend in his home town. he had done a bunch of drugs before and at this party run into some friends of his. they hooked us up with some tabs and we left. i took it and i remember them telling me that i should suck on it, so i did. about 45 minutes later, i realized i was still chewing this piece of paper, i walked out of the house we were in and spit it out, as i did i fell over and just started laughing at everything. i guess the cold air just triggered everything because i'd been pretty distracted by what was going on in the house. i must have been out there for a while because my friend comes out and finds me there laughing, it was at this point i realized what was happening, that i was tripping for the first time in my life. it was amazing. i went back inside just as the ball was dropping and people were popping champagne. a little later i went out onto the back deck and found a box full of champagne bottles, which was amazing because i had been wanting to pop one for what seemed like hours. i started shaking them up and popping the tops off, i must have done 10, it was so much fun. the night ended about 5ish with us sitting in this song listening to Omaha by the Counting Crows over and over. i never liked the Counting Crows except for that one song. it was a great night. my abs hurt for days after that from laughing so much.

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white euro...long time ago...didn't go to a party, but rolled with a friend....nite was soooo amazing...and then reality hit the next morning which sucked...

first time i rolled at a party was at this club in DC called Nation...it is kinda like exit (factory setting) ....that was soo amazing...and i wouldn't stop dancing for like 5 hours straight...that was a pill called Buddha i think..small yellow one

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I wasn't into pills or anything but back in January, i decided to drop with my good friends at Exit. I took an 8 1/2 double stack and that night at Exit they had mad movie screens and were playing the Fifth Element and a porn and freaky shit. Had the best time of my life that night... Was dancing for hours. :D

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My first pill was actually when I was selling. It was a crown and I was fucked up at my friends open house. Afriend of mine and I went outside to smoke a cigarette and by the time he lit his I was finished with mine. That was early 98. I stopped selling all drugs after I got rid of everything. Two months later I got my hands on 3 sunshines (the originals dont know if you guys remember these) and I have yet to do a pill that could do what just one of these pills could do. Me and two of my friends took them and I swear to you that I peaked for 5 fucking hours. Unfuckingbelievable!!!! Never will a pill like that even be closely resembled.

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nice positive thread...

lets give the political powers that are sucking the life out of nyc nightlife some more ammunition..

what shall we talk about now..hmm...what was the name of the first girl you molested at a club.

come on people..you all should know better....keep it underground...keep it between friends.


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I started later then all you. It was a year ago this coming weekend. Took a Pink Pikachu, it was at the Tunnel when Johnny Vicious started his residency. As I look back at it now I barely even felt anything from the pill. But ofcourse it was my first so I loved it when I took it.

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A Blue Ninja, just this June.I didn't want to do for months and my boyfriend kept nagging me about it until I finally dropped one..and it was fucking marvelous.I even got one for my sister and then I took half a pill later because I didn't want to overdo it my first time.It was great. But I doubt I'd want to try E again because I heard it destroys an important hormone in a gland in your brain and that's just fucked up.I'll stick to smoking pot. :)

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the first pill i ever took was about 4 years ago it was a mitsubishi turbo (those were great) i dropped on my way to a party with my older sisters friends, lets just say it was an awesome experience in a huge house that was very cold with a jacuzzi and mirrors all around, the fact that there were so many hot guys there was awesome i had my pick and got the one i really wanted he defineltly gave me a night of PURE Ecstacy lol! it was a night i will never forget I've been hooked on e since!


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